Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 544 Collective Challenge

Chapter 544 Collective Challenge
Hearing Lin Yi's domineering statement, Qin Dingbang could only secretly smile bitterly. It seemed that Lin Yi had begun to test his sincerity.

"Since your Excellency the Dragon God said so, of course there is no problem! Anyway, the country of Sweden has always been against our country, and it wants us to find a princess for them. It is a joke. Besides, the little princess can be with you, the Dragon God. It can be regarded as the glory of the Swedish royal family, and I believe they will be very happy when they find out." Qin Dingbang's flattery was just right, and he really deserves to be an old oily man who has been in the officialdom for a long time. After Lin Yi stopped, he felt a burst of emotion Cool.

At this moment, a cold snort suddenly sounded from behind him, followed by a terrifying murderous aura, Lin Yi knew that what should come was still coming.

"Master Dragon God is really powerful. Princesses from other countries can be abducted and turned into their own women. Do we poor bastards have to retreat obediently?" Bai Bingbing's tone was very strange, and what he said Lin Yi was speechless.

This girl is famous for her poisonous tongue, of course she can't say anything good.

Soon, Qin Dingbang was stunned. He clearly saw a large group of beauties approaching, and then surrounded Lin Yi in the middle. This kind of intuitive visual stimulation made him a little bit unbearable.

He knew that most young people nowadays are more open-minded, not as conservative and stubborn as they used to be.

However, no matter how open it is, it cannot be opened to this extent!
Are these women willing to share Lin Yi as a man?This is too unbelievable!

Lin Yi smiled wryly, and said, "Why did you come here so soon? I haven't figured out how to explain it to you..."

"No need to explain. We all know the reason. You don't believe us, don't recognize our strength, and don't recognize our efforts. We all understand this, and you don't need to say more." Solanum nigrum directly interrupted Lin Yi's words with a tone Very bad.

"So, the few of us have made a decision, and I hope you can accept it." Hua Chuchu accepted Solanum nigrum's words, obviously, she was also very angry.

Lin Yi felt a little uneasy, it was the first time he saw them so serious, could it be that, as Bai Bingbing said before, they were going to suck him dry?
Why is Mao a little excited when he thinks about this kind of thing?

I guess it took too long.

"What...decision? Cough, there are more people here, do you want to change the place, let's have a good... chat?" Lin Yi blinked at Bai Bingbing and the others, with a playful tone.

Wei Wei smiled lightly and said: "Brother Xiao Yi, don't worry, it's not the crazy words Bing Bing said last time, our decision is..."

"Challenge you collectively! Let's see how strong you are, you can ignore our existence like this!" All the girls said in unison, as if they had rehearsed from the beginning, and Lin Yi was really startled by that momentum.

Lin Yi took a long breath and said, "I told you earlier, I thought you guys were going to do something to me. Don't be so impulsive, okay? The reason why I didn't let you help me just now is mainly because the opponent is too strong , I am afraid that after you join the battle, if I want to take care of you, it will be more restrictive and I will not be able to use it. I promise, next time I meet an opponent of comparable strength, I will let you fight together, okay?"

"No! We have already decided that we must beat you to the point of crying. Since we have decided, we will not change it! You have fought just now, and we don't want to take advantage of you. We will give you a recovery Time, hurry up!" Solanum nigrum's tone was very decisive, definitely not joking.

Long Baichuan on the side sighed, and said: "Xiaoyi, it's true that you did something wrong this time, you don't know, these girls practiced very hard in the small world, they did this for the future I helped you in the battle. You said you, you actually went against their wishes and imprisoned them in the Demon Town Tower. Isn't that looking down on them? Even my master can't stand it if you do this! I have decided to challenge you too, since you are so strong, then defeat us all."

There is a black line on Lin Yi's forehead, what the hell is going on!Those girls are ignorant and self-willed.This old man also came to meddle, please, don't have so much leisure to play this now, okay!
Just when Lin Yi was at a loss, Xing Caiyuan's voice suddenly came from the God-killing Pagoda.

"Everyone? Take me too. It's been a long time since I've had a fight. I'm so bored. Dear son, let mom out. Mom was bored with beating the sandbag just now, so she wants to come out and fight, okay?"

Xing Caiyuan's voice was very gentle, Lin Yi was overjoyed when he heard that, his biological mother was his biological mother, it seemed that Xing Caiyuan was coming to help him.

The faces of those girls were a little heavy. Of course, they didn't have any pressure to fight with Lin Yi, but they couldn't do it at all if they were asked to attack Xing Caiyuan!In this way, how can this fight go on?

Lin Yixin happily released Xing Caiyuan, Xing Caiyuan stretched her waist, and said with a tired face: "The Tower of Killing God is so boring, if Xiaoyi didn't send a sandbag in, I would be bored to death. Linger, come quickly Help mom squeeze her shoulders."

Hearing this, Ye Ling immediately ran over to give Xing Caiyuan a massage, and Bai Bingbing and the others were not far behind, they all ran over to help Xing Caiyuan pinch her shoulders and neck, a very harmonious scene.

Lin Yi couldn't help sighing, my mother is my mother, and it doesn't take a single soldier to turn a fight into a jade silk. Judging from this situation, it shouldn't be possible to fight, right?

While massaging Xing Caiyuan, Bai Bingbing asked in a low voice: "Mom, we are so good, we have already massaged you, you won't fight with us again? You are so strong, if you accidentally beat us to death So, what are we... what should we do?"

As Bai Bingbing talked, she shed a tear or two. It's a waste of talent for her acting skills if she didn't get a movie queen.

Xing Caiyuan was slightly taken aback, and said: "What? What are you talking about? I fought with you? How could I fight with you lovely daughters-in-law? You are so obedient and even massaged me. I love you before it's too late. Why are you willing to beat you?"

When Lin Yi heard this, his heart immediately hung up, something was wrong, there seemed to be a big problem!
Sure enough, Xing Caiyuan took a look at Lin Yi and said, "I mean, I'll beat that bastard together with you! That bastard is getting more and more courageous, even dare to shut me down as a mother!" , This is simply treason! If you were in a big family, you must be served by the family law! Since you have such a good idea, if I don’t support it, wouldn’t it be justified? However, you are too kind to let him rest Recovery, in my opinion, since he is so powerful, he still needs recovery! Let's start now, bastard, if you don't do it, we will do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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