Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 547 Because He Agreed

Chapter 547 Because He Agreed
Lin Yi couldn't believe that it was Wu Da who called him. For a while, he really didn't remember it.

However, he quickly realized that although Wu Da was seriously injured in the previous battle, when he attacked the Wu family, Wu Da did not appear, and he should still be recovering from his injuries.

In this way, it is normal for Wu Da not to die.

"Hehe, Lord Dragon God, of course I am not dead. If I die, who can cause you trouble? Lord Dragon God, listen first, whose voice is this?" Wu Da laughed, and quickly Ying Shuangshuang's scream came from the phone, and Lin Yi's face darkened immediately when he heard the voice.

"Wu Da, what do you want to do? I spared your life back then, don't you think you are not satisfied, and you still want to fight against me? Are you not afraid that I will kill you?" Lin Yi said coldly, with a strong murderous look burst out of him.

A burst of wild laughter quickly came from the other end of the phone, saying: "It's so scary! Are you trying to scare me to death? Hehe, it's a pity, I didn't scare you too much! You destroyed the Wu family and my chance to become a successful person, of course I will To take revenge on you! As for you to spare my life? Hehe, are you joking? Last time I escaped from your grasp with all my might, and you still have the nerve to say that you spared me, won’t you blush?"

Wu Da yelled at the phone, and Ying Shuangshuang's cry came again from the phone.

Lin Yi's face suddenly turned cold, and his murderous aura multiplied. Sophie, who was beside him, suddenly felt cold all over. The current Lin Yi gave her a really terrible feeling.

"Wu Da, I'll give you one last chance. If you dare to hurt Shuangshuang and the members of the Ying family, I promise, you will be smashed into pieces, and you will have no chance to be a human being! I, Lin Yi speak, do what you say, you wait!" Lin Yi hung up the phone viciously, and Wu Da on the other end of the phone was shocked, he didn't expect that he was holding the lives of so many hostages in his hands, but was caught Lin Yi threatened.

Lin Yi's voice was loud, and Ying Shuangshuang and the others could hear it clearly.Ying Shuangshuang was very excited. She glanced at the panicked Wu Da, and sneered, "Wu, are you disappointed? Originally, you just wanted to blackmail some benefits, but in the end, you could only bring yourself death." , do you still want to be so wrong?"

"Shut up! You little girl, believe it or not, I will kill you right now!" Da Wu shouted, very emotional.

"Shuangshuang, stop talking, don't make him angry anymore." The young man covered in scars shouted in a low voice. He is Ying Kui, Ying Shuangshuang's older brother. Judging from his current situation, he must have suffered a lot. .

Ying Shuangshuang sneered, and said, "So what if he's angry? I don't believe he dared to move us! Brother Xiao Yi has great powers and will come to rescue us soon. If this guy doesn't move us, there might be a way out. If we touch us, he will definitely die, and his death will be very miserable!"

"I told you to shut up, did you hear me! If you keep talking nonsense, I will kill your father and your brother. Anyway, in my hands, only your life is the most important thing!" Wu Da sneered, and Ying Shuangshuang's His face immediately sank.

"You dare, as long as you dare to touch my elder brother and my father, I guarantee that Lin Yi will not let you go..."

"Haha, what a joke! If you tell Lin Yi not to let me go, he won't let me go? You are too naive to think! To tell you the truth, I have already found out everything about Lin Yi. He has many Women, even the eldest lady of the Bai family is one of his women. What about you? You probably don’t qualify in his heart, so don’t pretend here. Hehe, it must be like this! Let me pick it up You, look at how that Lin Yi came to save you!" Wu Da suddenly laughed, and walked slowly towards Ying Shuangshuang.

Just after taking two steps, his body froze suddenly, and the words Lin Yi said earlier appeared in his mind.

That tone, those words, all pierced his heart like an awl, making his body tremble uncontrollably.

"No, if what that guy said is true, wouldn't I be dead? Let's not touch this girl and see how Lin Yi will react. This girl is right, I just want some benefits, not I really want to fight him to the death, why go so far?" Wu Da thought to himself, and immediately made his decision.

He stopped, turned around, walked slowly towards the door without saying a word, then closed the door and locked it.

Ying Shuangshuang's hanging heart fell temporarily, and she let out a long breath, looking relieved.

Ying Kui looked at Ying Shuangshuang and said very dissatisfied: "Sister, why are you making fun of my life and my father's life? Don't you know that guy is inhumane? What if he kills us? Does that Lin, will he fly from the sky to save us?"

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense, trust your sister!" Ying Taikun, the Patriarch of the Ying Family, kicked Ying Kui hard and scolded viciously.

Of course he knew that Ying Shuangshuang was betting. In the situation just now, if Ying Shuangshuang hadn't done that, Wu Da might be even more unscrupulous.

Ying Shuangshuang deliberately provoked him, but made him feel afraid. This special provocative method was more useful.

"Dad, do you think I'm stupid? I know he has many women and is not a single-minded good man, but I still have a deep affection for him. I don't even know if it's right for me to do this, let alone I know whether he will come to save us or not." Ying Shuangshuang's heart was extremely fragile, as if it would be broken at any moment.

Ying Taikun looked at her quietly, and said with a smile: "I, Ying Taikun's daughter, of course the decision I made cannot be wrong. Since that man can get your love, there must be something special about him." It is impossible for such a man to die. Moreover, from the aura transmitted from that person's phone, I can feel that this man's aura is definitely stronger than anyone I have ever seen. If he appeared here, it is estimated that Wu Da would kneel without a fight. Wu Da's performance just now also proved this point, that person completely shocked Wu Da's heart with just a phone call. Any suspense?"

Ying Taikun is worthy of being the helm of the Ying Group. When he analyzed the problems, Ying Shuangshuang's originally chaotic heart suddenly calmed down.

"Father, you are right. Whether he likes me or not, he will definitely come to save me, because he promised. If Lin Yi promised, he would never break his promise. I believe him!" Ying Shuangshuang's tone was very sure , looking out the window with burning eyes, she expected that Lin Yi would appear there, stepping on the colorful clouds, like a hero, descending from the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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