Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 527 Are you embarrassed?

Chapter 527 Are you embarrassed?

In the picture, Zhou Yan laughed crazily, like a very hungry dog ​​seeing a steaming lump of Xiang.

Well, this analogy is a bit inappropriate.

"The blood of the demon god?" Lin Yi frowned, carefully studied the smell in the empty bottle, and suddenly remembered where he had smelled this smell before.

"That damned wood! So that's it, it's the blood of that wood!" Lin Yi exclaimed, with disbelief written all over his face.

At this time, Zhou Yan on the screen stopped laughing. He looked at Lin Yi with a smile and said, "Lin Yi, my strength is not as good as yours for the time being. I admit it. But when I come back, It's your death date! I'll take care of your woman first, don't worry, I won't do anything to her, she is a noble princess, how can I be willing? Hahaha..."

The screen turned pitch black amid his loud laughter, Lin Yi's face was terribly gloomy, his fists were clenched tightly, and his teeth were gritted.

"This bastard!" Du Xiushen said viciously, his eyes fell on Lin Yi, and said, "My lord, if I send everyone in Dragon's Fury to search for that guy, I don't believe it, so many of us still can't find it." he!"

"Don't do your work in vain. Do you think that guy is a fool and will stay in Huaxia for you to catch? If my guess is correct, he probably went to seek refuge with the Poison God Sect. Only with the protection of the Poison God Sect can he feel at ease. Improve your own strength, and then make a comeback. And, don't you find that the current Dragon Fury is a bit strange?" Lin Yi said lightly, and Du Xiushen was puzzled by what he said.

Du Xiushen glanced around and asked with a puzzled expression: "My lord, is there any problem? It seems nothing strange?"

"That's because you are too naive." Lin Yi said lightly, stretched out his hand and scratched at the wall next to him, and even scratched a hole in the wall.

When he took it out again, there was a flashing object in his hand, with numbers jumping on it, what else could it be if it wasn't a time bomb?
Du Xiushen suddenly felt his scalp go numb, he never expected that there would be such a thing in the Dragon Fury Base!

"It seems that we came back a little early, so there are 10 minutes left for the bomb, and the next thing will be left to you. Within 10 minutes, all the bombs of Dragon Fury will be eliminated, and I will go after that guy." Yi said lightly, after throwing out these words, he rushed out of the door like lightning, felt the breath outside the door, locked a direction, and rushed out.

Du Xiushen felt like a thorn in his back. He knew that this was Lin Yi's chance to prove himself, and he couldn't give it up.

10 minutes, an unknown number of bombs, Du Xiushen felt a headache just thinking about it.

Although Lin Yi's expression was calm, his heart was full of waves. He couldn't give up on Sophie, absolutely not!
However, he delayed for too long. Although there is still a trace of Zhou Yan in the air, it is really more difficult to rely on this trace of breath.

When he chased for more than 30 miles, he could no longer feel any breath from Zhou Yan.He just floated in the air, clenched his fists and looked angry.

"You silly girl, why do you have to come to China to find me? What should I do? How can I save you?"

At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly realized that he was really useless, so what if his strength improved?If he couldn't even save his own woman, it would be a failure no matter what.

"Ahem, that...can I interject?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded beside Lin Yi, Lin Yi was slightly taken aback, and when he came back to his senses, Mu Ze's illusory figure had already appeared beside Lin Yi.

Lin Yi became furious immediately, and yelled at him: "You old man, you are finally willing to show up! You shit yourself and asked me to wipe your ass for you, old man, are you embarrassed? Disgusting! You can't help at all Come on, you are still called a fart Holy Emperor! Don't think I don't know, your strength has recovered a lot now, and you are fully capable of making a move!"

Mu Ze sighed, and said: "Silly boy, can you calm down first? Things are not what you imagined. I didn't make a move because I couldn't make a move! My strength may not be weak in the Yin and Yang places. However, if I go out of Yin and Yang, my strength will be weakened to the extreme. It seems that even if I meet you in this state now, it will be a great consumption, and I will not be able to bear it for a long time."

"I can't bear one sentence, and you can't bear one sentence, so I have to bear it. Is there such a bullshit reason? I've had enough of you. I'll just save my mother and wife. You can handle other things by yourself Get it done!" Lin Yi said angrily, he found more and more that this mission of the savior was simply a trap, and it didn't benefit him at all, instead he suffered a lot.

Fortunately, even if Sophie was taken away, this Mu Ze was indifferent, which really stimulated his fragile glass heart.

Mu Ze sighed, without the slightest bit of anger, and said: "Okay, then I will send your mother and wife out of Yin and Yang, and after that, I have no energy to care about. Wood's strength is constantly recovering. In the process, the land of yin and yang will definitely be broken, and when he leads the murderers to the secular world, I hope he will not attack you and your relatives and friends."

What Mu Ze said made Lin Yi feel black. This is obviously a threat, and the threat is so obvious. As for him?

"Hey, old ghost, can you scare me by saying that? At worst, let's hide in a small world. I can't help but make trouble for him, and he will come to touch my bad luck?" Lin Yi said angrily. .

"Well, it's hard to say, unless you are willing to dedicate your Jingchen Bead, Ruyi Dragon Bead, God-killing Tree and Demon-Suppressing Tower, oh, yes, and your God-killing Blade to him, he might I will let you go. However, your women are not necessarily. This guy Mu Mu is very lustful, and he especially likes those special physiques. Among your women, you have the body of the nine yin, and the body of the sky , so many physiques against the sky, he likes to collect them the most. Think about it, will he let you go easily? Silly boy, many things will not happen if you don’t want to. That’s a very stupid idea. Even if you If you don’t provoke others, others will not let you go. This is the reality, an inescapable reality. Maybe you can be alone, but what about the people you care about? Do you have a way to prevent the wood from attacking people all over the world? This is impossible!" Mu Ze looked very deep, and it must be said that his words made Lin Yi really speechless.

"Hey, that's why you're cheating me! So what should I do now? Could it be that I watched my woman fall into the hands of that guy Zhou Yan, but didn't do anything about it?" Lin Yi asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, things are not so bad. The reason why I came out now is to help you save people, otherwise, how can you fight against those guys with peace of mind? You are ready, I will perform another time reversal Fa, this time, I will use up all my strength, and I will rely on you in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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