Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 548 Sword Ghost Xuanyuankun

Chapter 548 Sword Ghost Xuanyuankun

Lin Yi is communicating with Sunlight Box, and has been communicating for more than ten minutes.

Since this thing is a treasure for traveling through time and space, it shouldn’t be a problem to just travel through space without traveling through time, right?

To be precise, Lin Yi didn't dare to travel through time and space. After all, what Mu Ze said before was so terrifying. If he was accidentally sucked up by a treasure box, it would be a disaster!

Now, he thought, if he just travels through space and travels hundreds of kilometers directly, it shouldn't be a big problem, right?It's faster than flying over.

But he didn't expect that he had worked hard for more than ten minutes, but he didn't get any response. If he had known earlier, he might as well have just flown there!

Seeing Lin Yi talking to a box for so long, Sophie was also puzzled. Is there something wrong with Lin Yi's brain?What happened to the phone call just now?Could it be that Lin Yi was stimulated by that phone call and became insane?

"That... Brother Xiao Yi, what happened? This box..."

"Oh, this thing is called the Sunshine Treasure Box, and its function is... well, why am I explaining this to you? This box is really unreliable. I have to go there to save people! Mayfair, are you going with me, or are you here?" Waiting for my mother and your sisters?" Lin Yi's tone was rather anxious, after trying for so long and wasting so much time, he became even more anxious.

Sophie instinctively wanted to talk, but after thinking about it, she sighed and said, "Forget it, I still won't go. If I go, it will only cause trouble for you. Be careful along the way, your own safety is the most important thing. "

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Fei'er is so good! Okay, then I'll leave now, you stay here, don't go out and run around, it's not safe outside now. I'll be back soon, wait for me!"

After Lin Yi walked out of the door, he immediately sacrificed the evil knife. After the evil knife became bigger, Lin Yi stood up, and then flew away under the stunned eyes of the soldiers.

"My God! Is this the power of Lord Dragon God? He can fly!"

"What's so strange about this? With only a few brushes, can he become the Dragon God of Dragon Fury? I've heard that he is the strongest in China, possessing incomparably powerful strength, and has defeated many villains!"

"Master Dragon God hastily left this time, it must be another evil person causing trouble. I hope Lord Dragon God can also easily defeat the enemy this time, and show me the power of Huaxia!"


Lin Yi didn't hear those soldiers' comments. He didn't know that his influence in the Chinese military had rapidly increased, which had a lot to do with Qin Dingbang's propaganda.

I believe that it won't be long before he will become the real patron saint of Huaxia and be admired by thousands of people. This is what the senior officials of Huaxia love to see.

During the flight of Yudao, Lin Yi felt a little regretful.If he had known that the ending would be like this, he would not have done those useless efforts.

Fortunately, the flying speed is quite fast, Lin Yi is crazily consuming his inner energy, and the evil knife is also very powerful, squandering its power without hesitation, increasing the speed to the extreme.

After about four or ten minutes, he arrived at Pinghu. Every time he came to this familiar city, he had a new feeling.

The last time he came here, he felt a monstrous evil aura. He hadn't been here for a few days, and the evil aura here had obviously dissipated. This was directly related to the destruction of the Zhou family.

Lin Yi took a deep breath and called Long Baichuan, asking him to check the approximate location of Wu Da when he called.

Soon, Long Baichuan gave him an answer. With the technology of the Chinese military, it is very easy to do this.

"It's actually on the east side, Wu Da, you really know how to hide!" Lin Yi sped up and flew towards the east of Pinghu Lake, his mental power spread, and soon he searched all the places he passed.

Fortunately, Long Baichuan sent him all the maps of the signal reaction points, which made it much easier for him to find them.

On the ground, in a white pagoda, an old man with silver hair suddenly opened his eyes, and said coldly: "It's so fast, I found this so quickly, it seems that Wu Da is really kicking this time." It’s time to hit the iron plate. Although it is said to take people’s money and eliminate disasters for others, a master of this level really gives me a headache!”

The silver-haired old man sighed, slowly stood up from the futon, and walked out the door.

Outside the door, Wu Da was pacing back and forth, very uneasy.

When Wu Da saw the silver-haired old man, he ran over quickly and said, "Senior Sword Demon, why did you come out? Could it be that guy Lin Yi has already come?"

The silver-haired old man nodded and said: "It is indeed here. If the old man's guess is correct, he will find it in a minute at most. Are you ready to say something? The old man can't guarantee that if there is a fight in a while, you will be able to find it." Beat that guy."

"No way, Senior Sword Demon, you are a well-known hidden world master in China, and you have always kept your word. I have given you all the treasures I have collected over the years, you must help me!" Wu Da was very eager Said, as soon as the words fell, he was glared at by the silver-haired old man, which made his body tremble suddenly, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"The old man doesn't like to repeat his words many times. If he can beat him, he can beat him. If he can't beat him, he can't beat him. However, if the old man comes out, he should give him face and won't do things too badly." The silver-haired old man After stroking his beard, Wu Da calmed down a little with his words.

Lin Yi's mental exploration ability is so keen, he soon found Wu Da on the ground.Of course, he also felt the presence of the silver-haired old man.

The aura emanating from the latter made him slightly startled. When did China have so many strong spiritual energy?Where did this old man come from?
However, he didn't have time to think so much, he jumped and fell from the air, just landing on the spire of the pagoda.

He looked down at Wu Da and the silver-haired old man, and said indifferently: "Wu Da, I have already come, and I want to play some tricks, shouldn't I show it? Don't you think that if you find this bad old man, you can defeat me? Even kill me? Hehe, you are so naive in thinking!"

"Shut up... shut up! Lin Yi, do you know who you are talking to! You can insult me, because I am just a small person, I can't get on the stage, it's nothing. But, don't you know this senior? He is the famous sword ghost Senior Xuanyuankun, a well-known hidden master in the ancient Chinese martial arts world, do you still have the capital to be arrogant in front of his old man?" Wu Da looked domineering, wishing to raise his tail to the sky .

Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately fell into thinking.

Seeing this situation, Xuanyuan Kun thought that Lin Yi had been overwhelmed by his prestige, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth immediately, and said: "You are Lin Yilin's little friend, right? Old man Xuanyuan Kun, people in the same way call me Sword Ghost. Listen Said that you have some conflicts with this friend Wu, I, Xuanyuan Kun, want to be a peacemaker and deal with you for a while, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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