Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 524 Can You Let Me Cleave Again

Chapter 524 Can You Let Me Cleave Again

After Wudu finished speaking, he even licked his lips, he didn't look like an abbot or an eminent monk at all.

Qin Xu couldn't help but coughed lightly, "Abbot Wudu, pay attention to his image, ahem, a lot of people are watching!"

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at the two of them, and said, "You two should just watch from the sidelines, and I will settle my affairs by myself."

Holding the evil knife in his hand, Lin Yi walked towards Da Sabi step by step.Wudu's words are really nonsense, he has gone through all kinds of hard work, beat that guy like this, he wants to take the head from himself, of course it is impossible!

Wudu looked lost, and softly called out the Buddha's name, saying: "I will not go to hell for sins and sins. Whoever goes to hell, it is better for the poor monk to kill the sin. However, since benefactor Lin wants to do it himself, of course the poor monk can't." stop."

When Wudu said these words, even Qin Xu gave him a blank look, expressing contempt.

Da Sabi had already lost his fighting spirit, and under such circumstances, he had no thought of resisting at all.

He had sent a distress signal to his master Asura just now, and now, he only wanted Asura to come early and save him from the fire and water.

However, he also knew that such an idea was impossible.Not to mention how far India is from here, even if it was really close, Asura probably wouldn't come back to save him.

Asura has always been wary of him, guarding him like a thief, how could he risk his life to save him.

Thinking of this, his body trembled extremely. He had imagined the ending of his death countless times, but he never thought that he would die so aggrieved.

Lin Yi's cultivation level is clearly lower than his, but why, why was Lin Yi able to break his demon space and beat him into this appearance?
He couldn't figure it out, he didn't believe all this was true!

"What are you thinking? Are you still unconvinced? Hehe, if you are unconvinced, just say it, and I will find a way to make you very convinced." Lin Yi laughed, and what he said was Dazabi's body Shaking more violently, like sifting chaff.

"I'm not convinced! Of course I'm not convinced! If you have the ability to fight me with your real ability, what kind of ability is it to use such a powerful knife! Also, you actually use my junior sister's sacred protection. If you have the ability, don't use it!" !"

As soon as Da Sabi said this, others really regarded him as a fool?up!

Lin Yi couldn't believe it, so stupid?If so, how did Da Sabi say it?

"Poor boy, did you have your head broken by Lao Tzu's attack just now? How could you have such a strange idea? We were fighting just now, and your cultivation level is higher than mine. Could it be that in this case, I Do you still want to let you kill me? Please, your words are not convincing at all, and you have insulted the IQ of everyone here. I am really afraid that they will rush over and dismember you That's too bad." Lin Yi sighed, looking helpless.

When Da Sabi heard the words, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and finally he rushed towards Lin Yi like a madman, baring his teeth and claws, like a ghost.

Lin Yi sighed softly, swung his knife again, and chopped Da Sabi's other arm off.At this time, Da Sabi has become a human stick, looking very miserable.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally chopped it off. I'm going to cut you in half, so you can forgive the pain earlier. I didn't expect... Oh, can I chop it off again?" Lin Yi looked at it very "sincerely" Da Sabi stunned the audience with his words.

To chop off Da Sabi's arm so calmly, and to speak so calmly and naturally, without any profanity, to demote Da Sabi to scum, the lethality of such words is even more terrifying than the knife just now.

"Ah ah ah - I want to die with you, you all have to die -" Da Sabi suddenly roared, as if he was crazy, and rushed towards Lin Yi again.

His body began to bulge, like an inflated balloon, and everyone could feel that a terrifying force was converging towards Da Sabi's dantian, that guy was going to explode himself!
Lin Yi sighed softly, shook his head, and said, "Ignorant people are really sad sometimes."

With a flick of his fingers, a ghost vein needle shot into Da Sabi's dantian, Da Sabi's body froze immediately, and the self-explosion was suppressed unexpectedly.

Lin Yi's movements were quick, in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Da Sabi, and the evil knife pierced Da Sabi's dantian.

The devouring power of the evil knife was fully activated, and not long after, the explosive power condensed by Da Sabi began to pour into the evil knife frantically, and it was written that it was devouring madly.

Lin Yi could feel the excitement of Xie Dao, as long as Da Sabi was devoured, most of the wounds suffered by Dao Ling would recover, which was also what Lin Yi longed for.

Da Sabi never imagined that he would be reduced to the food of a knife.

Feeling that his inner energy and vitality were swallowed by the evil knife at an extremely fast speed, but he didn't even have the strength to stop him. He hated it, hated listening to Zhou Yan's words and came here to stop Lin Yi.

If he knew that he would end up like this, even if he was killed, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing!
At this time, he suddenly remembered something, he gritted his teeth, and his inner energy suddenly shook, shattering a jade slip in his arms.

Lin Yi's face changed slightly, and he exclaimed: "The communication jade slip, why do you have this thing?"

Da Sabi was not interested in answering Lin Yi's question. He took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted: "Zhou Yan, you kid, you are slandering me. If I die, you will not end well! You will be the next one to die. , it's you—"

Da Sabi's body shriveled quickly, and Lin Yi finally understood Da Sabi's actions. It turned out that he wanted to leave some last words for Zhou Yan.

The shattered light spot on the jade slip has not dissipated, which proves that they are still talking. ,

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Zhou Yan, did you hear my voice? Wash your neck well, and I will quickly take your head. Remember to dress up a little, so that you won't be too ugly when you die, and it will knock me down. appetite."

Zhou Yan, who was healing in the secret room, had an extremely gloomy face. Of course he heard Da Sabi and Lin Yi's words, but he could only pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Lin Yi's ability to defeat Du Xiushen and Da Sabi is enough to show that his strength is terrible. If he meets Lin Yi now, he will definitely die.

Thinking of this, he could only swallow his breath, his anger was burning, and his murderous aura was counterattacking his body, making him gradually enter a bloodthirsty state.

After the light spot on the jade slip completely disappeared, Zhou Yan swallowed that breath with great difficulty, and said viciously: "Lin Yi, I will definitely make you regret what you said today! When the time comes, the old and new grudges will be counted together! It's almost there, I'm only a little bit away from getting that power, and I won't give up!"

Zhou Yan's expression was extremely painful. He grabbed the transparent vial in front of him, dripped the red liquid into his mouth, and swallowed it with difficulty.

At this moment, a sharp pain hit his whole body, and his screams echoed in the room for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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