Chapter 546

Sophie waved her small fist, as if she was going to rush out to kill now.

Lin Yi gently stroked her little face, and said: "Silly girl, it's not that exaggerated. As long as you choose to stay in Huaxia, I will definitely protect you. However, there is something I have to confess to you. In fact, I not only like You are a woman..."

"I know, there is still that witch, Weiwei! Only after you left me, I realized how stupid I was. At that time, I could have accompanied you with her, a husband and wife, for such an excellent man like you Say, it's normal!" Su Fei'er seemed to have figured it out, and Lin Yi suddenly showed a wry smile, obviously a little tangled.

Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, Su Fei'er seemed to have guessed something. She frowned slightly and asked tentatively, "Brother Xiao Yi, isn't that sorceress Weiwei with you?"

"Weiwei is with me, but now she is shopping with my mother." Lin Yi smiled awkwardly, he didn't know how to explain to this girl.

"Oh cake buyer, why didn't you wake me up earlier? Let that sorceress go shopping with my mother, she will definitely take away all my mother's love, and then my mother will not love me anymore! No, I have to fight for it!" Sophie shouted very excitedly, and was about to rush out immediately.

Lin Yi quickly blocked her, and said with a wry smile: "Don't worry, Weiwei can't take away all the love from mother, because... because..."

"Why? Brother Xiaoyi, when did you become such a mother-in-law? You are not manly at all! Tell me, what is there to hide from me? I have a good psychological quality and can bear it!" Although Sophie Having said that, but the deer still bumps in her heart, she is really afraid of knowing something bad.

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Okay, let me confess. In fact, I not only have you and Weiwei, I also have other women."

"What? You have another woman? You are too careless! Who is she? Is she more beautiful than me and Mistress Weiwei?" Sophie was a little unhappy, she just left Lin Yi for a few years, Lin Yi actually found so many women, which really doesn't take her seriously.

She had to know who that woman was, and why she could rob Lin Yi from her.

Lin Yi sighed, and said: "It's not her, it's them. Let me tell you clearly, I have found many women, and I have many confidante, besides you and Weiwei, there are also Xiaoyun, Chuchu, Solanum nigrum, Bing Bing, Yue Shu, Yue Ru, Ye Ling, and Ying Shuangshuang also count, you can count them yourself."

Lin Yi didn't want to be wordy, so he explained it directly to Sophie.As Sophie listened, her expression completely changed.

She tried her best to count with her fingers, and said in disbelief: "Oh, those who buy cakes, including me, there are ten of them in total! Lin, you are too careless! This is simply a Chinese cabbage!"

"Ahem, it's Huaxin Daluobo, you're wrong..."

"Shut up! It's Chinese cabbage!" Sophie blushed with anger, looking fierce.

Lin Yi sighed, and said: "Okay, okay, Chinese cabbage is Chinese cabbage. Oh, Mayfair, I have made it so clear just now, you should understand what I mean. Those women treat me like you treat me The same, they are all inseparable. In fact, I never thought that you would come to China from Sweden just to find me. I thought that you were married and had your own happiness. I admit, I It's really selfish, I'm very fickle, I'm very greedy, and this is also my biggest shortcoming. If you can't accept it, I won't blame you, after all, this kind of thing can't be forced."

Lin Yi knew that what he did was a little too much, but love is a matter of mutual consent, so he couldn't force Sophie to accept it.

Lin Yi had already thought that, as a royal princess, Sophie had grown up in a honey pot, everyone protected her and spoiled her, and suddenly she was asked to share a man with other women, of course she was very upset. Difficult to accept.

Seeing Sophie's pained look, Lin Yi felt a little guilty, he sighed again, and said: "The Swedish royal family is already asking for someone from China, and I had people reject them before." request. If you don't want to stay in Huaxia, I can ask them to send you back..."

A crisp slap sounded, and there were five finger marks on Lin Yi's face, which were clearly visible.

Lin Yi didn't expect that his face would endure so many hardships today, could it be that God is jealous of his handsomeness?
Before Lin Yi recovered, Su Fei'er's small mouth suddenly came over and kissed Lin Yi's lips.Lin Yi never expected that he would be kissed forcibly.

Sophie's kissing skills are very jerky, but very crazy, Lin Yi felt that the capillaries on his lips were about to spurt blood.

After kissing for about 10 minutes, Sophie let go of her mouth. At this time, Lin Yi's lips were already swollen, even more swollen than his face.

"Oh my god, you are not kissing, you want to eat sausage!" Lin Yi rubbed his swollen sausage mouth and said bitterly.

Sophie stared at him, and said: "No way! I just want to kiss your mouth and swell it up for the rest of my life! Who told you to be so fickle? Who told you to bully me! You clearly know that I can't do without you, so I deliberately want to let you I'm going, how can I go! I don't care how many women you have, as long as you treat me well, if you are a little less than other women, I will... I will castrate you!"

Sophie's Chinese language was very standard, and Lin Yi was stunned when he heard this. When did this little princess become so violent, she uttered foul language.

"Strange, who did you learn to say these words from? According to the court etiquette of the Swedish royal family, it seems that these words cannot be said?" Lin Yi asked suspiciously.

"I must have learned from you! Have you forgotten? When you came to our Swedish royal family to steal things, you just smashed through my cousin and bullied me. When you got angry, you castrated my cousin. You also said at the time, deal with it." Bad man, this method is the best way to relieve hatred. Sister An Qi has always said that you are a devil, it should be because of this. Sigh, I don’t know how Sister An Qi is doing now, I sneaked out, she must be very anxious." Su Mayfair sighed, with a bit of self-blame in his tone.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Then I'll send you back, okay?"

"Don't do it, I won't do it! I want to stay by your side, you can't drive me away! By the way, where are mom and those sisters shopping? I want to go there too, and I want to stay in front of my mother." The next good impression, I think, she should like me who is so cute, don't you think so?" Sophie made a very cute expression, Lin Yi glanced at her, and his heart beat immediately.

The little loli back then is now fully mature, and Lin Yi can't help but sigh, God is really kind to him.

While he was in a daze, the phone rang suddenly, it was an unfamiliar number.

Normally, he wouldn't answer such calls at all, but he suddenly had an ominous premonition that this call might not be a good thing.

He answered the phone and asked in a deep voice, "Hello, who are you?"

"Hehe, Lord Dragon God, hello, you really forget things so much, don't you remember me?" There was a strange voice on the phone, which was very ear-piercing and unpleasant.

" are Wu Da, and you are not dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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