Chapter 566
Xie Dao is definitely a battle fanatic, and Lin Yi's blood is boiling with his words.

He nodded and said, "That's right, I'm not fighting alone. If that's the case, I have nothing to worry about."

Lin Yi straightened up, and the scenes of his previous battles appeared in his mind. At that time, no matter how powerful the enemy he encountered, he never flinched, and he kept moving forward bravely. Why is there a reason to retreat now?

It's impossible!

Lin Yi's eyes were burning with the flames of battle. Qiu Yan suddenly felt a little dizzy when he was stared at by Lin Yi's eyes. Somehow, he smelled danger from Lin Yi's eyes, and that feeling was very obvious!
"Killing domain, open!" Lin Yi yelled, the killing domain suddenly opened, and then spread, Lin Yi clearly felt that within the range covered by the killing domain, everything seemed to be under his control, that feeling It's wonderful.

Although he can't control the attack of the God-killing Tower, he is Mu Ze's direct successor after all, and his killing domain is almost exactly the same as Mu Ze's, so it can naturally arouse the resonance of the God-killing Tower.

In this way, his killing power was increased, and soon Qiu Yan felt a strong oppressive force, and with that oppressive force, his speed was restricted, at least twice as slow.

"Damn, what's going on here? Aren't you unable to control this magic weapon?" Qiu Yan tried hard to struggle with this force, but found that no matter what he did, it was futile.

Lin Yi looked at him with a smirk, and entered the bloodthirsty state again, saying: "I just teased you, can't I? Now let's compare who is faster."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, countless afterimages of Lin Yi appeared in the God-killing Tower, which was the result of reaching the extreme speed.

When Qiu Yan saw Lin Yi's punch, the first afterimage of Lin Yi had just shattered.

With one punch, Qiu Yan was sent flying and hit the wall hard.Lin Yi felt really cool, it was so cool.

Although he often beat others into the air before, but this time, he was very relieved, so sour, it was unbelievable!

"Impossible! How could this happen!" Qiu Yan exclaimed, and immediately prepared to show his "amazing" speed.

However, when he just took the first step, he was blown away by Lin Yi's punch again, and hit the other wall of the God-killing Tower again.

The following scene was relatively monotonous, and it was completely Qiu Yan's performance. He vividly expressed the characteristics of the "ball" object. Every time there was a collision, there was a roar, which sounded quite enjoyable.

When Lin Yi No.80 blasted Qiu Yan away for the second time, Lin Yi felt his fists were a little sore, so he stopped for a while, looked at Qiu Yan from a distance, and said, "How is it? Isn't he dead yet? How about Let me let you rest for a while, and then have fun again?"

Qiu Yan struggled to get up from the ground, seeing Lin Yi's eyes full of fierceness, he screamed strangely and rushed towards Lin Yi, the speed was slow, the footwork was messed up, Lin Yi even suspected that he stretched out one foot, It can trip him into a big horse.

Lin Yi sighed, took out a banana from the storage ring, gnawed it all, then flicked it casually, and landed it very accurately at Qiu Yan's feet.

Qiu Yan, who was in a panic, didn't notice the piece of banana peel at all, without any suspense, he fell and ate shit, looking very bleak.

Lin Yi really couldn't bear to fight any more. Is such a fight interesting?If he was on the street now, he would have been scolded to death by others.

After all, with Qiu Yan's appearance, it is clear that he is a vulnerable group, and it is still a very miserable one.

"How about this, if you abolish your self-cultivation and swear that you will never harm anyone again, I will spare your life. After all, you are so old. As a young man, I am the first young man in China who loves the young and loves the young. So I really can't bear to kill you." Lin Yi sighed, and patted his forehead with the back of his hand, he suddenly realized that he was too kind, how could such a kind him go on in this cruel world?This is really a problem.

Qiu Yan hadn't spurted blood before, but after being stimulated by Lin Yi, he immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, his face pale as paper.

He stretched his hand forward, as if he wanted to catch Lin Yi, but he couldn't catch it after trying for a long time.He could only point at Lin Yi, his eyes full of hatred.

This scene is so familiar, many old men and women who touch porcelain on the street have such a posture.

After this action is performed, the next action should be to lie on the ground and not get up to blackmail people.

"you you……"

"What are you? Grandpa, since I didn't drive a car, I didn't hit you." Lin Yi sighed, and unconsciously entered the Pingci mode.

Qiu Yan was trembling with anger, he gritted his teeth and said to Lin Yi: "Kill me if you have the guts, don't insult me ​​like this, I, Qiu Yan, have lived for so many years, I have already lived enough, if you want to kill, kill me!"

Hearing what he said, Lin Yi immediately showed a smile on his face, and said: "You said it, I didn't say I would kill you, you asked for it yourself."

"That's right, I asked for death myself! Come on, give me a good time, anyway, the evil alliance is finished, and I have nothing left to love!" Qiu Yan closed her eyes, leaned her neck up, and looked like she was waiting to die.

Lin Yi raised his knife and walked up to him, one step, two steps, very slowly.

Cold sweat trickled down Qiu Yan's forehead drop by drop. He had already fought a fierce psychological struggle to be so fearless.Now, when he really felt that death was approaching step by step, he felt a little stage fright instead.

About a minute later, the sound of Lin Yi's footsteps still echoed in his ears, but he still hadn't reached his side.

This short 1 minute seems to have passed for several years. For Qiu Yan, this kind of torture is no less than killing him several times.

After another 2 minutes, the sound of footsteps was still there, and occasional sounds of swinging knives could be heard, but Lin Yi still didn't come.

He couldn't bear it any longer, and quickly opened his eyes to look forward, only to see Lin Yi kept walking up and down, taking a few steps, stopping, and swinging the knife again and again, as if he was studying something.

"Are you going to kill me or not? Didn't you say give me a good time?" Qiu Yan shouted, very emotional.

Lin Yi let out an oh, and said: "I am going to give you a good time, but you have to practice it! I was thinking, how to chop down, the effect is the best? Should I cut it horizontally, or vertically, and then Or a slash at a slant. How about this? Anyway, as a person with strong aura, you have more tenacious vitality, so I will slash horizontally and vertically. In that case... how many pieces should you be divided into? Hmm... I'll count..."

As Lin Yi talked, he actually counted. The more Qiu Yan listened, the more his scalp became numb. This shit is simply a threat from Hong Guoguo!Is there anything so exciting?
"Oh, I still haven't counted it out. It seems that I have to cut it to know. You close your eyes. I started to cut it. Hold on. Don't die so fast, or it won't be fun." Lin Yi laughed. , This time, he walked very fast, striding forward, like going to a market.

Qiu Yan's psychological defense was breached all of a sudden, and he quickly shouted: "Stop, stop, I still have something to say, I still have something to say!"

(End of this chapter)

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