Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 560 I'm That Lin Yi

Chapter 560 I'm That Lin Yi

After receiving Lin Yi's order, the blood demon screamed with excitement, and then rushed out as if mad, with a completely bloody look.

Solanum nigrum is really worried. The blood demon is really a double-edged sword. If you don't use it well, you may hurt yourself.

Once it enters the fighting state, it is purely immortal, and it can also absorb the resentment and bloody breath in the battle to improve its own strength.

Seeing the worry in Solanum nigrum's eyes, Lin Yi smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, since I dared to accept it, I never worried about it rebelling. No matter how strong it becomes, I can solve it. I'll go first It’s time to save the scene, here it is for you.”

After Lin Yi threw out these words, he galloped towards the nearby Prajna Mountain.Shushan has Tian Lingzi sitting in town, so there should be no major problems for the time being.

There are not many people who can fight in Banruo Temple, and last time they lost so many masters, it seems that they are weak.

Lin Yi galloped all the way, whenever he saw the disciples of the evil sect, he would kill them with a slash of swords, without dragging his feet in the slightest.

His speed was extremely fast, and his strikes were very accurate. The disciples of the evil sect along the road fell down one by one as if they were harvesting wheat.

At the beginning, not many people paid attention to it, but as more and more people died, those disciples of the evil sect had already noticed, and shrank to the side in fright, not daring to confront Lin Yi.

When Lin Yi reached the bottom of Banruo Temple, he had killed at least three or four hundred disciples of the evil sect.He could feel that on the top of the Banruo Temple, there were three auras close to the spiritual realm. Wudu should have suffered serious injuries and could hardly hold on.

"Stop coming! This is the grievance between Xiemeng and Banruo Temple, no one who has nothing to do with it, retreat quickly!" A man with a horse face shouted loudly, and Lin Yi was amused by what he said.

"It's nothing to do with people? Are you so stupid? Didn't you see that I killed so many evil dogs? I just didn't back down, and I wanted to kill you!" Lin Yi shouted, and struck three swords together One, he split the man in half.

"Fuck, a mere minor cultivator in the true energy realm dares to block Lao Tzu's way, I really don't know what to do!"

Lin Yi cursed, scaring the nearby disciples of the evil sect to retreat.

Lin Yi quickly reached the top of the mountain, and immediately caught Wudu who was seriously injured.At this time, Wudu's eyes were red from killing, so how could he look like an eminent monk?
After he was caught by Lin Yi, he instinctively swung his staff to kill Lin Yi, but was caught by Lin Yi.

"Abbot Wudu, wake up quickly! I'm Lin Yi!" Lin Yi's voice was like a bell, and Wudu was immediately awakened.

Wudu turned his head with difficulty, and saw Lin Yi's face, his old face actually shed two lines of hot tears.

"Benefactor Lin, you are finally here. If you don't come, our Prajna Temple will be over." Wudu's body suddenly softened, and the breath of life quickly passed away.

Lin Yi quickly used the Shenmai needle to stabilize his vitality, and then injected a large amount of inner energy into his body, saving his life.

With a thought in his mind, he first took Wudu into the God-killing Tower, and then looked at the three strangely dressed old men and women in front of him.

All three of them exuded an extremely evil aura, and it was easy to know that they must be a few masters of the evil sect.

The three of them, two men and one woman, each stood in one direction, surrounding Lin Yi in a fan shape.

One of the two men had a white, beardless, wrinkled face, and was wearing a checkered gown; the other was dark-skinned, with a goatee beard, raised orchid fingers from time to time, and matched with his long black dress, he looked really disgusting.

The old woman made Lin Yi's hair stand on end. Since he appeared, the old woman's eyes have not moved away from him.

Just look at it, the old woman was still drooling and wiping it blatantly, almost making Lin Yi spit out his last meal.

"Black Widow, don't you just fall in love with that little boy? If you keep looking at it like this, that little boy will be killed by your eyes!" The beardless man said with a smile, and there was a bit of teasing in his words.

"Damn! Old pleats, don't make fun of me when you're idle. Even if an old cow eats tender grass, she won't eat such tender grass..." The old woman felt guilty for a while, before she finished speaking, her saliva flowed down again. up.

Only then did Lin Yi discover that the reason why the old woman was drooling was because she had several missing teeth in her mouth, and the saliva flowed out along the missing teeth.Lin Yi suddenly realized that his skin was getting goosebumps.

"Hey hey hey hey, since big sister Hei said so, then this little boy belongs to my family! The first time my family saw him, I was fascinated by him. I want to catch him and absorb him well. Maybe I It can become more beautiful!" The black-faced goatee said very shyly, and the other two were ashen-faced, apparently also stimulated by that guy.

Lin Yi's face turned green and pale, he really didn't expect that he would meet so many strange things, could it be that God deliberately tortured him?

He took a deep breath, then took a long breath, and said: "Have you finished your words? After you have finished speaking, I will send you back to the West. You can also choose to kill yourself, but please stay away from death, I think It's...disgusting..."

Lin Yi couldn't help it, turned around and retched a few times, his stomach twitched uncomfortably.

The faces of the three turned cold at the same time, and Lin Yi was locked on by three murderous auras. Lin Yi guessed right, all three of them were at the peak of the alchemy state, and they were only a hair away from the spiritual state.

"What an arrogant boy, are you a lay disciple of Prajna Temple? Report your name, and after I kill you, I will make you into a puppet. Each puppet must use its original name, otherwise the effect will be reduced." It’s not good.” The unnecessary man laughed strangely, stretched out his hand and made a move, and three humanoid puppets appeared in front of him, judging from the breath, the strength of these three puppets were all around the middle stage of alchemy state.

After killing living people and turning them into puppets to fight, Lin Yi suddenly discovered that the methods of these people from the evil sect are so similar, so why can't they use a way to highlight their individuality?
Lin Yi sighed, and said: "Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully that I got too deep into the drama just for the sake of me. Cough cough, my name is Lin Yi, and I am not very famous. It’s normal that you haven’t heard of it.”

"Lin Yi? Such a familiar name, where do I feel like I've heard it before?" Black Widow murmured to herself, her face full of doubts.

Suddenly, the beardless man seemed to think of something, and said: "I remembered, Brother Gui Qiangu said that he was going to deal with a brat named Lin Yi. Could it be that he is the same person as this kid? No, Gui Qiangu With the strength of the senior's spiritual energy, it should be impossible for this kid to escape from him, right?"

"It seems very likely that they have the same name and surname, um, it must be so, you must believe in my sixth sense!" the goatee girl said very seriously, and Lin Yi wanted to strangle him to death after what she said.

"What the hell, stop talking nonsense with the three of you! I'm that Lin Yi! That old tortoise Gui Qiangu has already been slaughtered by me! Yay bah, talking nonsense with the three of you is really boring, are you all ready? If you are ready , I’m going to take your dog’s life!”

(End of this chapter)

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