Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 545 Here Comes an Ugly Man

Chapter 545 Here Comes an Ugly Man

Lin Yi never imagined that his own mother would make such a decision to join forces with his daughter-in-law and beat up his own son. This kind of thing is really unheard of and unseen!

The final result can be imagined, Lin Yi only shouted "Don't slap your face", and then started running all the way.

The result of running wildly was also very tragic. Long Baichuan originally wanted to make a move, but seeing Lin Yi's pitiful appearance, he really couldn't bear to make things worse.

Qin Dingbang watched it for a while, and finally had no choice but to shake his head and leave. In order to maintain Lin Yi's strong image in his mind, it is better not to watch this kind of scene.

So, after he asked the soldiers to deal with the Lin family's affairs, he left in despair.

After Lin Yi was beaten up by Fatty, all the girls clapped their hands in satisfaction and went to the side to chat again.

"What kind of dragon gods, but that's all, they're still so arrogant, they don't hit for nothing." Bai Bingbing snorted softly, hugged Xing Caiyuan's arm very tiredly, and said: "Mom, your punch just now was so handsome ! Do you have a sore hand? My daughter-in-law will take you shopping to see the new skin cream!"

After Bai Bingbing made this proposal, all the girls responded one after another, and soon ran away.

Lin Yi sighed, got up from the ground, touched his swollen face like a pig's head, and said with a wry smile: "It's unlucky, there are so many violent women on the stall, and even my mother doesn't turn to me, why am I so pitiful? Sigh, why don't you slap me in the face, and hit me all over the face, so you won't be afraid of disfiguring me!"

Lin Yi complained about himself, looking very bitter.

Long Baichuan came over and said with a smile: "Xiao Yi, I didn't take any action just now as a teacher. This is the anti-swelling medicine, do you want to apply it?"

"Hey, don't, you'd better stay away from me. You were with them just now. You didn't shoot me because you were afraid of losing face. Don't think I don't know. Who knows if there is poison in the ointment you gave me? Once poisoned by you, I will be really disfigured." Lin Yi hastily rejected Long Baichuan's elixir, he didn't want to take the risk.

Long Baichuan rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Be kind as a donkey's liver and lungs, you don't need it, I beg you to use it? I have one more thing to tell you, that Princess Sophie was already awake when I came, and now she is still alive." Going crazy in the Dragon Fury headquarters, if you don't go there, you will probably have to give her a tranquilizer."

"Damn it, I didn't say such an important thing earlier, you old man is really hateful!" Lin Yi cursed, and suddenly found that Yin Zheng had disappeared.

"By the way, where is Brother Yin? Wasn't he still there just now?"

"You were beaten so badly just now, and Yin Zheng was too embarrassed to intervene. Do you still stay here to watch you get beaten? You kid now finally understands how bad it is to have too many women? So many women, if one or two make a fuss, you will You are in a hurry, so you are doomed to be miserable! But fortunately, they get along well with your mother, and I think they will save you from worrying about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law." Long Baichuan looked like a senior expert, Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him, immediately flew up and flew towards Long Nu.

On the way to fly, Lin Yi suddenly remembered something. He asked Xing Caiyuan to interrogate that ghost Qianqiu, but he didn't know the result. He probably won't know until Xing Caiyuan came back.

His consciousness entered the God-killing Tower, and after only one glance, he felt his scalp go numb.

Xing Caiyuan had already beaten Gui Qianqiu so badly that she probably only had half a breath left.

Lin Yi was secretly glad that Xing Caiyuan was allowed to vent before, otherwise, if she vented all her anger on herself, he might not be as simple as a swollen face.

As soon as he arrived at the headquarters of Dragon Fury, he saw a large number of troops gathering there.Lin Yi originally thought that they would obstruct him, but he didn't expect that the soldiers lined up into two teams respectfully and shouted in unison: "Hello, Chief!"

Lin Yi nodded, gestured to them with gentle eyes, and was more satisfied in his heart. Although that Qin Dingbang was not a good person, he did things well. In this way, it would be much more convenient for him to do things in the future.

As soon as he entered the headquarters, he heard Sophie shouting. Several female medical staff were holding her tightly, and they were really going to inject her with a sedative.

Lin Yi snorted softly and said, "Let go of her, I'll take care of it."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the two female medical staff nodded in unison, and then retreated very respectfully.

"Don't catch me! I'm going to find Brother Xiaoyi!" Sophie yelled, speaking in Huaxia, which she was not very proficient in.

Lin Yi sighed softly, walked to her side, gently grabbed her hand, stabilized her body, and said softly: "Fair, calm down, look who I am."

Sophie'er's struggle stopped, her eyes fell on Lin Yi's face, she suddenly struggled harder, and shouted: "How do I know who you are! I want to find brother Xiaoyi, brother Xiaoyi, come and protect me Ah! Someone is trying to kill me!"

Lin Yi was slightly taken aback, and said to himself: "How is it possible? I have such a handsome face, can this girl not recognize me?"

Lin Yi touched his face, and suddenly found that his face was a bit swollen. He just remembered that he was beaten into a pig's head by those crazy women before. Although the swelling subsided a little, his face was still fatter than before.

He quickly circulated his inner energy to eliminate the swelling on his face, then grabbed Sophie who was running away, and said, "Fei'er, look again, who am I?"

Sophie turned her head impatiently, and was about to scold Lin Yi, but when her eyes fell on Lin Yi's face, her expression froze suddenly, and then she shouted happily: "Brother Xiao Yi , It's really you! I'm not dreaming! You don't know, just now there was an ugly ugly man pretending to be you, and I recognized it at a glance, am I very powerful?"

Lin Yi's forehead was suddenly covered with black lines, what should he say?Whether he agrees or disagrees, it's hard for him to say.

He could only laugh dryly, and said: "Fei'er is right, I am so handsome, how can others pretend to be? Fei'er, are you feeling better? Is there any discomfort?"

"Head, my head hurts a bit. I had a nightmare just now. I dreamed of a bad old man. He cast a curse on me, which made me feel so painful. After I woke up from the pain, I couldn't find you, so I just Run outside. Those people didn't let me run outside, and they wanted to give me an injection. I was so scared... Later, an ugly man came, and he wanted to pretend to be you..."

"Ahem, okay, okay, let's not talk about this. The past is over. Let me ask you, do you want to go back to Sweden or stay in China? Actually, if you stay by my side, it's really very difficult. Danger……"

"No! No matter how dangerous it is, I will stay by your side! Lin, I can't live without you, I can't! Without you, I would rather die! No matter how terrible the devil, even the evil Satan, I will Be by your side and fight with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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