Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 557 Ice Soul Fruit

Chapter 557 Ice Soul Fruit

What Xing Caiyuan said shocked everyone again, why lie down and pretend to be dead?It was obvious that she was about to be beaten to death, okay?
When Lin Yi saw that guy, his mind was completely confused, and he couldn't even search for the soul.In the end, Lin Yi did a good deed, which made him relieved earlier.

According to his thinking, he was going to take out a lot of information about the Yingumen from this guy, but now, after being beaten by Xing Caiyuan, this line was completely broken.

Seeing Lin Yi's dejected look, Lu Guihua could only laugh dryly, and said, "Xiao Yi, your mother is only too angry to act impulsively, so don't be upset, okay? As long as you Mom can calm down, isn't everything worth it."

"Sister Lu is right. You don't know. My temper is really hard to control now. I finally found a way to calm down. If I don't use it, wouldn't I be sorry for Xiaoyi's filial piety? Xiaoyi, don't you I'm too worried, didn't that guy say that he was going to attack some Banruo Temple? At least he can know their whereabouts, and if we meet again next time, he can catch them all!" Xing Caiyuan said disapprovingly, but Lin Yi in doubt.

"It's strange, I have dealt with the heads of the Yingumen. Why do they still want to attack Banruo Temple? Do they still have a very strong support?" Lin Yi thought to himself, frowning slightly.

"It seems that it's time for us to go to the small world. My grandfather is dealing with the matter of the four major families. As for those ancient martial arts sects, we must rely on us to solve them. If my guess is correct, the reason why Yingumen wants to To attack Banruo Temple, it should be supported by the evil sect in the ancient Chinese martial arts world, otherwise they would not be so rampant." Solanum nigrum said a very crucial point, which made Lin Yi nod in agreement.

"Well, I had to spare some time to go there, and of course it would be better to go there now. However, Pinghu has already been watched by those enemies, and I am really worried that what happened to the Ying family before will happen again." Lin Yi said in a deep voice, The tone is very serious.

"Don't worry, I'm here in Pinghu. Don't forget, you left a few helpers here. I was a little greedy just now. I asked them to go to the south to pick fresh lychees. They should be back soon. "Xing Caiyuan laughed, and as soon as the words fell, Lin Yi really felt a few familiar breaths approaching quickly.

Xiao Bai and Jin Ling looked very tired, and put a bag of lychees that had just been picked for two hours on the table, panting.

Lin Yi looked at the two of them in disbelief, and said, "Where did you two go to pick lychees just now? Didn't you really go to Lingnan?"

"What do you think? The old lady wants to eat lychees, are you ashamed to let her eat frozen ones? You are our master, the mother of the master, can we neglect it? Xiaobing and Xiaochan are still working hard to get here, they are very If you want to follow them, it will be already night when they come back." Xiao Bai said angrily, she always had this expression on Lin Yi.

Xing Caiyuan glanced at them and said: "Don't complain, let you run errands, it is to exercise your body and improve your strength. These two ice soul fruits are given to you. After eating them, maybe It can improve your strength."

From nowhere, Xing Caiyuan conjured two chilly fruits, which were obviously ice soul fruits.

Xiaobai and Jin Ling immediately glowed, and turned out to be Binghunguo, and stepped aside respectfully.

Lin Yi looked at Xing Caiyuan in disbelief, and said, "Mom, what are you playing with? What is the ice soul fruit?"

"You don't even know about Ice Soul Fruit? Thanks to you, you have been wandering in the Cathode Land for a while. Ice Soul Fruit is condensed from pure ice aura. In the Cathode Land, people there have always wanted to eat it but dared not eat it." Things." Xing Caiyuan entered the state of popularizing knowledge, and everyone looked at her curiously, waiting for her explanation.

"I want to eat but dare not? What does this mean?" Lin Yi asked suspiciously.

"It's very simple, because most people in the Cathode Land have cold poison in their bodies. If they eat ice soul fruit again, the cold poison in their bodies will definitely be stimulated, and it will be extremely painful at that time. Therefore, except that my fire body can bear it , other people can't bear it at all. Although this thing is very cold, but it contains a lot of aura, which is suitable for the growth of monsters, so of course they like it! You are also really, becoming their master, you don't give any benefits They, fortunately they are so loyal, if it was me, they would have betrayed a long time ago!" Xing Caiyuan's words moved Xiaobai and Jin Ling, they never thought that there would be such a reasonable person in the world.

Lin Yi took a long breath and said: "Mom, you are generous, I can't compare with you! So let's do it, you and Xiaobai are sitting in Pinghu. With your strength, you must die if you come here to find fault. But , there is something I would like to ask for your help..."

"You want to talk about the two girls of the He family, right? Don't worry, their safety is also on me. I am also going to teach them some martial arts skills so that they can become stronger as soon as possible." Xing As soon as Caiyuan said this, the eyes of all the girls lit up, and they looked at Xing Caiyuan with burning eyes.

Xing Caiyuan glanced at them, and said: "If you want to stay, I will teach you of course, I'm afraid you'll just focus on dating."

"How could it be? Mom, I have always supported you! I have decided to stay with you!" Bai Bingbing was the first to announce that she would stay. Improving her strength is very important to her. Hold back.

"I'll stay too, anyway, I can't help much with the past." Lu Xiaoyun raised his hand for the second time, and soon Sophie, Weiwei and Hua Chuchu all agreed, leaving only Ye Ling, Solanum nigrum and Lin Yi went together.

Lin Yi let out a long breath, feeling extremely grateful to Xing Caiyuan in his heart, if all the girls followed him wherever he went, it would be really troublesome.Of course, he only dared to say these words in his heart, after all he was still afraid of death.

At this time, the door was knocked suddenly, Ying Shuangshuang opened the door cautiously, and said softly: "Grandpa has fallen asleep... I, I want to ask, can I learn martial arts with my aunt? I don't know anything. Yes, I always cause trouble for Brother Xiaoyi, I don't want to do this again..."

"Okay, okay, of course it's okay! Even if you don't know anything, I guarantee that you will become a martial arts master in a month. Don't be so born, what are you calling auntie? We are all a family, just call mom. By the way, little Yi, so many girls have given their hearts to you. When will you give them an explanation? Don't give me a sloppy eye. Just this month, you got married. You have a wedding, just to celebrate the joy. Recently, such a thing happened What a bad thing, it made everyone too angry, getting married and having fun will make you feel much better, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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