Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 555 Look How Good I Treat You

Chapter 555 Look How Good I Treat You
Lin Yi's anger was uncontrollable, this guy thinks he is stupid??It's so obvious, it's a misunderstanding, he absolutely believes that this guy is insulting his IQ.

Of course, Lin Yi didn't want to kill him just like that, leaving someone alive, so he could always ask something.

Seeing that Lin Yi didn't listen to his explanation at all, the warrior immediately gritted his teeth, threw out a large shuriken, and continued to run away.

"Just relying on these scraps of copper and rotten iron to block me, why are you so stupid?" Lin Yi yelled, and punched out, shattering these shurikens with the wind of his fist.

He accelerated, appeared in front of the martial artist, and hit the martial artist's mouth fiercely, knocking out all his teeth.

In this way, the fangs used to commit suicide in his mouth were gone, and Lin Yi immediately felt much more relaxed.

The warrior slammed into the ground hard, knocking out a big hole in the ground.

Lin Yi fell to the edge of the big pit, looked at him with a smile, and said, "How is it? Did you feel very enjoyable? The punch just now didn't disappoint you, did you? See how kind I am to you. In order to prevent you from committing suicide, You made a fool of yourself, spent so much effort, knocked out all your teeth, shouldn't you thank me well?"

The warrior's face was as pale as paper. The punch just now not only shattered his teeth, but also injured the meridians of his whole body. Let alone self-destruct, it is very difficult for him to even move.

He glared at Lin Yi viciously, and said with great difficulty in his leaky mouth: "Don't try to ask anything from me, even if I die, I won't let you succeed. Our Tianshan faction did not surrender to the enemy. bastard!"

"Tianshan School? Hehe, it's very interesting." Lin Yi grinned slightly, showing a playful smile, and he stepped on the guy's chest, making blood spurt from his mouth.

"Idiots from the Wa Kingdom? What the hell, dare to pretend to be someone from the ancient Chinese martial arts world. Although the Tianshan faction has no integrity and cooperates with the Poison God Sect, what does it have to do with the idiots from the Wa Kingdom? Hehe, it doesn't matter if you don't say it , you should have heard that we have a secret method in Huaxia, called Soul Search, which is designed to deal with stubborn guys like you." A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, although he didn't like to use this trick, but to deal with it This kind of person who has undergone strict sealing training will never tell the truth if he does not use this trick.

As for whether he becomes an idiot or not, that has nothing to do with me.

Lin Yi's purpose in life is very simple, if people don't offend me, I won't offend them, if people offend me, I will double the number of offenders!
He has been with those idiots of the Japanese country?There is no contact, and they just came to trouble him. Isn't that courting death or something?
That martial artist obviously knew what soul searching was, and immediately began to struggle, even hitting his head on the ground desperately.

But he really underestimated the hardness of his own head. After all, he was also a strong man at the peak of alchemy, how could he be killed so easily?Even if his head is lost, it is estimated that he can live for a few minutes.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, tried to prepare himself mentally, and put his hands on his head.He is also worried, who knows if he will see something disgusting, if he accidentally vomited him up, wouldn't the last meal be for nothing?
The soul search started immediately, and he quickly scanned the warrior's memory, and was surprised to find that the warrior was indeed from Huaxia, and his name was Zhou Tian.

Why would a Chinese person speak the words of a devil?Why are you still using the devil's weapon?Lin Yi really couldn't figure it out.

Lin Yi could bear the next scan. Although this guy killed a lot of people, he used relatively normal means to kill people. Usually, he killed with one blow. He would not do anything to torture corpses. Kind of nasty.And this guy is obviously a cultivator. The thing he has done most since he was a child is cultivation.

Soon, Lin Yi knew the reason why that guy spoke Japanese language. It turned out that in order to improve the strength of its sect, the Tianshan sect had some disciples pretend to be foreign students and sneak into the Japanese country to learn some martial arts skills from the Japanese country.

Lin Yi had to praise the leader of the Tianshan faction, learning from the barbarians to control the barbarians, this is a very good method.

Although the so-called masters of the Wa country are vulnerable to a single blow in Lin Yi's view, they also have some merits. They are indeed top-notch in terms of sword skills and stealth skills.

However, the Tianshan faction has trained so many masters, and they are willing to submit to the poisonous god sect, which makes it difficult for him to accept.Is it true that the Poison God Sect is so powerful that it is unstoppable all the way?

From this Zhou Tian's memory, Lin Yi saw his annoyance when he was ordered not to resist the Poison God Sect, but he also saw the inhuman things he did for the Poison God Sect.And this time Zhou Tian's purpose in coming to Pinghu was not to kill him, but to capture him alive, which made Lin Yi really puzzled.

Could it be that the group of poisonous gods are stupid?up?He can even deal with that guy Dazabi, and only rely on these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, can he be captured alive?It's hilarious.

Lin Yi let go of his hand, and Zhou Tian, ​​who had become an idiot, collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

At this time, the blood demon flew from a distance with a disheveled face, looked at Lin Yi bitterly, and said: "Master, I'm sorry, after that guy couldn't beat me, he blew himself up as soon as he gritted his teeth. I don't know what he did did it..."

"Okay, okay, this guy will be a tonic for you, and it should be able to heal your injuries. Remember not to appear in front of Shuangshuang and the others to scare them, I'll take your skin off!" Lin Yi gave the blood demon a fierce look , He was so frightened that he hurriedly took Zhou Tian back to Zhenyao Tower.

Lin Yi rubbed his chin, and suddenly remembered something: "Oops, since they're eyeing the Ying family, will they also be eyeing Mama Lu and the others, damn it!"

Lin Yi hurriedly accelerated and flew towards the hospital, looking like he was in a hurry.

If something happened to Lu Guihua and Lu Xiaoyun, he would definitely make the entire Tianshan faction disappear in this world!
About ten minutes later, Lin Yi appeared at the entrance of the hospital. Many police officers had already appeared downstairs in the inpatient department of the hospital. After all, there was an explosion just now, and there was a lot of movement.

Lin Yi searched a little bit and found Lu Xiaoyun's location, which made him a little relieved. As long as Lu Guihua and Lu Xiaoyun were fine, he would be relieved.

He quickly came to the door of the room where the two of them were, and before entering, he felt several familiar auras.His expression froze for a moment, he was only interested in detecting Lu Xiaoyun's aura just now, but he didn't even notice these auras.

He pushed open the door, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Xing Caiyuan covering her mouth and giggling: "Sister Lu, Xiao Yi is really so clumsy that he falls into the toilet when going to the bathroom? Haha, this is too interesting! If there is anything embarrassing about him, tell me again!"

(End of this chapter)

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