Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 530 Not a single one is spared!

Chapter 530 Don't let any one go!
Mu Ze's illusory figure slowly appeared behind Lin Yi, and a helpless voice rang in Lin Yi's ears: "Boy Lin Yi, this is a big trouble, I guess I will lose my life to help you. Remember, Don't be so foolish next time."

Before Lin Yi could speak, Mu Ze went straight into Lin Yi's body with a whoosh.Soon, Lin Yi felt that the power that was weakening suddenly increased sharply. He swung his knife towards his side, and even directly cut a golden door.

The space distortion continued, and Zhou Yan was stunned. He had no idea what was going on. When did Lin Yi, who was obviously very weak, have such a brutal skill?
In the sky above Pinghu, Lin Yi's aura rose sharply, and soon reached its peak.He touched his unharmed chest, full of doubts in his heart, completely unaware of what happened.

Without even thinking about it, Lin Yi stepped into the golden door and disappeared in front of Zhou Yan.

It was only then that Zhou Yan came to his senses, and immediately rushed towards the golden portal, but he didn't expect that the portal completely disappeared.

"Master Dragon King, the plane is ready, please get on the plane." A man in black hurried over and shouted very respectfully.

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, hummed lightly, and quickly walked out the door.He is in a very bad state at this time, if Lin Yi brings someone back to kill him, then he will be finished.

After Lin Yi entered the golden portal, he reappeared, already in the God-killing Pagoda.

After entering the God-killing Tower, Lin Yi suddenly felt that time began to pass by rapidly. After a while, time passed at the same speed as the outside world.

"Lord Mu Ze, are you back?" A familiar voice came from not far away, and soon, Lin Yi saw Ye Ling running towards him.

When Ye Ling saw Lin Yi, she was stunned. She rubbed her eyes to make sure it was not a hallucination, and then ran towards Lin Yi like crazy.

"Brother Xiao Yi, you are finally here. My mother-in-law and I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Ye Ling cried, and Xing Caiyuan immediately ran over when she heard the sound, and surrounded Lin Yi with Ye Ling.

There was a smile on Lin Yi's face, Mu Ze didn't trick him in this matter, the two of them were rescued as expected.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I didn't expect that things would develop to this extent. But now we can recover again. It's a pity that old man Mu Ze died to save me..."

"Are you talking about me? It's very impolite to say that someone else is dead behind your back." A familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind Lin Yi, which startled him a lot.

As soon as Lin Yi turned his head, he saw the pale Mu Ze standing behind him, looking very tired.

"Damn it, you old man cheated on me again. Didn't you just say you were going to die? Why are you still alive? Do you know how much I blamed myself just now? It was a waste of my feelings." Although Lin Yi scolded But he was overjoyed in his heart, if Mu Ze really died because of him, he would have to carry a heavy burden in his life.

Mu Ze sighed, and said: "Accordingly, I am really doomed, but the tree of killing gods in your body has saved me a trace of true spirit, and I will have to fall into a deep sleep for a long time to come , As for the day when I wake up, I can't be sure. Before that, I will transfer the control of the God-killing Tower to you, and in addition, I will show you a way to make you stronger as soon as possible!"

As soon as Mu Ze finished speaking, Lin Yi's eyes lit up, and he said, "Can I become stronger as soon as possible? Why don't you say it sooner? Tell me, is there any way to make me stronger as soon as possible? Also, after the spiritual energy state, what is the next step?" I haven't seen any improvement in those classics."

"Spiritual Qi Realm is actually the pinnacle of warriors." Mu Ze said lightly, Lin Yi was stunned by what he said.

"The pinnacle of a warrior? Then what happened to the refining gods you mentioned earlier?"

"Hehe, Lin Yi boy, you don't really think that this world is only for warriors, do you? Before martial artists appeared, this world had a prosperous period of cultivation. At that time, practitioners were mainly divided into cultivators and cultivators. Two kinds. In order to unify the levels of cultivation, nouns of various levels were created. For immortal cultivators, the so-called aura realm is at most just getting started. None. However, the aura of this planet has almost been exhausted, we call it the age of the Dharma, and it is impossible to cultivate immortals or gods again from a common sense." Mu Ze said this, and heaved a long sigh , with a look of deep emotion.

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Since this is the case, why did you ask me to be promoted? Isn't this contradictory?"

"It's not contradictory at all. According to common sense, it is indeed impossible. However, some people just can't deduce it according to common sense. For example, Mu Mu, Shura from the Poison God Sect, and Zhou Yan who absorbed some of Mu Mu's power. Big hidden danger, with your current strength, any one of them can defeat you, or even kill you." Mu Ze's expression darkened immediately when he said this, Ye Ling and Xing Caiyuan opened their eyes wide. The eyes looked tense.

"Then how far do I have to practice to fight them?" Lin Yi asked doubtfully.

"You have to become a cultivator before you have the qualifications to fight them. Above the spiritual state is the spiritual disk state, and the sign of achieving the spiritual disk state is to condense your own spiritual disk." Mu Ze said here , the body suddenly became much weaker than before, not only the aura became weak, but even the body became a little illusory.

Mu Ze sighed softly, and said: "It seems that my time is almost up, this thing is for you."

Mu Ze gave Lin Yi a piece of blood-red jade, which exuded an extremely pure, even rich and terrifying murderous aura. This murderous aura shook Lin Yi's spirit, and he recovered a lot of the power he had consumed before.

"This is the Killing God Blood Jade, which is the control center of the Killing God Tower. In it, I have so many years of cultivation experience, including these basic knowledge. If you study hard, maybe you can become an existence beyond me, become The real god ancestor. Alas, it's a pity that the immortal ancestor no longer exists in this world, otherwise I would still have some ambitions." When Mu Ze said this, his voice became so weak that he couldn't hear it.

He casually wiped away his imprint on the killing god blood jade, and then whispered to Lin Yi: "Drop blood to recognize the Lord, and pass on my will. I will wait for the day I meet you and save my life." , that's the most important..."

Mu Ze slowly disappeared under Lin Yi's gaze, Lin Yi held the blood jade tightly, and said very seriously: "Old man Mu Ze, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down, I will destroy all enemies, Not one will be spared!"

(End of this chapter)

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