Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 523 Fighting Instinct

Chapter 523 Fighting Instinct

Darkness, it is a feeling as if falling into endless darkness.

Lin Yi felt very strange, he didn't know how Da Sabi could change the space.

At this moment, a strong sense of crisis hit him, and he subconsciously turned to the left. Suddenly, blood splattered on his right shoulder, and a wound was shockingly deep.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, because he didn't even see Da Sabi's figure, not only that, but he couldn't hear any sound, everything seemed to fall into deathly silence.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be able to feel it. I'm really surprised." Da Sabi's voice sounded in Lin Yi's mind, and he actually used soul transmission.

Lin Yi's expression changed slightly, and he swung his knife suddenly behind him, but it hit the empty space.

A stabbing pain came from his back, and blood spattered again. This time, Lin Yi didn't even feel a sense of crisis.

"I didn't expect you to have such a method. It seems that I really underestimated you." Lin Yi said coldly, he didn't know what was going on, the only possibility was that this was Da Sabi's domain.

"Hahaha, despair, tremble, it is impossible for you to survive from my demon king's space, and I will not let you die so easily. I will cut off all your flesh and blood with one knife, and let you Feel it, what is real fear!" As soon as Da Sabi finished speaking, Lin Yi's arm was struck again, but fortunately, with the powerful healing ability of Shenmai needle, the wound stopped bleeding and scabbed in a short while.

Lin Yi's face was very heavy. Even though Da Sabi only gave him a little physical injury, if it hit a vital point, would he be able to resist it?The answer to this question, he himself is not sure.

Moreover, what made him feel unbelievable was that his killing area could not be expanded, and all the rules seemed to be controlled by Da Sabi, and he had no room to resist.

"Stupid? You gave up so quickly? Don't forget, you still have me! What about the closed five senses? Fighting is the most important thing, isn't it? The five senses are gone, you still have the sixth sense, then It's the instinct to fight!" Xie Dao's voice sounded in Lin Yi's mind, and Lin Yi's face suddenly changed, and he seemed to be completely enlightened for a moment.

"Battle instinct? Hehe, I understand." A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and the stone on his chest was also released.

Da Sabi looked at Lin Yi, who was smiling in the dark, with a look of surprise on his face, because he felt a sense of danger from Lin Yi.

As soon as that feeling appeared, he was left behind by him. He couldn't figure out why he had such an idea. Under the circumstances that were completely beneficial to him, could he still lose?This is absolutely impossible!
"Don't play tricks on me!" Da Sabi suddenly roared and swung his knife at Lin Yi.

His knife slashed towards the top of Lin Yi's head at an extremely fast speed. As long as the slash was real, Lin Yi would definitely be split in half!
However, what happened next made him stunned for a moment, Lin Yi actually raised his hand and grabbed his knife directly.

Seeing this situation, he immediately wanted to deflect the blade, but the move was so old that he had no time to change it, so Lin Yi grabbed the blade.

At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly felt his mind clear up, seeing things that he couldn't see before very clearly.

"Hehe, the Demon King's Space, it turns out that you have to do this to see it. It's really interesting." Lin Yi smiled lightly, and swung the knife, and a deep wound appeared on Da Sabi's body, which was almost split in half by Lin Yi.

He was about to throw away the knife and run away, but Lin Yi let go of the knife and said with a smile, "The feeling just now was not good, why don't you do it again? Hehe, I want to see if my sixth sense is not working."

Lin Yi's palms were bleeding, but his fighting spirit remained undiminished.Da Sabi was stunned for a moment, it was the first time he saw that a person would be so crazy when fighting alone, it was more terrifying than the Shura clan!

However, his identity made him really unable to swallow this breath. He had killed countless masters in the Demon King's space, and this time, he couldn't fail either!

"It must have been an accident just now, he happened to catch my knife, it must be like this! Boy, since you are pretending, don't blame me for cutting you into pieces!" Da Sabi's face was extremely fierce, and he shook his body, The body turned into three, attacking Lin Yi from three directions.

Only one of the three clones is real, but the other two have one-tenth of the attack power of the main body, and they have the same aura as the main body.

Da Sabi concluded that even if Lin Yi could really feel his attack, he would never be able to choose the correct one from the three attacks.

Thinking of this, the smile on his face became more intense, and he even forgot that his current wound hadn't healed yet and was bleeding.

Lin Yi smiled, and he smiled very comfortably, and then he closed his eyes again, as if he was enjoying this feeling.

"Thank you for letting me know that fighting according to instinct is such a joy." Lin Yi smiled lightly, and slowly raised the evil knife.

Da Sabi's face turned dark, and he shouted: "Your instinct is my sister! I will kill you!"

With a bang, an unbelievable scene happened. His two avatars did hit Lin Yi, but they were blocked by a holy force, unable to cut in at all.

But the knife he swung was blocked by Lin Yi with an evil knife. Lin Yi moved his face closer, opened his eyes, and showed a faint smile on his face.

"I forgot to tell you, Weiwei gave me three chances to protect me, which happened to be useful. Unexpectedly, it really blocked your attack." Lin Yi chuckled, and with a wave of the evil knife, Da Sabi's right arm slid Say goodbye to him.

At this moment, the entire Demon King's space completely collapsed, turning into dots of black light and disappearing.

Da Sabi clutched his blood-spitting right arm, floating in the air with great difficulty, panting.

The wound on Lin Yi's body was emitting white smoke, and he was recovering extremely quickly.There was a smile on his face, he looked at Da Sabi, and said, "Stupid? How do you feel? From now on, you can change your name to the One-armed Swordsman. That stupid? Does the name sound much better?"

Lin Yi didn't forget to humiliate this guy well. He glanced around from the corner of his eye, and the group of guys from the Poison God Sect were killed and collected, and they were almost finished.

Those Dragon Fury warriors killed each and every one with enthusiasm, and the smell of blood was astonishingly strong.

With two swishes, there were two more people beside Lin Yi, they turned out to be Qin Xu and Wu Du.

Lin Yi gave them an angry look, and said, "It's too late for you to come. I'm about to settle the battle, so you just came here slowly. You didn't want to help me collect the corpse, did you?"

"Amitabha, Master Lin, Master Qin and I have tried our best to come here. However, there are too many demons in the Poison God Sect. We have been killing for a long time before we can kill a bloody road and come to support you. If Master Lin is angry, then Let the poor monk do the rest of the knife."

(End of this chapter)

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