Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 535 Come and bite me

Chapter 535 Come and bite me
The smile on Lin Yi's face did not diminish at all, but his voice sounded like the call of hell, making the blood demon even want to die.

"No! I don't believe that I can't beat you! What about the Holy Emperor? Are we blood demons going to be ravaged by your god-killing clan for the rest of our lives? No way! I don't want to be your slave!" Taking a step forward, a black light flashed, and a huge gully appeared in front of him.

Lin Yi held the evil knife in his hand, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Go one step further if you have the ability, you should know that my evil knife is very effective against you. In fact, I was planning to let you live Yes, but your performance just now was so heroic. You can tell at a glance that you are not afraid at all. Since you are not afraid of death, if I don't kill you, wouldn't it be impossible to fulfill your wish and fulfill your fearless spirit? So, sorry, let me give you a ride."

A crisp sound came, and the Gorefiend knelt on the ground very naturally, and said with a smile: "Master, don't be so serious, I was just joking with you just now! The little one knows that your strength has greatly increased, but I just want to As a sparring partner, let you practice your hands well and relax."

There was a flattering smile on the face of the Gorefiend. After hearing his words, everyone suddenly realized that Lin Yi's thick skin was so weak compared to him.

Originally, they thought that the Gorefiend would be very tough, but they didn't expect that the speed of that guy's surrender was astonishingly fast.

Lin Yi chuckled, and said: "This is a smart person who thinks of excuses so quickly. Don't worry, I really won't kill you. After all, killing you won't do me much good. How about it? Well, let’s keep you here for now, let’s see how you perform next? If you perform poorly, then I’ll raise you like a pig, and I haven’t directly devoured your strength to increase your strength when necessary. It’s pretty good to think about it.”

Lin Yi's words made the Gorefiend tremble all over. He quickly shook his head and said, "Don't dare, dare not, how dare I do such a thing? Master, I will do whatever you ask me to do. I absolutely dare not disobey!"

The Gorefiend was so frightened that his legs kept trembling, and all the girls looked at him with disdain, that guy is really cheap.

"Okay, that's how it is. You go out with me, hide in the dark, and listen to my instructions. I tell you to bite whoever you want. Hehe, it feels good to have you as a dog." Lin Yi He said with a smile, stretched out his hand and patted the top of the blood demon's head, and a magic vein needle entered his body.

In this way, as long as he has a single thought, he can make the blood fiend suffer to the extreme.

After doing all this, Lin Yi started to walk out the door, colliding with the state machine, this was the first time.

Lin Yi knew that this matter was definitely not that simple, so he wanted to see who had controlled such a powerful energy, allowing troops to besiege the Dragon Fury headquarters.

After leaving the gate, Lin Yi immediately felt several powerful threatening forces. He knew that with his current strength, it would be a bit difficult to resist those missiles.It is estimated that after his strength is improved by another level, it is possible to retreat completely.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help lamenting how terrible the state apparatus is, and it is extremely difficult for martial practitioners to contend with the state.

Xing Caiyuan and the others came out right after him. Of course they were worried about Lin Yi, for fear that he would do something impulsive.

As soon as Lin Yi appeared, a group of soldiers wearing thick protective clothing appeared in Lin Yi's sight.

Lin Yi could tell at a glance that the protective ability of their clothes must be good, and it was very likely that they were new equipment specially made by the country to fight against warriors.

"This is China's No. [-] special force, the Longwei Squad. I didn't expect that it was those guys from the Lin family who attacked us." Long Baichuan stepped out of the crowd and shouted to the front, "Lin Guodong, you old guy, don't hide your secrets!" Cover it up, get out of here quickly! Damn, when did your Lin family get so mixed up that you actually cooperated with traitors like Zhou Yan? Are you not afraid that the eighteenth generation of your Lin family's ancestors will crawl out of the coffin? Did you tear yourself apart? Return to the four major Chinese families, I'm sorry!"

Long Baichuan's skills in cursing people are definitely not bad, and Lin Yi couldn't help clapping his hands when he said it.

"I hate your ancestors! Long Baichuan, you bastard, you dare to scold me, see if I don't blow you into scum!" A loud shout came from behind the soldiers, and soon, an old man in military uniform came out of the crowd get out.

The old man has silver hair, but he is heroic and full of righteousness.Lin Yi could feel that the old man's strength had reached the peak of the true energy realm. In the secular world, with such strength, he was definitely considered strong.

Long Baichuan narrowed his eyes slightly, chuckled, and said, "You are the one who is scolding, you bastard. Do you think that I will be afraid of you if you bring Longwei and the artillery unit over here? Don't forget, Huaxia is not your Lin family." Yes, what qualifications do you have to attack Long Fu? If I guessed correctly, your Lin family should have been colluding with those evil sects of the Yin Bone Sect long ago, and their hearts are to be punished!"

Long Baichuan's eyes fell on those soldiers, he snorted coldly, and said, "Long Wei is to show the power of China, and he is facing the enemies of China! What are you doing now? Do you still want to rebel? Aim at your compatriots, this is what a soldier should do? What did I tell you when I trained you before? Obeying orders is the bounden duty of a soldier, but a soldier must have the most basic judgment. Not to be thugs for others, not to be a tool of some villains! You don’t even have this bit of judgment, what qualifications do you have to call yourself Longwei!"

Long Baichuan spoke loudly, and many Longwei soldiers bowed their heads.

Lin Guodong gritted his teeth with hatred, and said viciously: "Long Baichuan, you have colluded with the Japanese and intend to get involved in China. Your disciple is even a spy of the Japanese. There is iron-like evidence for these. Do you still want to deny it?"

"Hahaha, Japanese spy? You old tortoise doesn't even blush when you tell nonsense. It seems that your skin is thicker than that of a pig!" Lin Yi laughed and walked over, standing in front of Long Baichuan , the power of the aura realm exploded, dispelling the chilling atmosphere.

His icy eyes fell on Lin Guodong, who suddenly felt cold all over, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

He gritted his teeth and shouted at Lin Yi: "Lin Yi, you traitor, you dare to run rampant in front of me, so what if you have a high cultivation level? I don't believe it, you can even block missiles!"

"Hehe, the Patriarch of the Lin family, Lin Guodong, is so majestic. What are you doing so much for? Is it really because of my trumped-up charges? Hehe, if I'm right, you must want revenge, right? The Lin family The third young master, Lin Leng, I killed him with my own hands, the bastard who colluded with the Yingumen really deserved his death, I killed it very well, very well! Are you very angry? Come and bite me!"

(End of this chapter)

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