Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 528 Reverse Time and Space

Chapter 528 Reverse Time and Space
Lin Yi's face changed slightly, he looked at Mu Ze in disbelief, and said, "Reverse time and space? Didn't you say that you are so weak now? Can you still use such an awesome skill?"

"Ahem, I'm desperate, you still say that to me, are you embarrassed? After using this trick, I will fall into a deep sleep, and I don't know when I will wake up. Moreover, this method is a bit dangerous. If there is a problem, you may be lost in the gap of time and space forever, and you will not be able to return." Mu Ze said very seriously, with a tired tone.

Lin Yi frowned, and said, "Isn't it too risky to do this? If you fell asleep, what would you do over there?"

"Damn it, you are too heartless, you don't care about my poor old man's safety at all, I am very sorry." Mu Ze beat his chest with a look of great heartache.

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him angrily, and said, "What's so pitiful? You're just sleeping, not dying. Compared to you, I'm much more pitiful, so don't pretend to be pitiful."

"Oh, forget it, anyway, you are used to being heartless and heartless, and I don't bother arguing with you. I can send you to Zhou Yan 5 minutes before he escapes, and you can handle the rest by yourself. Because in that time and space, your body is fighting, so after you enter, your power will be reduced by half. Are you ready? If it is, I will start." When Mu Ze said this, his tone became very Seriously, Lin Yi nodded in agreement.

Mu Ze took out a long box from his arms. As soon as the box appeared, Lin Yi's eyes immediately fixed on it.

"Old man, don't tell me, this thing is the Moonlight Treasure Box?" Lin Yi looked at Mu Ze very seriously, and asked in a low voice.

"Yueguang, you're tall, you've seen a lot of big talk about Journey to the West, it's boring!" Mu Ze gave him a blank look, and Lin Yi was speechless.

"It's called the Sunshine Treasure Box, and it's a time-traveling magic weapon that I refined. When I refined it, I was still at full strength. Now, even using it is very difficult. Alas, time is not forgiving Oh!" Mu Ze sighed, and suddenly found that Lin Yi looked at him with some unkind eyes.

"What's the matter? Did I say something wrong? Young people these days don't respect the elderly more and more. I, an old man, have helped you so much, and you still stare at me with such fierce eyes. Solve it."

"Did you make a mistake? Sunshine Treasure Box? Isn't it a piss? Forget it, I don't bother to argue with you. After solving this matter, I have to take my mother and Ye Ling out first. No, I Let's pick them up now, who knows if I can enter that world after you fall into a deep sleep." Lin Yi was really worried about the old man, after all, he had not cheated himself once or twice.

"Don't worry, the two of them are already in the God-killing Tower. Before I fall asleep, I will hand over the control of the God-killing Tower to you. At that time, it will be easy for you to take them out. But, don't try to send other people out." Take them out. The connection between the two of them and that world has been cut off by me. As for the others, you must wait for you to completely control Yin and Yang before you can take them out. Another point, what I said before is not alarmist, that boy Mumu The God-killing Tower imitated is to take away the control of Yin and Yang, you have to be careful, don't let him succeed!" Mu Ze said this, with a worried look on his face.

Lin Yi sighed, and said: "Okay, okay, I know everything, can't I? I will work hard, take over your class as soon as possible, save the world, maintain the peace of the universe, and eliminate all evil forces, okay?"

"Then let's get started." Mu Ze didn't talk too much nonsense, but held up the Sunlight Treasure Box very solemnly, and the sun was shining on the box, rendering the original plain and unpretentious box into brilliant gold.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to remind you. You must not use the Sunshine Treasure Box right now. It is a spiritual treasure for refining the gods. Only when you reach the level of refining the gods can you use it freely. Forget it, let's wait until you solve the problem. Talk to you again, and you won't listen now." Mu Ze saw Lin Yi's impatient face, so he didn't repeat it, just recited the mantra silently.

Soon, the Sunshine Treasure Box began to slowly open. At this moment, the originally peaceful world suddenly changed, and thunder rumbled.

Even so, the sun in the sky still broke through the dark clouds and shone on the sunlight treasure box, making the treasure box shine brightly.

"Through the world, across time and space, Prajna Paramita!" Mu Ze suddenly raised the Sunlight Treasure Box and shouted towards the sky.

Lin Yi suddenly felt a black line on his forehead, what is it?Isn't it still the way of the Moonlight Box?Pure plagiarism!

However, the effect of this loud roar was very obvious, Lin Yi soon felt his body become illusory, and then slowly disappeared into the air.

"Remember what I said, I'll be waiting for you in the God-killing Tower!" Mu Ze's voice gradually disappeared from Lin Yi's ears, as if he had a dream, and when he opened his eyes again, he was standing above the capital.

"Strange, why am I here? Where is this?" Lin Yi was in a state of bewilderment. At this moment, the Xie Dao trembled suddenly.

"Aren't you stupid? That old man Mu Ze helped you travel through time and space. Has your brain been damaged by the force of time and space distortion?" The voice of the evil knife was very dissatisfied, and its temper has always been not small. very.

Lin Yi recalled it carefully, slapped his forehead, and said: "I remember, why didn't the old man say anything, I almost lost my time. Five minutes, it's too cheating, I have to go in quickly!"

Lin Yi hurriedly ran towards the Dragon Fury headquarters. What Mu Ze said was right. His current strength was only half of what he had before, barely reaching the middle stage of the alchemy state. He knew very well that in this case, some measures must be taken, otherwise He will definitely be killed by Zhou Yan.

Fortunately, his method of disguise was astounding, he quickly made up into Du Xiushen's appearance, made a very sad appearance, and then rushed into the Dragon Fury headquarters in a hurry.

Everything went smoothly, after entering the Dragon Fury headquarters, no one stopped him.

He ran straight to Zhou Yan's secret room, and shouted: "Brother Zhou, it's not good, this is over!"

Zhou Yan just finished recording the video and was about to leave. His face is as pale as a sheet of paper, obviously suffering from serious internal injuries.

Seeing Du Xiushen, Zhou Yan's expression changed drastically, and he said, "Du Xiushen, haven't you already betrayed me? Why do you still have the face to come back? Believe it or not, I will kill you right now?"

Zhou Yan's momentum surged, as if he was about to kill someone in anger.

"Du Xiushen" scolded quickly: "Brother Zhou, are you crazy? What's the relationship between us? Will I betray you? It's not me who is fighting in Pinghu now, but the substitute I trained. Don't say these things Now, let's go quickly, if we don't go, it will be too late!"

(End of this chapter)

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