Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 568 Squeeze Out Value

Chapter 568 Squeeze Out Value

Lin Yi did not expect that what he thought was the invasion of foreign cults would turn into a war between countries, which is really unimaginable.

In fact, if you think about it, you can figure it out. In the past, India made troubles on the border of China, and was taught a lesson by China.Since that time, India has been thinking about how to take revenge. Now that the Poison God Sect is about to attack China, the Indian officials certainly don't want to let go of this opportunity.

However, in this way, the problem is really serious. Once the flames of war ignite, the common people will suffer even more.

"That's the way it is. I only know so much. I think you will keep your promise and let me live?" Qiu Yan looked at Lin Yi pitifully, for fear that Lin Yi would go back on his word.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Of course I will let you live, but if I let you go like this, there is no guarantee that you will not continue to do bad things. Well, I will send you to a place where you should You will get the punishment you deserve."

When Lin Yi said this, before Qiu Yan could speak, he sealed his cultivation and threw him out of the God-killing Tower.

Outside the God-killing Pagoda is the land of anodes, which is under construction by Lin Yi under the arrangement of Lin Yi.It would be nice to ask Qiu Yan to help out there.

After doing this, Lin Yi returned to the small world.

All the disciples of the evil alliance in the small world have been eliminated, but there is still howling all around. Seeing this scene, Lin Yi secretly sighed in his heart.

In this kind of life-and-death battle, it will be the common people who will suffer in the end, and the common people are the most innocent.Thinking of this, Lin Yi was very entangled in his heart. Is it really going to burn the flames of war in China?But after thinking about it, even if he didn't want to do this, Lin Yi couldn't control the actions of the Poison God Sect and Zhou Yan.

Lin Yi stopped and stopped to heal the injuries of those residents. After walking for a long time, he returned to Banruo Temple.He released Wudu from the God-killing Tower. Wudu was seriously injured. Without a period of rest, it is estimated that it will be difficult to recover.

After arranging Wudu, Lin Yi immediately went to the Shushan Sword Sect. Before going up the mountain, Solanum nigrum and Ye Ling ran over and asked anxiously, "How are you? Are you injured? Where is the injury?"

The two women spoke very synchronously. Lin Yi smiled lightly when he heard the words, and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. Although I suffered a little injury before, I have fully recovered and nothing serious happened. Are you all right? Seeing how crazy you are killing, I'm really worried."

"Hey, don't worry, Sister Solanum Kui and I practice fierce skills. In battle, we will only become more courageous as we fight, and our strength will also improve. With the protection of the Demon Suppressing Tower, we can't fight at all. Nothing happened. By the way, what about the old man who fought with you? You should have dealt with him, right?" Ye Ling asked with a smile.

"He, I didn't kill him, I just got some information from him, and then locked him in the anode land." Lin Yi smiled lightly, with an understatement.

Ye Ling's face changed suddenly, and he said, "What are you talking about? Why did you lock that guy in the Anode Land? Would it be dangerous to do so?"

Lin Yi chuckled, and said: "Ling'er, don't worry, his cultivation has been sealed by me, and he can't make any waves in the land of the anode. Now the environment of the land of the anode has been changed by me. The construction is going on, and some handymen are just needed. Once these people are sent in, they will be suppressed by the rules of Yin and Yang and locked in. I think it is more meaningful to do this than to kill them, at least it can save their value. Squeeze it all out, and it's their atonement for what they did wrong before."

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Solanum nigrum nodded, and said: "Lin Yi, you are right. The bad guys are indeed endless. Sometimes, killing them will let them get relief, which is really cheap for them. !"

"Well! Then as long as we catch bad guys in the future, we will punish them to do coolies. In this way, it will be easier for us to kill the people of the God Clan." Ye Ling said happily, although she couldn't see her people However, Ye Ling is already very happy to let them live a good life.

Seeing Ye Ling happy, Lin Yi was also very happy, but when he thought about what Qiu Yan said to him, his mood became dull, and he looked sullen.

Solanum nigrum felt that Lin Yi was not in the right mood, and quickly asked, "Did something happen? What did you get from that guy? It shouldn't be good news, right?"

"Oh, it's indeed bad news, and it's still very bad news, listen to me..." Lin Yi told the two of them all the information he got from Qiu Yan, and Solanum solanum's expression became more and more serious. The uglier it is, judging from Lin Yi's statement, the problem is indeed serious.

"The situation is like this. What we are facing now is not only the attack of the opponent's practitioners, but also the invasion of our country by the enemy country. If these are involved, the matter will not be so simple." Lin Yi sighed, looking very tired .

Solanum nigrum nodded and said: "Since this is the case, it is not something we can solve with just a few people. However, you don't have to worry. Although our Huaxia was very weak for a while, the current Huaxia is completely different. Absolutely It is not something that others can bully. What we martial artists have to do is to defeat those evil cultivators. As for the wrestling between countries, let the high-level people in the country worry about it."

"That's right, Huaxia is not what it used to be. When it was relatively backward, India was beaten to the ground by us. Now that Huaxia has become stronger, there is no need to be afraid of those Indians. Now we don't Speaking of which, I'll go to the old man Tianlingzi to see how he is doing now." After Lin Yi finished speaking, he was about to walk up the mountain.

After walking a few steps, he saw Tian Lingzi walking towards him.Tian Lingzi's condition recovered a lot, and Lin Yi felt a little relieved.

"Hahaha, brother Lin, you are so powerful that you are perverted. That guy possessed an evil spirit and was killed by you. If you lived in my era, you would definitely be at the level of a freak." Tian Lingzi laughed loudly. .

Lin Yi glared at him, and said, "You old man, you can't say anything good, and you even called me a freak."

"Hehe, don't get excited, don't get excited, I really admire you from the bottom of my heart. With such a talent, I'm afraid it would be nice if China can produce one in a thousand years." Tian Lingzi said cheerfully. From the heart.

Lin Yi didn't have time to listen to his flattery. He frowned and said, "Old man Tianlingzi, what are you going to do next? If you stay here again, today's tragedy will happen again sooner or later. I can't guarantee that I can come in time every time." .”

Tian Lingzi smiled, nodded, and said, "That's right, if you stay here like this and rely on the small world, you might end up waiting for death. So, I've thought of an idea, and I want to discuss it with you."

(End of this chapter)

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