Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 534 You choose whatever you want

Chapter 534 You choose whatever you want

The men in white were extremely nervous. They were warriors, but warriors were also unable to fight against those modern weapons of mass destruction!

"This is the capital city, how dare they dispatch missile troops, this is too arrogant!" Long Baichuan snorted coldly, turned around and was about to walk out the door.

Lin Yi's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Old man Long, where are you going?"

"Of course, go and see which army is so arrogant. I, Long Baichuan, have lived for most of my life, and I have never bowed my head to others, and even used missile troops to bomb me. It is really deceiving!" Long Baichuan's anger was aroused. Well, he has a bad temper to begin with, how could he calm down when encountering such a thing.

"It's useful for you to go out now? If those guys really don't care about anything and shoot you, wouldn't it be a waste of death?" Lin Yi said angrily.

"Then what do you think we should do? Are we just sitting here waiting to die? In the worst case, I will fight them! Brother Qin, what do you think?" Long Baichuan said angrily, ready to take Qin Sang out together.

Qin Sang smiled calmly, and said, "Old Ghost Long, you should calm down a little bit. Since Lin Yi said so, there must be his reason. I absolutely believe that his method will be much more useful than yours."

"What? The two of us are old partners. Could it be that I have cheated on you? Are you still afraid of death?" Long Baichuan's eyes widened, with a fierce look on his face.

Lin Yi sighed softly, and said: "Old man Long, can't you be quiet for a while? You don't want to go, I will go alone, even if there is any danger, I can still enter the Demon Town Tower. It can't hurt me. Isn't it much better to do this than to let you go out? "

"No, it's too risky, I don't agree! Let me go, wait for me to enter the phoenix demon state, and see who can hurt me!" Xing Caiyuan had a fighting spirit, and she had already held back I couldn't help but want to rush out.

Seeing how ferocious her mother-in-law is, Solanum nigrum and the others are all eager to fight, and they all want to rush out and fight.

Lin Yi couldn't help having a headache, and said: "Mom, can you stop messing me up, don't you think I'm not messing up enough now? Just do as I said just now, if you don't feel at ease, you can come out together, but, After encountering danger, I will take you into the Demon Town Tower as soon as possible, and you must not resist. By the way, I almost forgot one thing."

With a thought in Lin Yi's mind, the Demon Suppressing Tower appeared in front of him. He stretched out his hand and pressed on the tower, and a figure suddenly flew out of the Demon Suppressing Tower. Who else could it be if it wasn't a blood demon?
After the Gorefiend came out of the Demon Suppressing Tower, he floated in the air, looking foolish.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, and said: "Blood Demon, you leave the Demon Town Tower temporarily, but you must not leave the Dragon Fury headquarters for half a step, otherwise, you will know what the result will be."

"Hmph! Lin Yi boy, who do you think you are talking to? You are so arrogant in front of my great blood demon, don't you want to live?" After absorbing the energy and blood of so many people, his strength has indeed improved rapidly, and he has reached the early stage of the spiritual energy state. With such strength, he is definitely ranked high in China.

Lin Yi sighed, and said: "I know you can't get any benefits, if you give you a little bit of color, you will open a dyeing workshop."

"Oh, Lin Yi, you are so arrogant! Don't you think you can beat me now? Although you have also reached the aura level, don't forget that we gorefiends have a natural advantage. The great gorefiend is immortal. Mie, how can I be defeated by a kid like you, what a joke!" The blood demon said triumphantly, not to mention Lin Yi, everyone else thought that this guy was definitely a bastard.

Lin Yi sighed, and said: "It seems that you won't cry when you see the coffin. Take a few steps back first, and I'll teach him how to be good."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the others stepped aside obediently, leaving a large space for the two of them.

The Gorefiend still looked so arrogant and domineering. He snorted softly and said, "You want to scare me? Do you think I was scared? Tell you, I, the great Gorefiend, don't want to ask you to do anything again. If you want to enslave me, then we'll have a good fight. Don't worry, because of my previous friendship, I won't kill you, at most I'll just abolish you."

Gorefiend licked his lips and looked at Lin Yi with greedy eyes.In fact, what he really wants is Lin Yi's power. If Lin Yi is swallowed up, what level will his strength reach?The Gorefiend couldn't even imagine this.

Moreover, there are several bloodlines here that make him covetous, if he swallows those bloodlines, he will definitely be number one in the world!
Lin Yi chuckled, and said: "Then I really have to thank you! Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will only make you more obedient. However, this process is a little painful, I hope you can bear it, don't let I'm disappointed."

Hearing this, the Gorefiend was about to pretend to be aggressive again when Lin Yi's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and he punched him hard towards the martial arts arena.

The ground of the martial arts arena is made of high-hardness materials, but under this impact, they were knocked out of a big hole, which shows the strength of Lin Yi's punch.

The Gorefiend was beaten to the ground, and the power of the Gorefiend in his body was disordered for a moment, making him unable to raise any strength.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yi's fists rained down on his body desperately. Gradually, the blood demon was beaten beyond human shape, and finally was blown alive!

After the explosion, the pool of blood re-condensed, and finally turned into a blood demon. At this time, the blood demon was no longer as arrogant as before. He looked at Lin Yi as if he had seen a ghost, and he was extremely frightened.

"How is this possible? Why can't I raise my strength at all? What's going on?" the Blood Demon roared, very emotionally.

Lin Yi sighed, and said, "What's the matter? Why can't you even see this? Have you forgotten that your blood demon power comes from our God-killing clan, that is to say, the blood of our God-killing clan?" Strength can restrain your blood demon power. Of course, your strength has reached the level of aura, and the general power of killing gods has no effect on you. But, unfortunately, I have inherited the purest blood of the killing gods. You should know what the ancestor of the God-killing clan was called, right?"

"God ancestor... Holy Emperor? Could it be... Could it be that you are the new Holy Emperor? How is this possible? Isn't the lineage of the Holy Emperor already possessed by demons? How can there be descendants? This... This is absolutely impossible... "

"Maybe it's impossible, it's not you who decides, but me. Hehe, what kind of punishment do you want, is it to deprive you of your strength, to refine your soul, or to take your soul out and graft it onto a pig. Hehe, I'm a good talker, you can choose whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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