Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 559 Allowing You to Slaughter

Chapter 559 Allowing You to Slaughter
When Lin Yi came to this conclusion, his complexion suddenly changed, and the two girls immediately figured out the clue, stood up quickly, and swooped down together with Lin Yi.

As soon as they landed at the entrance of the small world, seven black shadows emerged from the ground, surrounding the three of them.

Lin Yi frowned slightly. With his probing power, he couldn't detect the existence of these seven people. Judging from the aura emanating from the seven of them, they are definitely not from the Yingumen.

"Who are the three of you? The evil alliance is doing things, and people who have nothing to do with it will leave, or they will be killed without mercy!" The leader of the seven shouted loudly. Judging from the aura emanating from him, this guy's cultivation base should be at the level of alchemy. Around the middle period.

The strength of the other six people is also in the alchemy state. Moreover, these seven people should have a joint formation to increase their collective strength. Even if they face the strong in the spirit state, they should all have the power to fight.

"Evil Alliance? Hehe, I didn't expect those evil faction Xiao Xiaoxiao to be sneaky in normal times, but they are quite grandiose when they do big things, and they directly created an alliance. It's a pity that garbage is always garbage, no matter how many people gather, it can't be changed. The essence of rubbish, you can kill without mercy, I'll bah!" Lin Yi really spit out a mouthful of saliva, which just happened to hit one of them in the face.

In this way, the battle begins immediately.

The positions of the seven people corresponded to the Big Dipper, and every move and move had the taste of the Taoist Tiangang Big Dipper Formation. Lin Yi couldn't help but wonder which sect these seven people belonged to.

"Seven-star evil spirit array, the evil spirits break the gods!" The seven shouted together, and each swung a sword energy.

The seven sword qis fused together at an extremely fast speed, and finally turned into a dazzling white light. Lin Yi could faintly feel that there was a strong resentment in the white light.

A good orthodox swordsmanship has been modified so nondescriptly. Judging from the intensity of resentment, it is obvious that in order to refine a powerful sword energy, they must sacrifice countless living beings. Only in this way can they have such a terrible effect !

Solanum nigrum suddenly reacted, and said: "I see, they are the disciples of the evil sword sect, and only the disciples of the evil sword sect can cultivate such a terrifying evil nature in the sword qi. Lin Yi, this sword must not be hard Carry it, be careful of the resentment entangled in it, it will be very difficult to handle!"

Lin Yi smiled lightly, and said: "It's my style to be stubborn, hide? Where can we hide? I'm going to smash it from the front, and smash these seven foolish and arrogant hearts by the way!"

As soon as Lin Yi's words fell, the figure shot out like lightning, slashing towards the sword energy.

His murderous aura climbed endlessly, and behind him slowly formed a phantom of a giant about tens of meters high. A long knife appeared in the phantom's hand, and it happened to do the same movement as Lin Yi, and slashed at the phantom. Dao merges with sword energy.

The light of the sword, the light of the sword illuminated the world, making it hard for everyone to open their eyes.

When the light faded, Solanum nigrum and Ye Ling opened their eyes. At this moment, they were surprised to find that the seven members of the Xiejian sect had disappeared.

"Where did they all go? Could it be that they escaped?" Solanum nigrum said very nervously.

"They have disappeared, completely disappeared in this world, turned into dust between heaven and earth, and were blown away by the wind." Lin Yi stood alone in front of the wind like a poet, posing in a pose that he thought was very coquettish.

In fact, his face was already pale, and he was speeding up the recovery of his inner energy.

"Oh my god, that knife not only destroyed Jianguang, but also vaporized those seven people. After doing all this, brother Xiao Yi is still so relaxed, it's too powerful!" Ye Ling's eyes flickered Xing Xing looked at Lin Yi longingly.

Solanum nigrum glanced at him, and said: "Why is he so relaxed? If you can't stand still, sit down and rest, don't pretend to be aggressive, and no one will laugh at you."

"Oh, I was discovered by you again, my old waist, the knife just slipped to my waist, come and rub it for me." Lin Yi's mouth twitched, Ye Ling laughed out loud at that sad look endlessly.

Solanum nigrum ran over to support him, glared at him viciously, and while massaging his waist, scolded him: "It's best not to pretend like this in the future, and kill yourself to death, you want us all to be widows? Hmph, when the time comes , each of us will put on a green hat for you, and let you enter the Hall of Yama, the hat is ten meters high."

Ye Ling chuckled, and said, "Sister Solanum Kwai is right, we are all young, so we won't be widowed for you! If you don't cherish your life, we will have a competition to see who wears the most cuckolds for you!"

Lin Yi's expression was suddenly stunned, and he said: "Please, don't be so cruel, this is too unconscionable..."

"Can't you? Who told us not to cherish our own life so much, let us... worry!" Solanum nigrum squeezed Lin Yi's waist hard, and he jumped up immediately in pain.

He looked at the two of them with a wry smile on his face, and said, "Since it is the road I chose, I will go on even if I try my best. If I don't carry it, you will have to carry it. Tell me, should I carry it or you will carry it?" Don’t worry, I, Lin Yi, won’t die so easily, and I’m not my opponent just because of these small characters. Don’t talk nonsense, we must hurry up and enter the small world, if it’s too late, the people inside will be in danger!”

Lin Yi was really worried. There were many civilians in the small world, and those people were unarmed and unable to resist.

If those evil sects were really so devoid of conscience and would kill anyone they saw, the small world would really be doomed!

He only hoped that those people hadn't been in for a long time, and things weren't that bad.

Solanum nigrum and Ye Ling nodded at the same time, and together with Lin Yi, they passed through the Demon Town Tower and entered the small world.

The normal passage to the small world has been closed. I'm afraid this is Tian Lingzi's defensive move, but he never expected that the enemy would enter the small world in such a brutal way.

After Zhenyao Tower penetrated into the small world, Lin Yi immediately felt an extremely strong bloody breath.The Gorefiend in the Town Demon Tower suddenly became excited. After all, he likes the smell of blood very much.

Inside the Demon Town Tower, Lin Yi could clearly see the scene outside.

A large group of disciples of the evil faction armed with swords rushed into the civilian population and slaughtered frantically.There are also people who blatantly absorb the souls of those civilians and warriors, temper their magic weapons, and enhance their strength.

Lin Yi gritted his teeth, seeing that when Huaxia suffered from external shocks, these damn beasts actually stabbed inside.He originally thought that the so-called evil sects were only called "evil" because they did not follow common sense and made those righteous people find it difficult to understand.

Unexpectedly, these people are truly evil, even if they are all killed, it will be difficult to solve the resentment in Lin Yi's heart.

"You all need to be careful for a while and protect yourself. This is the most important thing. I will give you the control of the Demon Suppressing Tower. If you are in danger, you can enter the Demon Suppressing Tower with just one thought in your mind. As for the Blood Demon, I allow you to slaughter these evil sect disciples, if you can, don't let any one go, go!"

(End of this chapter)

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