Chapter 522

Xie Dao looked eager to try, it was definitely more belligerent than Lin Yi.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Okay, then let me see if your strength has become stronger."

Lin Yi clenched the evil knife tightly, and appeared in the sky in the blink of an eye. At this moment, a black shadow suddenly flew out of the black mist, and a black light greeted Lin Yi.

Lin Yi snorted coldly, swung the knife, and smashed the black light into pieces.Not only was the black light chopped into pieces, even the black shadow was blown away, quite embarrassing.

The black energy on that black figure dissipated, revealing an extremely handsome face, that is a strange young man.

Although he looks young, Lin Yi can feel that he is at least over 40 years old, and he may be at the level of a monster.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of a person, smiled and said: "You are a member of the Poison God Sect, could it be that you are that idiot??"

"My name is Da Sabi, am I not a big fool?!" The young man shouted, with a look of anger filling his chest.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and said, "Isn't that stupid? I'm sorry, but my dialect is heavy and I can't change it."

Lin Yi didn't expect that Shura's first disciples had already reached the spiritual realm, so what kind of strength would that Shura have?
Lin Yi remembered what Mu Ze had said to him. Before that, Mu Ze had defeated Zhou Yan and Da Sabi by himself. In other words, Mu Ze's current strength was already so perverted!

It seems that the next time I see Mu Ze, I might be beaten up by him.Thinking about it, Lin Yi was really upset.

Da Sabi's mood gradually calmed down, he looked at Lin Yi calmly, and said: "I know that your name is Lin Yi, and you are the boss of Zhou Yan. Your strength is indeed good, and you can beat me The attack with [-]% power was scattered, and you were able to repel me by chance, so you must be complacent and ecstatic because of this result, right?"

"Complacent? Overjoyed? Are you talking about me?" Lin Yi asked in amazement, and suddenly he realized that that guy was a joke at all.

Da Sabi's blow just now was at least [-]% of his strength, and Lin Yi could not be wrong about this.

Although Lin Yi is only at the late stage of Dan Qi, but with the evil knife and the power of the tree of killing gods in his body, it is not difficult to deal with Da Sabi.

Moreover, Lin Yi found that even though his current injury has not completely healed, his strength has returned to the level before the injury.

That is to say, this is an opportunity, if his injury can be completely healed, maybe he can reach the spiritual state in one fell swoop!

"Do you think that the aura will kill me? Do you think you can kill me with your meager strength? It's ridiculous!" Lin Yi suddenly laughed, and his voice echoed in the sky.

At this moment, in the small world, the Town Demon Tower, which had been very calm all this time, suddenly began to tremble, and then flew out directly, penetrated the small world, and flew towards Pinghu.

Solanum nigrum and the others were all stunned, completely unaware of what happened.

"It seems that the boy has become stronger." Tian Lingzi's body sounded ghostly in the room, startling all the girls.

Bai Bingbing glared at him angrily, and said, "What's the matter with you? Are you trying to scare us to death?"

Tian Lingzi smiled dryly and said, "I'm sorry, I'm really a ghost now, I'll definitely let you know next time, hehe..."

"Senior Tian Lingzi, what's going on? Could it be that Lin Yi summoned the Demon Town Tower?" Solanum nigrum asked in a low voice.

"Who else but that kid? I really didn't expect that kid's strength has reached that level, and he can summon the Demon Town Tower away from such a distance. If I guessed correctly, his strength is at least as high as The spiritual energy has reached." Tian Lingzi stroked his beard with a very clear look.

"Then can we help him? He must have encountered a very powerful opponent for summoning the Demon Town Tower away. I want to help him!" Hua Chuchu said anxiously.

"For a strong opponent, it will be useful if you go. To put it bluntly, if you don't go, maybe Lin Yi can solve the opponent, but if you go, Lin Yi may be over. These examples abound, for example, They caught one of you to threaten Lin Yi, and at that time, it will be a tragedy!" Tian Lingzi shook his head and sighed, and the words made all the girls fall silent.

After a while, Solanum nigrum stood up and said: "Since we can't go to help him, we should do something we can, such as destroying all those outside, so as to save Lin Yi from trouble."

"I also agree. I haven't done anything for a long time. If I don't fight anymore, I'm afraid I'm going to be rusty." Weiwei smiled, and she was not used to it because she was always belligerent.

"Take me and my sister. Although we are the weakest, it's good to be a cheerleader, right, sister." He Yueru laughed, and He Yueshu on the side didn't speak, but from her From the look in her eyes, it was obvious that she was also very yearning.

Surprisingly, Tian Lingzi didn't stop him, instead he smiled slightly and said, "Then let's start to fight back. Zhou Yan transferred most of the masters to Pinghu, and now the number of people outside is obviously much smaller. With our current combat power, we can crush them. Absolutely no problem."

When Tian Lingzi said this, the fire in his eyes flickered. It was obvious that he was also a militant.

Far away on the battlefield of Pinghu, Lin Yi stood in the air, like an invincible god of war.

When the Demon Suppressing Tower appeared in his hands, his aura soared even more, and Da Sabi was completely shocked by that strength.

Lin Yi gently stroked the Zhenyao Pagoda, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Long time no see, I didn't expect you to hear my call. Go, devour all those demons, leave no one behind!"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the Demon Town Tower flew out and appeared above the heads of the members of the Poison God Sect.

A huge suction erupted from the Demon Suppressing Tower, crazily swallowing those evildoers of the Poison God Sect, and soon, the battlefield became much cleaner.

The Gorefiend was very excited in the Demon Suppressing Tower. For the first time, he discovered that Lin Yi was so talkative that he let him swallow it casually. Could it be that Lin Yi is so confident?

Gorefiend doesn't have time to think so much. Improving his strength is the most important thing. He has always been willing to refuse these foods.

"Damn you!" Da Sabi panicked all of a sudden, he yelled, and rushed towards Lin Yi, a bloodthirsty breath erupted from him.

Lin Yi smiled lightly, and with a wave of his hand, a blade of light spanned hundreds of meters and slashed towards the top of his head, simple and easy.

"Don't underestimate me! I want you to know how big the gap is between us before!" Da Sabi roared angrily, slowly separated his hands, and a round black light ball quietly appeared.

He threw it violently, and the ball of light shot towards Lin Yi. The moment it got close to Lin Yi, it suddenly expanded and swallowed Lin Yi's body!

(End of this chapter)

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