Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 556 Violent Mother

Chapter 556 Violent Mother
There was a black line on Lin Yi's forehead. He didn't expect that Xing Caiyuan and the others would come to Pinghu, let alone that they would come to the hospital and talk to Lu Guihua about his unbearable past. This is too bullying!

Lin Yi looked at the women in the room, coughed lightly, and said, "It's too rude to expose my faults behind my back, isn't it?"

"Oh, it turns out that the little emperor is here. I didn't expect that you would come to see your mother Lu when you are picking up girls?" Xing Caiyuan was always rude when she spoke, and Lin Yi couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Mom, don't bury me, how dare I go out to pick up girls! Something happened just now, I went to deal with it, and then I came back. When did you come? Why didn't you tell me? "Lin Yi said with a smile on his face, the sarcasm in Xing Caiyuan's words was too strong, which made him a little at a loss.

"Hmph, of course mom is because you came to Pinghu alone, so you didn't worry, so let us come together! I didn't expect you to make such a big commotion when you came, you really don't let us worry." Bai Bingbing snorted softly, A very unhappy look.

Although the tone was not good, Lin Yi could feel that Bai Bingbing was very serious about him, which could not be concealed.

He hehe smiled and said: "The incident happened suddenly, I didn't have time to say so much, so I had to come here alone. Oh, by the way, if you want to let me out, I will let two people out."

The air in the Zhenyao Tower is not very good, Ying Shuangshuang and Ying Taixu if they stay inside for a long time, it will cause great harm to their bodies.

When Ying Shuangshuang appeared in front of everyone, Bai Bingbing was the first to react and exclaimed: "Shuangshuang, when did you get together with this pervert? This is too scary!"

Lin Yi's face froze suddenly, he didn't expect that Bai Bingbing and Ying Shuangshuang knew each other.

If you know each other, you will know each other. This is too harsh to say. What does it mean to get together?They are very pure male and female relationship, okay?
Ying Shuangshuang's cheeks were flushed. She didn't expect that Bai Bingbing was one of Lin Yi's confidante. As a child who had played with her since she was a child, she felt very embarrassed to meet her in this capacity on such an occasion.

"I... I don't know why we got together, brother Xiao Yi is quite nice, he's not a pervert..." Ying Shuangshuang lowered her head shyly while talking.

All the girls looked at her strangely, and the only thought in their minds was: "This girl is too poisoned, Lin Yi is not a pervert, so are there still perverts in this world?"

Lying on the hospital bed, Ying Taixu slowly opened his eyes. He glanced around and said in a daze, "Where is this? I... Am I still alive?"

Ying Shuangshuang immediately rushed to Ying Taixu's bedside, and said very happily: "Grandpa, of course you are not dead. With Brother Xiao Yi, the number one genius doctor in China, it will be difficult for you to live a long life!"

"It's true, Lin Yi took action, there is no incurable disease. Grandpa Ying, do you still remember me? I am Bingbing, the little girl who used to like to go to your house for dinner the most." Bai Bingbing said with a smile , the little head moved over.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Taixu's mouth, and said: "Bing Bing, brother Bai's granddaughter, how could I not remember it? It's such a comfortable feeling. It's the first time I feel such a comfortable head. I thought I had already reached the ground. What a ghost! Hahaha..."

"Don't talk nonsense, your current body will be fine even if you live to be 150 years old. By the way, Brother Xiao Yi, it's really too crowded here, the air is not well circulated, and it's not very good for Grandpa Ying's recovery. Let me arrange a new ward." Bai Bingbing ran out bouncingly, although this girl was stubborn in her words, she still acted unambiguously.

Soon, Ying Taixu was assigned a new ward, Ying Shuangshuang went to chat with Ying Taixu, and Lin Yi stayed in Lu Guihua's ward.

Judging from how the girls get along, Lin Yi is quite at ease. In fact, his requirements are not too high. As long as they don't fight, he will be thankful.

Lin Yi walked up to Lu Guihua, and said with apologetic expression: "Mother Lu, you have suffered this time. Although I have brought the culprit to justice, the damage done to you is irreparable. Don't worry, I will definitely do it in the future. Protect your safety and ensure that no one will hurt you!"

"Hehe, why did you do that? Protect me like a giant panda. Is there any fun in my life? Actually, these days, what I want to do the most is go to the square to dance "Little Mango". It's much more comfortable to lie here and wait to die every day." Lu Guihua chuckled, and Xing Caiyuan who was beside her immediately regained her spirits.

"Sister Lu, what is "Little Mango"? Can the fruit still dance?"

"Sister Xing, it seems that you have been out of touch with this era for too long, and you need to make up for it. "Little Mango" is a square dance song. People of our age like to do it most. Go to the square to dance. But, sister Xing, you are too young, you look at most 25 or [-] years old, if you go to dance, those old women may not take you to play!" Lu Guihua joked with a smile.

"How can that be? Although I look very young, you know, Sister Lu, I am also a person who is on the fifth day. People who are on the fifth day should be able to dance in the square, right? Or, let's go now Jump?" Xing Caiyuan's eyes were shining, and Lin Yi suddenly realized that he really knew too little about this mother, could it be that she had been in the Cathode Land for so many years, driving her a little crazy, and she couldn't wait to think about it. Go out and have fun?
Lin Yi smiled wryly, and said, "Mothers, it's only two or three o'clock, and you are going to dance in the square, isn't it too early? Also, my dear mother, is there anything you forgot to tell me?" Did I say that? Did that sandbag in the God-killing Pagoda say anything?"

"That guy, at the beginning, he refused to say anything. To be precise, I didn't want to ask anything at all, so I just kept beating him. At the end of the beating, after I calmed down a little, he cried and begged to tell I want to keep all his secrets, as long as I don’t hit him. How can it be done? My anger has just subsided a little. After my anger subsided, he became like that." Xing Caiyuan thought while saying, not to mention Lin Yi, other people were a little dumbfounded after hearing her words, how violent it is to do such an awesome thing ah!

Lin Yi regained his composure for a while, and said, "Mom, what do you mean, you just kept beating him like that without asking any questions?"

"That's right, that's how it is. Don't blame me. When you threw it in, you told me to vent. Of course I mainly vented! However, he was beaten to the end. I didn't ask, but he confessed He said some words, as if he said something, Yingumen would attack Banruo Temple in the near future, and he just said that, and he lay down and pretended to be dead. Alas, I really didn’t need to be beaten!"

(End of this chapter)

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