Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 558 Strange Array

Chapter 558 Strange Array
marry?play for fun?
Lin Yi felt more and more that his mother had overwhelmed her brain, so that the child's heart became so serious.

All the girls blushed at what she said, of course they had thought about such a thing, but in this extraordinary period, Lin Yi didn't speak, so how could they have the nerve to mention it?

Ying Shuangshuang's performance was the most awkward. She was embarrassed to call her aunt, but Xing Caiyuan directly asked her to call her mother, and even started talking about marriage. Although she always dreamed of such a thing, but suddenly said so, She was really overwhelmed.

Lin Yi is quite conflicted now, of course he knows what these girls think, even if they can't give them legal titles, they still have to give them the title of wives.

However, now that various situations are changing rapidly, and the situation in China and abroad is very tense, why does he want to get married?
And, how big is the marriage?If it is small, it is too disrespectful; if it is big, in this monogamous country, polygamy is openly practiced, and Lin Yi is worried that those old men will bother him.

After thinking about it, he suddenly felt that his head was getting bigger.

Lu Guihua seemed to see Lin Yi's difficulties, she smiled slightly, and said, "Sister Xing, don't be in such a hurry to force the marriage, the children still have their affairs to do, so many bad guys are still waiting for the opportunity to deal with you." Let's make a move and get married now, wouldn't it be an opportunity for those people to take advantage of? Let's take it easy."

"Mom, I also think Lu's mother is right. If China's enemies are not wiped out for a day, even if we get married, we will have a hard time in our hearts. I believe that with our strength, we can completely wipe out all China's enemies within a year or two at most. At that time, when we get married again, it will be considered as a universal celebration." Solanum nigrum smiled, and when she spoke, of course it represented the meaning of all the girls.

Xing Caiyuan sighed, and said: "Okay, okay, I was thinking of having a grandson early, but it seems that it will be a while later. Do what you should do, Xiaoyi, remember When you come back, bring me some specialties from Xidu, your mother, I have never been to Xidu, so I am hungry."

"Okay, okay, I'll take as many as I have, then... let's go now?"

"Well, kneel down..."

Xing Caiyuan waved her hand, and there was a black line on Lin Yi's forehead. This mother is becoming more and more unbearable, and she is developing in the direction of the best mother.

Lin Yi, Solanum nigrum and Ye Ling quickly left the hospital. Lin Yi sacrificed the evil knife, which quickly became ten meters long, enough for three people to step on.

In fact, Xie Dao has a lot of opinions on Lin Yi now, mainly because Lin Yi often flies on it.

Even if it flies, it is often overloaded. Fortunately, this time I only brought Solanum nigrum and Ye Ling. If I brought all the women, wouldn't it be crushed to death?

Lin Yi was annoyed by its nagging, so he had no choice but to promise it that he would only bring three people with him at most.Otherwise, wouldn't he be bothered to death by a knife?
It was the first time for Ye Ling to see such a magnificent scenery, and she wanted to come out with Lin Yi this time in order to relax.

However, looking at it, her mood suddenly became dull, and her expression became much darker.

Lin Yi seemed to see something. He walked over and said with a smile: "Ling'er, don't worry, after my strength improves, I will definitely rescue all the people in my clan. I have already changed the land of anodes through the God-killing Pagoda. The environment lowered the high temperature there. In this case, the life of the clansmen should be better."

Ye Ling nodded, and said in a low voice: "I know, Brother Xiao Yi, you will definitely be able to save them. I just feel very guilty. The people of the tribe were locked up. I was still outside looking at such a beautiful scenery, and I still feel very sad." Happy, isn't this a little heartless?"

"Silly sister, if you are downcast now, you are really heartless! If you stay in the anode land, will the lives of those tribesmen be better? Their daily life is still the same, nothing has changed. But, Now that you have left the land of anodes, at least give your people some thoughts and let them know that one day they will be able to come out too. In this way, they will naturally have the courage to face the future. Also, Xie Dao is so Carrying us hard, showing us the magnificent rivers and mountains, feeling the fresh air, if you feel unhappy, Xie Dao will be angry!" Solanum nigrum smiled, and as soon as the words fell, Xie Dao seemed to respond Shaking, almost throwing Lin Yi off the tip of the sword.

Ye Ling smiled, hummed, and said: "I know, the clansmen will be able to leave that place one day, and after they come out, I will be their guide and take them on a tour of this magnificent river and mountain..."

When Ye Ling said this, his voice suddenly paused, and Lin Yi and Solanum nigrum's complexions also sank at the same time, and they looked at a certain place on the ground together.

Lin Yi and Solanum nigrum knew that that place was less than ten miles away from the entrance of the small world. Although it looked like a depression, the depression gave them a very uncomfortable feeling.

Ye Ling's face was gloomy, and he said in a low voice: "Brother Xiao Yi, that depression exudes a strong evil spirit, which is absolutely abnormal!"

Solanum nigrum nodded and said, "I can feel it too. That aura is similar to that old monster from the Yinbone Gate last time. It seems that it has something to do with the Yinbone Gate!"

Lin Yi closed his eyes, released his mental power, and he operated the clean dust beads to the extreme. In this way, at high altitude, his spiritual exploration power radiated out like an umbrella, quickly killing everyone and everything within a radius of ten miles. cover.

Soon, he realized something was wrong, opened his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "This kind of big pit, there are five places in total, all located ten meters away from the entrance of the small world, like the method of forming a five-element formation. I guessed right, this formation should be used to deal with Banruo Temple and Shushan Sword Sect, what a vicious method!"

Of course, Lin Yi is very clear about the methods of Yingumen. Usually, dead spirits or living people are used to sacrifice, and this big formation is probably done like that.Five big pits, how many people would have to die to get them out!
Solanum nigrum looked cold, and said: "What should we do now? Should we advance into the small world, or destroy the formation outside first? It's very strange, since they have set up a large formation here, why are there no one? Don't they fear others? Destroy this array?"

"No, this formation is not very hidden. They have no reason not to send people to watch it. The space where the small world is located has no connection with the outside world at all. No matter how vicious the formation outside is, it is impossible to affect it. Other dimensions." Lin Yi suddenly figured this out, and started to work quickly.

Suddenly, he figured out something, and said: "Unless the purpose of this large formation has been achieved, if you want to enter the small world, you have to find another way besides using normal and formal methods. This formation is very likely to be used to enter the small world." Prepared, the reason why no one is guarding here is because... Oops, the small world has been invaded!"

(End of this chapter)

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