Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 554 Fuck Your Sister’s Misunderstanding

Chapter 554 Fuck Your Sister’s Misunderstanding
Lin Yi knew that those people were waiting for the opportunity to do something, and the best opportunity was of course during the treatment.

Although it was a bit risky for Lin Yi to do so, it would be pretty good if he could achieve the purpose of leading the snake out of the hole.

It is indeed conceited to do so, but Lin Yi also has the capital to be conceited, and he does not believe that he can do anything to him with just a few young people.

Ying Shuangshuang looked at Lin Yi with some concern, the meaning in his eyes was very obvious.

Lin Yi smiled lightly, and said: "Don't worry, if I say it's okay, it will be fine. If there is a fight, I will send you to a safe place. Remember, don't resist, I heard ha!"

Lin Yi said so, of course Ying Shuangshuang had no reason to refute, she nodded, and stood aside obediently, watching Lin Yi treat her grandfather.

Lin Yi glanced at Ying Taixu who was lying on the bed, and with just one glance, he could see his illness.

"The intracranial blood vessel ruptured, causing congestion and blood pressure to constrict the nerves. Western medicine treatment is extremely risky, and the success rate is estimated to be no higher than [-]%." Lin Yi said to himself.

Ying Shuangshuang nodded, and said: "Indeed, the most famous 'Xue Yidao' doctor Xue said that even if he is the chief surgeon, the success rate is at most [-]%. My father dare not take risks, so he always uses conservative treatment."

"Conservative treatment is indeed right. In this case, if you have an operation, you probably won't be able to get off the operating table. But, Shuang Shuang, don't worry, since I said I can cure it, it will definitely be cured." Lin While Yi was speaking, the Gorefiend had already been released. With the loyal bodyguard of the Gorefiend, Lin Yi didn't have any worries at all.

He took out the silver needles of the three veins of gods, ghosts and demons, twelve needles each, equal to the number of heavenly gangs.

With his current strength, he no longer has to worry about not having enough internal energy to treat people.

He first used the Shenmai needle to stabilize Ying Taixu's vitality, and then used the magic meridian needle to protect his brain. As for the ghost meridian needle, although it is dangerous to use, it is inferior to the other two needles in terms of melting blood. .

"Master, there are two warriors in the late stage of alchemy are coming here. It seems that they are going to make a move!" The voice of the blood demon came from Lin Yi's mind. At this time, the timing of the move was indeed relatively short. good.

Lin Yi hummed, and said: "You stop them first, the main thing is that if they dare to attack, they will be your bait. You know, there are not many such opportunities."

"Yes, master, I promise to do it properly and not let you down!" The Gorefiend's tone was extremely excited. When he thought of being able to devour so many masters and improve his own strength, he was so excited that he wanted to sing out loud. It's really cool too.

Ying Shuangshuang was extremely nervous. Although she was not a warrior, she could feel that the atmosphere was a little more tense than before, as if something big was about to happen.

Before she could ask, Lin Yi put it into the Demon Town Tower, and comforted her through sound transmission.

After doing these things, he accelerated the treatment of Ying Taixu, and it didn't take long for the congestion in Ying Taixu's brain to be completely cleared.

At this time, the whole room suddenly trembled, as if there was an earthquake.

The voice of the Gorefiend also came over: "Master, the magic weapon in those guys' hands is so strange, it can absorb my strength and attack me instead, I can't bear it anymore!"

The blood demon was really annoyed. He thought that after his strength recovered to the late stage of the alchemy state, it would be extremely easy to deal with these human fighters at the peak of the alchemy state.But he didn't expect that things would develop like this, which made him feel unexpected.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and said: "If you can't beat it, then back down. What you said just now still counts. After I finish solving them, I will give them to you as bait. Now, I want you to go back to the Town Demon Tower, don't scare me." To my woman, understand?"

Lin Yi's tone was full of evil, and he immediately sent Ying Taixu and his hospital bed into the Demon Town Tower. The Gorefiend nodded repeatedly and flew back in the blink of an eye.

After doing this, the door of the ward suddenly exploded, and even a wall outside was destroyed.

Two old men with swords flew over and stabbed at Lin Yi without saying a word.

"Don't even mention the opening remarks, aren't you afraid that you won't have a chance to say it?" Lin Yi smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the two swords in his hand, he exerted a little force, and the two swords broke at the same time, scaring the two people His complexion changed drastically.

"Oops, he's at least a strong man in the spirit realm, get out!" One of them shouted, and the two hurriedly each took out a black ball and threw it on the ground, a puff of smoke dispersed, and their aura was strange. Disappeared.

"The tricks of the Japanese ninjas, grandma's, it's unforgivable for Chinese warriors to use the things of the Japanese ninjas! Don't you know that what I hate the most is the Japanese country?" Lin Yi's anger exploded like a bolt of lightning go out.

What surprised him was that the people here were moving very fast. After the defeat of the two alchemy experts, the speed at which the others fled made Lin Yi speechless.

However, Lin Yi was not interested in catching those little guys. He had left his mark on the two alchemy experts just now, and it was very easy to find them.

The two were really inseparable, and together they fled towards the north at high speed.

Lin Yi stepped on the Xie Dao, and with one move of the Sword Controlling Technique, his speed increased rapidly, and the distance was quickly shortened to only about [-] meters.

"Nani, he's catching up!" One person exclaimed, the accent made Lin Yi's face change suddenly, his sister, are they really Japanese?
Japanese people, instead of practicing their ninjutsu, came to practice China's ancient martial arts, what the hell is this!

"Let's separate, don't be caught by him!" The two looked at each other, and immediately made a decision, and fled frantically.

Lin Yi secretly cursed "Damn it", and immediately gave the order to the blood demon, no matter what, he must deal with one.

The Gorefiend was assigned by Lin Yi to chase the warrior who was running west, while Lin Yi accelerated all the way to chase the warrior who was running east.

That martial artist was hard enough, and it didn't take long before he began to burn his own vitality, turning it into an astonishing speed, accelerating forward.

Lin Yi gritted his teeth, if he couldn't even catch up with this guy, wouldn't his life be in vain!
After chasing for about ten minutes, he finally caught up with that guy, and knocked him flying with a punch at a distance of more than ten meters.

The warrior was really annoyed, why did he memorize his points so much that he became the target of Lin Yi's pursuit, isn't this nima dead?

He stabilized his figure, took a deep breath, forced a smile on his face, and said: "Master Lin Yi, it's a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding! We didn't mean to oppose you, what happened just now..."

"Misunderstanding? Since you mentioned what happened just now, you still have the nerve to say it was a misunderstanding. I will blame your sister for the misunderstanding!" Lin Yi interrupted him, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the warrior's throat.

(End of this chapter)

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