Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 529 What the hell is this?

Chapter 529 What the hell is this?
Lin Yi admired his ingenuity. In such a tense moment, he could come up with such a good excuse.

Zhou Yan naturally had doubts in his heart, but after thinking about it, those words made perfect sense.

"Okay, let's go together, don't waste time. Take care of this woman, don't make any trouble." Zhou Yan was very relieved, and directly pushed Sophie to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was so excited, he didn't expect that this operation would be so easy, it simply exceeded his imagination.

He nodded immediately, and walked towards Sophie. Just after taking two steps, Zhou Yan's voice suddenly came: "Brother Du, where is your knife? I remember that you always keep the knife close to you. But it is a family heirloom of your Du family!"

Lin Yi's body froze slightly, hehe smiled, and said, "That knife, I asked that double to use it, so it's more real!"

Lin Yi said casually, and was about to reach out to hold Sophie in his arms, when a strong sense of crisis appeared in his heart.

He didn't even think about it, and immediately rushed forward, pressing Sophie under him. There was a cracking sound behind him, and a huge gully appeared where he was standing, which was cut by Zhou Yan.

Lin Yi hugged Sophie, wanting to quickly distance himself from Zhou Yan.

But at this moment, Zhou Yan's voice rang in his ears like a ghost: "I really didn't expect that the dignified dragon god would play such a trick with me, isn't it a little naive?"

Lin Yi said inwardly that it was not good, a huge impact force suddenly hit, he pushed Sophie out immediately without thinking, but he himself was rushed out by the force, and his blood boiled suddenly. Suffered a serious injury.

Lin Yi couldn't figure out at all, where did he show his feet just now, and was discovered by Zhou Yan.He obviously felt that his acting skills were very good, even if he didn't win an Oscar, it would be no problem to win a Hundred Flowers Award!

No matter what, now that the truth has been exposed, he can only fight bravely. Lin Yi feels a headache when he thinks about this kind of thing.

Holding the evil knife in his hand, he stood up slowly, looked at Zhou Yan who was looking at him with a smirk on his face, and said, "How did you find out my identity? Could it be that everything you did before was a disguise?"

"That's not true. You disguised yourself very well and captured the moment when I was in a panic, so I don't have much doubt about you at all. But you should know that even if I don't have much doubt, I will go to Let me verify it. So, the question just now is my method of verification. Du Xiushen probably didn't tell you that the reason why he helped me was because I gave him that precious sword that is comparable to the blade of killing gods. So , After I asked you just now, you didn't find the mistake in my words. Doesn't this prove that you are fake? "

When Zhou Yan said this, Lin Yi was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that Zhou Yan would set him up in an understatement, and this trick was really ruthless.

Sophie was still lying on the ground, motionless, but fortunately Lin Yi pushed in time just now and wrapped her body with a gentle inner air, so the impact of that degree did not hurt her.

"That's right, you did win this time, but do you really think that you're going to win me? If that's the case, you don't want to run away now, do you?" Lin Yi said with a smile, not politely Sarcastic Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, and the murderous aura in his body immediately increased. Soon, he felt the blood in his body churning, and the side effect of absorbing the blood of the demon god appeared again.

When the side effect hit, his face suddenly turned pale, and he arched his waist in pain.

Lin Yi let out a long breath, it seems that he really made the right bet, now that Zhou Yan can't protect himself, let alone fight him.

"Hey, you still don't admit it, isn't it very painful now? Shall I give you some time to slow down, and then we can continue fighting?" Lin Yi stimulated Zhou Yan while slowly approaching Su Mayfair.

When his hand just touched Sophie'er, Zhou Yan suddenly let out a roar of pain. If Lin Yi hadn't been prepared, he might have been scared to pee.

"Wishful thinking! You think you can escape from my palm like this, dreaming!" Zhou Yan straightened up with great difficulty, his aura was obviously stronger than before.

"What are you pretending to do? Don't think I don't know. You are suffering a strong backlash because you absorbed the blood of that demon god. You still want to scare me. It's so funny." Lin Yi hugged Sophie, feeling annoyed in his heart.

Mu Ze didn't speak clearly, not only his strength has dropped by half, but even his recovery speed is only half of the previous one at most. Fortunately, Zhou Yan is not in a normal state at this time, otherwise his strength is really not enough for Zhou Yan .

The purpose of Lin Yi's trip was to save Sophie, not to fight Zhou Yan.He didn't think too much, because for Zhou Yan, if he fought hard, it would stimulate his absorption of the blood of the demon god.If Zhou Yan was killed like this, it would be difficult to guarantee whether the time and space would be disordered, and Lin Yi didn't want to make any trouble.

"I'm so mad! I'm going to kill you!" Zhou Yan seemed to be crazy, resisting the strong backlash, and slashed at Lin Yi with his knife.

As soon as Lin Yi's figure moved, he immediately appeared more than ten meters away, smiled lightly, and said, "I won't play with you anymore, I'm leaving."

Just as Lin Yi took a step, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his chest. He lowered his head in disbelief, and saw that the dagger in Sophie's hand had pierced his right chest, and then pulled it out, blood spurting wildly.

Zhou Yan laughed loudly, and said: "Are you stupid? I have cast a puppet curse on that woman long ago. After being hit by my puppet curse, she will be under my control, which is equivalent to the extension of my power. How dare you put a puppet curse on that woman? She is hugging her, her strength is too mentally handicapped, hahaha, I can't take it anymore, I have to laugh for a while!"

Lin Yi quickly took out the magic vein needle, pierced Sophie's head, and quickly controlled her movements.Then, he used the Shenmai needle to stop the bleeding.

The nearby space was distorting, and Lin Yi, who was far away in the sky in Pinghu, froze, his momentum suddenly weakened a lot.

"What's going on? Why is my chest bleeding? What the hell is this?"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be able to squirt blood automatically. It's really interesting. Let me give you a ride!" Da Sabi laughed and rushed towards Lin Yi crazily.

Lin Yi's face in the Dragon Fury headquarters was extremely ugly. He suddenly found that his body was weakening at an extremely fast speed. The weakening made him unable to even escape.

"Oops, this is troublesome, the time and space are disordered, and the real body is also affected, that kid, why are you so careless?" Mu Ze sighed, looking very helpless.

"That's all, just fight once, whether you can win him or not depends on God's will."

(End of this chapter)

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