Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 567 Think too simple

Chapter 567 Think too simple

Lin Yi seemed to have guessed this result a long time ago, this Qiu Yan was not a person with a fearless and fearless spirit at all!

If he really wasn't afraid of death, he wouldn't be able to push his comrades out to die at the last moment; if he wasn't afraid of death, he wouldn't have shouted for the disciples of the Xiemeng to block their guns while fleeing.

In this way, Lin Yi easily came to the conclusion that this guy is simply afraid of death!
Speaking of which, after killing so many disciples of the evil sect, Lin Yi's anger obviously subsided a lot. In this state of mind, he didn't bother to kill this old guy again.

If his life is saved, it may be of some help to the next battle.

Lin Yi thought of this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Okay, tell me, I'll listen. I don't like hearing words of begging for mercy. Those words don't conform to what I think of you in my heart. You are the leader of the alliance, don't be so cheap oh!"

Qiu Yan really wants to die, what kind of leader is he like now?It is simply a bitter one, and it is the kind that is extremely bitter. It is hard for him to imagine that he will be so miserable.

He really wanted to beg for mercy, but Lin Yi's words made him understand that Lin Yi wanted to get something important from him, which was a gift of surrender, otherwise, talking about anything else would be nonsense.

"I said, I will tell you everything. I know the current movements of all the evil factions in China and their locations. As long as I tell you, you can wipe them all out." When Qiu Yan said these words, his heart was dripping Blood, if it wasn't for living, how could he cut his flesh like this?

Lin Yi tapped his ears with his fingers, and said: "That's it? You think you don't tell me, I don't know, do you? It's a joke! If I can't find out even this bit of information with the power in my hands, Then it’s better to let them all commit suicide! Is there any reason for me not to kill you? I can’t guarantee that my patience is enough if I don’t think about the key things.”

Lin Yi clenched the Xie Dao tightly, patted his hand, and then looked at Qiu Yan with a smile, the sense of threat was extremely strong.

Qiu Yan trembled, and said with a wry smile: "Boss, there's no need to do this, right? They're all out to make a living, and I've already given in like this. You're still making things difficult, isn't this too much?"

"Excessive? What a joke! Everyone knows that I, Lin Yi, are the most reasonable and never do excessive things. You have no idea, right? Then I will start chopping. Don't worry, when I chop you, It will enhance your ability to feel pain, and in this way, your ability to feel pain will be increased tenfold, which will definitely make you feel so painful." Lin Yi said with a sinister smile, and Qiu Yan trembled all over after saying these words.

This is too fierce!Lin Yi clearly didn't want to give Qiu Yan any choice!
Qiu Yan sighed, and just as Lin Yi raised his evil knife, he finally spoke, saying: "I also know many secrets of the Poison God Cult, and Ashura and I have an equal partnership. From Asura, I got There is a lot of information about the Poison God Sect and their recent actions. As long as you don’t kill me, I can tell you all the information.”

When Qiu Yan said this, and there was no chance of turning back, he was tantamount to completely betraying the Poison God Sect and the Evil League.

Lin Yi put down his knife and said with a smile: "That's right. As a Chinese, the first thing to do is to love our country. How can we betray the country? The Poison God Sect has always wanted to invade China, as long as Any bloody person in Huaxia is determined not to let them succeed! Although you are forced to, but if you can rein in the precipice at the last moment, of course I will not kill you."

Lin Yi suddenly found that his patriotism was bursting, and he admired himself a little, unknowingly, he became so noble.

Qiu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, since Lin Yi said so, it proved that his little life was saved.

He looked up at Lin Yi and said, "Just ask what you want to ask, I promise to know everything. As for what you said about defending China, I'm really not interested. My parents and wife My son was killed by decent people, in my heart, I hate decent people and the order they maintain, and this hatred will never change!"

Qiu Yan spoke decisively, but Lin Yi frowned, and said: "The good and the evil have always been like this, you kill me, I kill you, whoever has the blood of the other's family on their hands, these blood, is it true Never wash it off?"

"Hahaha, of course you can't wash it off! Young man, it's impossible for your brain to be so bad? Could it be that you would choose to swallow your anger when you were punched by others? Hehe, if you really do this, soon, you will Get punched, unless you fight back! If you fight back, you will never die. Now that there is death, it is a period of hatred that will never stop, unless all the relatives and friends of the other party are dead! Haha, put away your immature Think about it, this is the reality, the reality that you cannot change!" Qiu Yan said loudly, his voice was like a bell, shaking people's heart.

Lin Yi was silent for a while, thinking about Qiu Yan's words in his mind, sighed, and thought to himself: "It seems that I am really too naive, how can some hatred be erased so easily? This may be the so-called Fate."

After thinking about this, Lin Yi's face immediately darkened, and he said: "Then let's stop talking about these hatreds and get straight to the point. Tell me, what is the Poison God Sect going to do recently? What is their specific plan to invade China? I want to listen to the details, and I hope you won't be perfunctory or deceitful. In terms of lie detection, I'm number two, so no one dares to be number one! Hehe..."

Lin Yi Yin smiled, took out a magic vein needle, and pierced Qiu Yan's head.

Qiu Yan's face suddenly changed, and he looked panic-stricken.

Lin Yi smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, this needle has the function of a lie detector. As long as you dare to lie, it will immediately make you miserable. I hope you can think clearly, even if you are the pain It's hard to bear."

Lin Yi's smile was quite strange, and the threat of Hongguoguo made Qiu Yan furious. Obviously, Lin Yi didn't lie to him, and there was no reason to lie to him.

"Okay, let's talk. I, Qiu Yan, have never turned back! The Poison God Sect recently planned to plan a chaos in the snow area, and planned to take advantage of the chaos to make their branch rise, and then cooperate with the inside and outside, open the Southwest China's release channel, and attack in. Wait. After the invasion of the Poison God Sect, they took steps at every step to gradually erode China. This plan has received official support from the Indian country, and this war has been named the Battle of Revenge..." Qiu Yan seemed to be opened, and soon Quickly, all the information that shocked Lin Yi came out of his mouth, and Lin Yi suddenly realized that he really thought everything too simply!

(End of this chapter)

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