Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 525 The Strongest Women's Team in History

Chapter 525 The Strongest Women's Team in History

After finishing Da Sabi, Lin Yi suddenly felt relieved.

Qin Xu smiled and said to Lin Yi: "Congratulations, Doctor Lin is really straightforward, I admire him very much..."

"Stop it, stop it, it's better not to say flattery. You have this spare time, go back and reorganize your troops, we are going to start a counterattack!" Lin Yi's eyes flashed with the flames of revenge. After holding it in for so long, he wanted to vent his anger. Fan.

Of course, he is very clear that he is still far from dealing with wood now, and he is simply not in the same world.

If Lin Yi wanted to defeat him, he probably had to break through the spiritual energy realm.

However, he had just reached the spiritual energy state, and he began to think about breaking through the spiritual energy state, which was obviously wishful thinking.

"Counterattack, that's great, I... Poor Monk has been preparing for a long time, Amitabha..." Wudu shouted happily, forgetting his identity for a while, but when he suddenly remembered, he was so embarrassed that he died.

Lin Yi sighed, and thought to himself, this guy is so inferior to be an abbot, he might as well be a bandit!

Lin Yi glanced at Du Xiushen, and said, "Can you completely control the people of Dragon Fury? If not, let me help you."

Lin Yi's eyes were quite lethal, and after being glanced at, Du Xiushen shook his head vigorously, and said, "Lord Holy Emperor, I promise that you don't need to trouble yourself, those guys have admired you to the bottom of their hearts, and they will definitely submit obediently! Lord Sacred Emperor, we need to go to the capital right now, and take that guy Zhou Yan..."

"By the time you go over, Zhou Yan has already slipped away, do you think he is stupid?" Lin Yi said angrily.

Du Xiushen nodded again and again, his brows suddenly frowned, and said: "Lord Holy Emperor, what you said is indeed reasonable, but from what I know about him, he should not be someone who just sits and waits to die, he definitely has a plan."

"It makes sense for you to think so. He can make the country arrest us, which shows that he has a lot of power now." Thinking of this, Lin Yi's expression suddenly changed. He remembered a very important matter, which must be resolved now.

"Master Qin Xu, please tell Solanum nigrum and the others, I have important things to do, and when I'm done, I'll go to them and tell them not to worry." Lin Yi said in a deep voice.

Qin Xu smiled wryly, and said: "Doctor Lin, you are so courageous. Don't you know that your wives are going crazy now? If they don't go to see you after you finish the enemy, they will kill me It was torn."

"I can't help it. It's important to save people. If it's too late, it will be dangerous." Lin Yi smiled wryly. Of course he knew that Solanum nigrum and the others' temper could not be offended.

But Su Fei'er is still under Zhou Yan's control, he can't just sit idly by.

"Old Du, I will go to the capital with you to take back Dragon's Fury from Zhou Yan. There is one more thing I want to ask you, have you controlled a foreign girl?" Lin Yi said in a deep voice, his eyes, Sharp as a knife.

Du Xiushen was startled, and immediately thought of Sophie.

He nodded and said: "That's right, Zhou Yan asked us to keep an eye on a little foreign girl. We checked and she is Princess Sophie of the Swedish royal family. Zhou Yan said that as long as you stare at her, you can find yours." Whereabouts... Oh, it’s not good, if Zhou Yan knows that Da Sabi and us have lost, he will definitely attack that princess!"

"Nonsense, do you still need to talk? That bastard can do anything! Let's go!"

"Okay, Lord Holy Emperor, I'll prepare the plane right away!" Du Xiushen immediately took out his phone and notified the military area.

"You want a fucking plane, take me here!" Lin Yi scolded him, and with a thought, the evil knife suddenly became bigger and became a giant knife about three meters long.

"Why are you still in a daze, come up!"

"Ah, yes..."

The evil knife carried Lin Yi and Du Xiushen, and quickly disappeared into the distant sky, much faster than the plane.

Wudu sighed softly, looked at Qin Xu helplessly, and said, "Master Qin, tell me, if those benefactors knew that benefactor Lin was going to save other women, would they be so angry that they would kill us to vent their anger? "

"Damn it, you old bastard, don't let your mouth slip! They are a bunch of lunatics. If we know, both of us will die!" Qin Xu immediately reacted, and scolded Wudu, feeling as if he was very angry. The five buckets were pumping water up and down.

On the other side of the small world, the girls looked like hungry tigers pouncing on food, beating the guys outside to pieces.

If Solanum nigrum hadn't been merciful and didn't kill wantonly, it is estimated that no one in Longnu would have survived.

Long Baichuan and Qin Sang sighed incomparably, they never expected that Zhou Yan could make Long Fu into such a mess by himself.

"You two old men haven't seen enough, you don't even need to make a move, and you don't even shout to cheer up, it's really disgusting!" Bai Bingbing said angrily, and she felt very speechless for the two of them.

"That's right, my sister and I have been shouting for cheers! Hey, sister, does your heart beat faster at the thought of seeing Lin Yi soon?" He Yueru asked with a smile.

He Yueshu rolled her eyes at her, and said, "What are you talking about? I'm worried, and I don't know how Grandpa is doing, I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Don't worry, our people are paying close attention to the situation outside. Professor He is not in any danger." Solanum nigrum walked over with a smile. The fight just now made her stretch her muscles and feel very comfortable.

"What about Lu's mother? I haven't seen her for a long time, and I miss her so much..." Lu Xiaoyun looked extremely anxious. Just the night before, she dreamed of Lu Guihua's suffering, which scared her for the past few days. Difficulty sleeping and eating, and almost getting sick.

Solanum nigrum sighed, and said, "Aunt Lu was not in any danger, but a few days ago, Lin Yi offended the Wu family for helping the Ying family, and the Wu family arrested Aunt Lu..."

"What? Why didn't you say so sooner? How is Mama Lu doing now?" Lu Xiaoyun said anxiously, tightly holding Solanum nigrum's arm.

"Sister Xiaoyun, don't worry, with Lin Yi's help, of course Aunt Lu was rescued. Now we are going back to Pinghu. We have been holding back here for so long, so it's time to let off steam." With a strong will to fight, after taking specially refined elixir and supplementing with a lot of aura, the cultivation base of Solanum nigrum has reached the early stage of alchemy state, and the speed of cultivation is as fast as riding a rocket.

The other women have also improved a lot, especially at the beginning of the Tianhuo Body, her cultivation is comparable to that of Solanum nigrum, but in terms of absolute strength, she will completely explode the nightshade. It becomes more and more obvious in the future.

Even He Yueru, who is the weakest, has reached the early stage of Qi Transformation Realm. Although she is far behind them, she can definitely protect herself.

Such a lineup can definitely be called the strongest women's team in history!
(End of this chapter)

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