Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 563 It's better not to bother

Chapter 563 It's better not to bother

Seeing Lin Yi's familiar face, Tian Lingzi almost cried with excitement. He really didn't expect that Lin Yi would be able to rescue them in the small world when Lin Yi couldn't receive his distress signal. This moved him so much I don't know what to say.

"Brother Lin, why are you here? Could this be the legendary telepathy?" Tian Lingzi looked at Lin Yi expectantly, his words sounded ambiguous.

Seeing Tian Lingzi's expression, Lin Yi couldn't help coughing a few times, and said, "You don't need that expression, do you? I just came to take a look when I was bored. I don't like you, old glass."

"Who the hell are you? This is a matter of our evil alliance..."

"I'll fuck your sister! It's always the same line. The three I killed on Prajna Mountain just now said the same thing. Please keep your eyes open! I am your enemy, and I came here to destroy you. Don't be old. Asking these painful questions, you guys like to be wordy and repetitive, I don't like it!" Lin Yi interrupted that Mu Zun's words angrily, and he was extremely disgusted with these evil bosses.

I have to say that the strength of these three people is really not weak. The worst one has reached the early stage of spiritual energy, and the strongest Qiu Yan has reached at least the middle stage of spiritual energy. Lin Yi really doesn't know how they practiced.

The faces of Qiu Yan and the others suddenly turned cold. They did not expect that the heads of the three evil sects sent to Banruo Temple were all killed by this young-looking bastard. This is too unbelievable.

Tian Lingzi laughed excitedly and said: "That's great, I knew that as long as you take action, brother Lin, those youngsters are looking for death! Hahaha..."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him, and said: "You are ashamed to say, if I don't come, you will die! Knowing that there is a foreign invasion, why didn't you notify me in time? Are you strong? It's all your fault, otherwise how can the small world So many people will die!"

"Uh... well, I really didn't expect them to use this method to attack. You know, I can completely hide the small world in a different space. Logically speaking, they should not be able to attack." Tian Lingzi looked very innocent, but was glared at by Lin Yi again.

"Is it right that you can't attack? I just said, you old man is usually very conceited, and you don't let people say, you..." Lin Yi suddenly paused, turned around and slashed at Mu Zun who was about to attack Flying out, even though Mu Zun dodged the blade, he was still shocked by the murderous aura and spit blood from his mouth.

"It's best not to disturb me when I'm talking, or I'll kill you!" Lin Yi was furious, and the Mu Zun quickly retreated in fright.

Tian Lingzi's eyes flickered, and he said excitedly: "Sure enough, you have reached the spiritual energy state, boy, you are truly a genius!"

Qiu Yan's face was extremely gloomy. He didn't expect that such a powerful opponent would appear on the way. If Lin Yi and Tian Lingzi joined forces, how could the three of them be able to resist?

Lin Yi glanced at the formation that trapped Tian Lingzi, and said indifferently: "Old man Tianling, protect yourself, I will forcefully break the formation, if you get hurt, don't blame me!"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, before Tian Lingzi could speak, he flew up, concentrated all his strength, and slashed.

The knife was slashed out and turned into a crescent-shaped knife light, which directly hit the transparent mask.

The faces of Qiu Yan and the others changed drastically, and they quickly increased the output of internal energy to prevent Lin Yi from breaking through the formation.

Lin Yi smiled lightly and said softly: "Blood Demon, do a good job and kill at least one."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the old man from the Hundred Ghosts Sect suddenly froze, his whole face turned red, and then his body continued to expand, exploding into a cloud of blood mist.

The blood mist disappeared at an extremely fast speed, and there was not even a scum left in the blink of an eye.The figure of the Gorefiend appeared in front of everyone, and he hiccupped, looking unfinished.

"Master, how was my performance just now? I exploded one of them with one move. However, his blood is really unpalatable, and it is quite difficult to digest. Let me go back first." The blood demon was quite uncomfortable, Lin Yi nodded and took him back.

Once the old man from the Hundred Ghosts Sect dies, the Three Evil Spirit Punishment Formation will naturally be destroyed without attack.

Tian Lingzi looked at Lin Yi solemnly, and said, "Brother Lin, it's not a good thing for you to cultivate a blood demon like this. If that guy grows up, he will definitely be more difficult to deal with than these evil crap. Too big."

"That's all right, all right, you should worry about yourself. Since I dare to keep him by my side and use this method of stocking him, I naturally have my purpose. Don't worry, I never do things that I am not sure of. The rest What about these two? Can you still fight?" Lin Yi was really worried about the old man. Now that Tian Lingzi has no body, his combat power has been weakened by N times, and his consumption is so high. Whether he can fight is really unknown.

Hearing this, Tian Lingzi smiled, and said, "Why, you still look down on me, an old man? Don't worry, with my current strength, I can still deal with a middle-stage spiritual energy. I will leave the other one to you. If you are not sure, you can Let me help and I will take good care of you."

Tian Lingzi's smile was really cheap, Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Just keep bragging, forget who saved you just now, don't be too forceful, if you can't beat it, just tell me."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, he rushed directly towards Mu Zun. Mu Zun's strength was about the peak of the early stage of spiritual energy. With Lin Yi's current strength, it was more than enough to deal with him.

Seeing that Lin Yi chose him, Mu Zun was furious, pointing his nose and saying that he is the weakest!

He was about to rush over, but was grabbed by Qiu Yan.

"Let's stop fighting. If we fight again, we will lose. After I'm done, hurry up!" Qiu Yan shouted.

"Leader, how can you do this? We have killed so many people this time, if we just retreat like this, the Poison God Sect..."

"Our lives are more important, or the Poison God Cult? Why can't you even get around this corner? The Poison God Cult is just using us as knives, and now we have suffered heavy losses, so why fight!" Qiu Yan shouted , a fist blasted out, unexpectedly blocking Lin Yi's knife.

However, he also suffered a small loss. Lin Yi's murderous aura entered his body, causing a little damage to the meridians in his body, which made you feel quite uncomfortable.

"Want to leave? No way! I really didn't expect that you would admit to cooperating with the Poison God Sect. In this case, you all stay with me!" Lin Yi snorted coldly, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Mu Zun.

At this time, a huge sword light with a length of about ten meters shot from the sky, and the huge oppressive force made Lin Yi startled.

Without even thinking about it, Qiu Yan immediately turned around and ran away, Mu Zun was not so lucky, he tried his best to resist, but was still blasted into powder by the sword light, blood mist filled the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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