Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 526 Come to me if you have the ability

Chapter 526 Come to me if you have the ability
In Pinghu, the girls surrounded Qin Xu and Wudu, staring at them fiercely.

Qin Xu tried his best to explain why Lin Yi went to the capital because of something important, but because there was always something in his heart, and he was really not good at lying, so he looked very nervous, and the girls saw it very clearly .

Solanum nigrum didn't believe it at all, just cast its eyes on Wudu, and said indifferently: "Master Wudu, you are a monk, and monks don't lie, don't you have to stand up and tell the truth?"

Although Wudu's face remained unchanged, he was depressed to death. Trouble, the current situation seems to be very unfavorable to him!

Qin Xu blinked at him, signaling him not to tell the truth.

He was also about to tell lies, when Bai Bingbing's voice came over: "It is said that monks who tell lies will go to Abi Hell, so let it be, the reputation of Banruo Temple for so many years may be ruined in one fell swoop. Hehe, don't say I am exaggerating. , you are the abbot of Banruo Temple, every word and deed represents Banruo Temple, this cannot be changed."

When Wudu heard the words, he suddenly found himself in trouble.He sighed and said, "Well, the poor monk is telling the truth. In fact, benefactor Lin went to the capital to save a woman. That person seems to be very important to him. If benefactor Lin doesn't go, her life will be in danger. The so-called saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, and Lin Benefactor's doing this is also a great act of kindness!"

"Dashan's fart! That guy is picking up girls again! How many women does he have!" Bai Bingbing said angrily.

"Yeah yeah, isn't it enough to have us? Do you need to find other women? It's really disgusting!" He Yueru pouted her lips, looking like she was about to shout and kill.

Qin Xu looked like a wilted eggplant, and said with a wry smile, "You old bastard is bald, and you know how to hurt people. When Miracle Doctor Lin comes back, I will tell him the truth!"

"Hmph! You big liar, I want to beat you up!" Bai Bingbing called out, and Qin Xu was beaten terribly immediately, crying for his father and mother, extremely terribly.

"That's enough, don't do these useless things, let's go to the capital and see what the hell that guy is doing!" Solanum nigrum said viciously, although she has always been generous, but Lin Yi did too much .

With so many of them waiting for him, he was lucky enough to go out to pick up girls.Even if they are going to save people, there is no need to cover up and make Qin Xu and Wudu lie, right?There must be something hidden in this!

"Sisters, I won't go. I'm going to see Mama Lu. I'm very worried about her." Lu Xiaoyun said in a low voice. Although she was also worried about Lin Yi, she knew that even if she went there, it would not be of much help.

In this case, she might as well stay and take care of Lu Guihua.

He Yueshu also said, "I'm going to find my grandfather, so I won't go. Besides, if I go, it won't do much good. It's better not to make trouble."

He Yueru sighed when he heard the words, and said, "I am the same, so I won't go over to make trouble, remember to help me and Brother Xiaoyi, Yue Ruhe misses him!"

Before He Yueru could finish her sentence, He Yueshu pulled her away, and Lu Xiaoyun also hurried to the hospital. She was eager to know how Lu Guihua was doing now.

Bai Bingbing sighed, and said, "I'll stay too. The Bai family is in a mess now. I also want to help grandpa and take charge of the overall situation. I'll wait for you in Pinghu!"

Bai Bingbing left reluctantly, so that only Solanum nigrum, Hua Chuchu, and Weiwei were left. The three of them were not weak, and the speed of the three of them flying with the sword was not slow.

After Lin Yi arrived in the capital, he immediately went to the headquarters of Dragon Fury.

As he expected, there was no one in the Dragon Fury headquarters.What made it even more difficult for Lin Yi to accept was that the guy actually swept away all the things in Longfury's warehouse.

How many treasures are there, what a huge fortune!

"My lord, there is no trace of Zhou Yan, and I think he has been gone for a long time." Du Xiushen said nervously, he could not escape being involved in this matter, if he hadn't helped Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan would not have developed to this extent. .

"Leave no trace? Hehe, Zhou Yan is not such a person!" Lin Yi snorted coldly, and walked slowly to a giant computer.

His eyes fell on those keyboards, and he suddenly found that a certain amount of murderous aura had accumulated on one of the keys, which seemed to be intentional.

He stretched out his hand and pressed the button, and soon, the big black screen lit up immediately.

There was a big Zhou Yan's face on the big screen, with a ferocious smile on his face, looking at Lin Yi very proudly.

"Hehe, Lin Yi, I really didn't expect that in such a situation, you can turn defeat into victory and take the initiative. I really have to admire it. But even if you win a game, so what? Why don't you let me go? And , look, who is this?" Zhou Yan turned sideways, and a girl in a white dress appeared on the screen, who else could it be if it wasn't Sophie?

Lin Yi's head suddenly grew bigger, and the situation he feared most finally happened. That damned Zhou Yan was really dirty to a certain extent!

At this time, Sophie's mind had been controlled, and she couldn't move at all. Looking at that dazed pretty face, the anger in Lin Yi's heart exploded uncontrollably.

"Zhou Yan, you bastard, you have the ability to come at me and attack a little girl, are you even a man?" Lin Yi cursed viciously.

On the screen, the smile on Zhou Yan's face was even more proud. He looked at Lin Yi and said, "You must have started scolding me after seeing this. That's right, I'm just so shameless, you have the ability to bite me! You killed my son, ruined my plan, and took away my God-killing Seed. You provoked me first! Now I can’t wait to peel you off and kill all your relatives and friends. No, even if you do this, it won't calm my anger, I'm going to smash you to ashes and kill you!"

Zhou Yan yelled suddenly, his body exuded a red light, it was an extremely pure bloodthirsty force.

Lin Yi's face suddenly changed, and he said coldly: "What a strange bloodthirsty force, what did that guy do to himself?"

"Lord Dragon Lord, I found this thing in the secret room of the Dragon King. I don't know what it is." Du Xiushen's men ran over, holding a glass bottle in his hand, through the mouth of the bottle, he could smell a strong smell of blood. Far beyond the usual smell of blood.

Lin Yi took the bottle, smelled it, and suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if he was naturally disgusted with the smell.

Du Xiushen frowned slightly, and leaned over to smell it. In an instant, the murderous aura in his body surged out of control.

Lin Yi immediately put his hands on his shoulders to suppress the murderous aura surging in his body.

"How are you? Why are you so excited just by smelling it, and you almost fell into a demon?" Lin Yi asked with a frown.

"Lord Holy Emperor, I don't know, the stuff inside is very scary, and it seems to arouse the desire to kill in my heart. Could it be that guy Zhou Yan drank the stuff inside?"

"Hahaha... This is the power of the blood of the demon god, it's so wonderful, hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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