Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 521 I Can't Wait

Chapter 521 I Can't Wait
When Du Xiushen said this, his face became even more gloomy.Lin Yi felt a lot relieved when he heard the words. It seems that this Du Xiushen has already realized a little bit.

"Then should we fight now or not? Thanks to you, I have already warmed up. If I can relax my muscles and bones again, I think I would be more happy." Lin Yi smiled lightly, and just a look made the present It was hard for Du Xiushen to bear it.

Du Xiushen wiped the sweat from his forehead, shook his head quickly, and said: "No more fights, no more fights, there is absolutely no need to continue the fights! Lord Saint Emperor, even if you give me 1 guts, I will not dare to fight you!" ah!"

"Huh! You are a bitch, you have to beat me up! Forget it, I don't bother to argue with you. Are you going or staying? If my guess is right, there will be a few more guests soon It's coming." When Lin Yi said this, there was a sudden exclamation from the foot of the mountain.

A large dark cloud suddenly appeared in the originally blue sky. The dark cloud was full of evil and murderous aura, which was obviously not a good thing.

"What is that? Could it be a monster? How is this possible? When did those monsters become so arrogant that they dare to come out in broad daylight." Du Xiushen said incredulously, staring at the dark cloud intently.

Lin Yi sneered, and said, "Do you really not know, or do you pretend you don't know? Those guys are demons from the Poison God Sect, and Zhou Yan has long cooperated with the Poison God Sect. So, those demons are actually the Zhou Yan Sect Come. Hehe, what are you going to do? You have come for reinforcements, shouldn’t it be time to show your true colors and continue fighting with me?”

"Lord Holy Emperor, what are you talking about! Our Du family has always been the absolute supporter of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, and is also the adjudicator of His Majesty's stay in the world, dedicated to destroying those evil forces. Now, these evil forces Appearing in front of me, how can I escape?" Du Xiu was righteous, with a dignified look.

Lin Yi was surprised by his appearance. He was stunned for a few seconds, then smiled lightly and said, "Then trust you for once, but I'm not sure about this battle. If I can't protect you by then, you will Find a way to escape by yourself. Don't talk too much, and prepare to welcome guests."

Lin Yi interrupted what Du Xiushen was about to say. As soon as the words fell, the black air in the sky began to sink to the ground. After a while, there was a miserable cry on the ground. Some weaker warriors were directly swallowed by the black mist up.

"How dare you blatantly attack my people, it seems that I don't need to be polite to you!" Du Xiushen snorted coldly, and flew out without waiting for Lin Yi to speak.

With a few cuts, half of the dark clouds on the ground were split, revealing the members of the Poison God Cult who were gnawing at the Dragon Fury Warrior.

Du Xiushen was furious, and was about to kill those guys, when a cold snort suddenly came out from the black cloud.

"It seems that Zhou Yan didn't cooperate sincerely, and the promised sacrifice actually resisted. I really don't know what to do!"

Du Xiushen couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but before he could react, his saber light was scattered by the black air, and a powerful impact sent him flying, blood gushing wildly.

Lin Yi's face suddenly changed. He knew Du Xiushen's strength very well. He was only half a step away from entering the spiritual energy realm at the peak of the alchemy realm.If it weren't for his special skills, it would be impossible to defeat him.

However, the fact that the people in the black mist can easily defeat Du Xiushen is enough to prove that his strength has at least reached the spiritual realm.

There was a sneer at the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and he said, "Zhou Yan really took good care of me, and the whetstones he sent me are better than the other, I like it!"

He quickly appeared behind Du Xiushen, and a few divine meridian needles pierced into Du Xiushen's body. Under the treatment of the Shinto Holy Healing Technique, Du Xiushen recovered more than half of his injuries.

There was a wry smile on his face, at this moment he finally understood that what Lin Yi said was right.

"Lord Holy Emperor, I was really wrong. I really didn't expect that guy Zhou Yan to degenerate to such a point. He really betrayed the country and surrendered to the enemy, and even murdered his compatriots. It is an unforgivable crime..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. If you have the time, you might as well think about how to defeat those guys. Leave the most powerful one to me, and leave the rest to you and your subordinates. Remember, If you can't fight, just run, don't lose your life here." Of course Lin Yi knew his current situation, he had fewer and fewer people under his command, and any master was very important to him, and he couldn't afford to lose.

Du Xiushen nodded, his body was floating in the air, and he shouted to the panicked Dragon Fury warriors on the ground: "Brothers, the Xiaoxiao people of the Poison God Sect have colluded with Zhou Yan, intending to get our hands on China. He Shan, this kind of thing cannot be tolerated by any Chinese person with passion! Our Huaxia’s spine will never be bent, and we vow to fight to the end with these young people! Anyone who offends China will be punished no matter how far away!”

"Even if you are far away, you will be punished! Even if you are far away, you will be punished!" All the warriors shouted, and their blood was completely ignited with a few words.

Lin Yi did not expect that Du Xiushen still had such abilities, and this kind of appeal really surprised him.

Lin Yi smiled lightly and said, "It seems that I have to work hard."

With a thought in his mind, the killing god tree in his body suddenly began to grow, and then extended to the palm of his hand.

His brows were slightly frowned, obviously, such pain was a bit unbearable.

Soon, a branch appeared in his hand, and then, a black flame burned on the branch. Under the casting of the black flame, soon, the branch turned into the shape of a knife, which was actually the same as the previous evil knife. exactly the same.

Lin Yi sighed, and said to himself: "It would be great if the evil knife is here, aren't these guys one knife at a time?"

"Yo? You finally miss me, is it okay to know me?" Lin Yi suddenly heard a playful voice in his heart, it turned out to be the voice of Xie Dao!
Lin Yi's face changed suddenly, and he said in surprise: "Xie Dao, aren't you dead? Why are you still alive? Where are you now?"

"Damn! You just died! I am the master sword spirit of God Killing Blade, how could I die so easily? After I exhausted my strength last time, I slept a trace of true spirit in your body. Your cultivation is close to aura I will be able to wake up when I am in this state, and now it seems that I wake up at the right time!" Xie Dao said with a smile, with a look of fighting spirit.

Lin Yi sighed softly, and said: "Your blade is gone, what else can you do for me? You should sleep in my body and wait for me to find a new blade for you."

"Are you stupid? Isn't the blade you are holding in your hand the best blade? Hehe, the blade of the Killing God Blade was originally grown from the Killing God Tree. Don't you even know this? ? Hurry up and let me and the blade become one, I can't wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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