Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 562 Take me to play 1 play

Chapter 562 Play With Me

As the black widow spoke, she gently raised her left shoulder, revealing her fair and tender skin.Lin Yi could feel that this woman even cast a charm on him, it was a kind of power that could seduce the soul!

However, she really found the wrong partner. Lin Yi had already practiced "Hundred Poisons Are Invulnerable" surrounded by so many beauties. Such a childish charm is not worth mentioning!
Lin Yi shook his head lightly, and said: "Killing you is really dirty my knife, and if I don't kill you, it will dirty my eyes and soul. Think about it, it's better to dirty my knife."

Speaking of this, Xie Dao immediately began to protest, but Lin Yi ignored it.

The black widow was heartbroken, and shouted: "Since you are so unreasonable, don't blame me for fighting with you!"

The black widow suddenly soared into the air, her hands kept forming handprints one after another, and a puff of black air burst out from her body, forming a huge spider phantom behind her.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "You really live up to your name, and it really has something to do with spiders. It's a pity that your poisoning skills have no effect on me."

Lin Yi raised the evil knife high, and the murderous aura poured into the evil knife continuously. He shouted loudly, and the evil knife slashed out a dazzling knife light, locking the black widow.

"Thousand Spiders!" Black Widow yelled, and the phantom of the spider flew towards Lin Yi quickly. The poisonous gas it emitted could corrode even the air. The strong stench made Lin Yi frown.

However, Lin Yi's murderous aura only increased, and he slashed out lightly, which turned out to be the soul blade that had not been used for a long time.

This knife passed through the spider phantom easily, and did not cause any damage to the spider phantom.The black widow was taken aback for a moment, she had no idea what trick Lin Yi used.The only explanation is that Lin Yi's attack has been destroyed by her Qian Zhu Mie.

Thinking of this, a smug smile appeared on her face, she had already expected Lin Yi's appearance when he was destroyed by Qian Zhu Mie, how exciting it would be!

However, for some reason, she suddenly found that Lin Yi's figure had become a little blurred, not only that, but also the Thousand Spider Miter she had cast with all her might, like a mist that would dissipate at any time.

When she realized it, a knife flashed in her mind, splitting her soul in half.

"It turned out to be...a soul attack..." Black Widow murmured, she watched Lin Yi raise her fist, and smashed Qian Zhumie with one punch.

At this moment, she suddenly realized how ignorant her idea of ​​killing Lin Yi was, it was simply a big joke!

Lin Yi took out a handkerchief from nowhere, wiped his hands, and said with disgust, "I didn't expect my hands to be dirty, it's disgusting!"

He threw the handkerchief casually, and the handkerchief fell from the sky, and finally fell to the ground, just covering the face of the black widow, and the battle at Prajna Mountain finally came to an end.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Banruo Temple were very excited. Lin Yi glanced at them very gently, and said: "Your abbot is resting in a safe place, and now the three most powerful people here have been killed. I'll take care of it, and the rest of you will trouble you. Remember, although you are monks, you are also warriors. Warriors, protect the weak and resist strong enemies, go kill them!"


The monks of Banruo Temple rushed to kill those disciples of the evil sect as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Lin Yi glanced at the direction of Shu Mountain. At the top of the mountain, a large black cloud shrouded Lin Yi's vision and soul exploration.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, and immediately went away with the sword, hacking and killing along the way, killing countless disciples of the evil sect.

With Lin Yi's joining, the pressure on Shushan Sword Sect's side also decreased a lot. When Lin Yi rushed to the halfway up the mountain, the situation on Shushan Sword Sect's side was completely under control.

On the top of Mount Shu, Tian Lingzi was surrounded by three white-haired old men. Judging from the soul fluctuations emanating from him, Tian Lingzi had already suffered serious injuries.

"Tian Lingzi, why do you struggle so hard? If you still have a physical body, the three of us may not be your opponents, but now you don't even have a physical body, and you only rely on a spiritual body, so it is possible to deal with us? This seat advises you You, surrender as soon as possible and announce that the Shushan Sword Sect will join the Evil League, only in that way can you preserve the foundation of your Shushan Sword Sect for thousands of years." The most powerful old man among the three said in a deep voice, with a bitter look on his face .

Tian Lingzi chuckled, and said, "Join you and keep the foundation? Haha, what a joke! That's not to keep the foundation, but to become your dog. I lived for most of my life and died for most of my life. I never thought about it." Be a dog! So what if the Shushan Sword Sect is destroyed? We would rather die standing than live on our knees. This is the character of our Shushan Sword Sect. You little beasts don’t understand it, do you?”

"Leader Qiu Yan, why are you talking nonsense with him? He is now at the end of his strength. Even if we don't attack, we can kill him with this three evil spirit killing array. You don't need to have any scruples at all. As long as you kill him, Shushan Sword Sect He Banruo Temple is in our pocket, this is already a certainty, what is there to wait for?" Another old man said coldly, looking at Tianlingzi with fiery eyes, if Tianlingzi's If the soul is devoured, no one in China can defeat him!

Qiu Yan glanced at him, and said: "Elder Mu Zun, don't be so anxious. After all, Tian Lingzi is a famous person of the generation and our senior, so we should be more polite. Besides, he is a master who has been famous for many years, so it should not be possible. It is so easy to be defeated, if my guess is correct, he probably has the means to counterattack, we cannot take it lightly."

"Leader Qiu Yan is right. Let's spend time with him slowly, and we must not be impatient. According to the historical records of our Hundred Ghosts Sect, this Tian Lingzi once slaughtered four hundred ghosts of our Hundred Ghosts Sect within three moves with one person's strength. A true energy disciple. Therefore, I dare to conclude that his strength is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface, and he still has backhands!" The third old man said coldly, looking at Tian Lingzi's eyes full of fear, it was a kind of outburst. Fear from within.

Hearing this, Tian Lingzi couldn't help laughing, and said: "That's right, I do have tricks, you better not take it lightly, if you accidentally let me out of this formation, hehe, then you are all dead! "

In fact, Tian Lingzi's heart was already in a mess, so how could he have any other tricks?In order to protect the small world from being invaded by the outside world, he has already consumed more than [-]% of his power.

But he didn't expect that this so-called evil alliance would forcefully blast open the small world with the power of the Five Yin Juezhen, and then rushed in, killing them by surprise.

His last reliance now is the monsters on the back mountain of Banruo Temple, but those monsters only obey Lin Yi's orders.Moreover, people who are not of our race must have different hearts, who can guarantee that those monsters will turn against each other and stab them again, if that is the case, Banruo Temple and Shushan Sword Sect will really be finished!
When he was having a headache, suddenly, a familiar aura appeared on the top of Shushan Mountain, and a playful voice sounded in everyone's ears: "I didn't expect the Shushan Sword Sect to be so lively here, why don't you take me to play too? "

(End of this chapter)

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