Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 569 Of course it's you

Chapter 569 Of course it's you
Tian Lingzi looked mysterious, Lin Yi looked at him suspiciously, and said, "What's the idea? I don't think there's anything good about it."

"You don't need to do this, when did I cheat you? Of course what I told you is a good thing..."

"Stop, stop, last time you tricked me into that sword forest and almost killed me, you still have the nerve to say you didn't trick me?" Lin Yi said angrily, thinking of this, he became angry.

Tian Lingzi gave him a blank look, and said: "If it wasn't for Jianlin, how could you have cultivated the Killing Domain so easily? Do you listen? If you don't, I won't talk about it."

As Tian Lingzi was talking, he really shook his head, turned around and left.

Lin Yi's curiosity suddenly swelled, and he blocked his way, saying, "Tell me, what's your idea? Let me judge whether it's a bad idea or not."

"Of course it's not a bad idea! After experiencing this evil alliance intrusion incident, I suddenly thought of an idea. Since the evil sect can form an evil alliance, why don't we righteous people form an righteous alliance? Our ancient Chinese martial arts sect, once Whenever we encounter a big enemy, we will always choose an alliance to fight against, as long as we unite the righteous sects of Huaxia, it will definitely be a powerful force!" Tian Lingzi said energetically, but Lin Yi looked at him with a pessimistic expression. His eyes were full of helplessness.

"I said, old man Tianlingzi, do you think there are any righteous sects in China now? The other sects have all defected to the Poison God Sect, and I am still trying to find a way to deal with them!" Lin Yi looked tired. When he thinks of fighting against the entire ancient martial arts world, he feels like a mountain is pressing on his shoulders, which is very uncomfortable.

"It's not right for you to say that. You don't know that the ancient martial arts sects in China generally care about their inheritance the most. When the inheritance is under great threat, they will inevitably make some wrong choices temporarily. For example, this time, Many orthodox sects have turned to the Poison God Sect, but are they really willing? There must be some sects who have no choice but to give in because their inheritance is threatened. To put it bluntly, if it weren’t for your existence, I’m afraid I would have already made a decision. As a matter of expediency, I made the same choice as them." Tian Lingzi spoke directly, surrendering without any scruples.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, and said: "Could it be that because of fear of death, even the reputation of his sect and the honor and disgrace of Huaxia can be forgotten? This is too childish!"

Tian Lingzi smiled slightly, shook his head, and said: "It's because you have a lot to rely on, you can't die, you have a way out. So, you can point their noses and scold them, and if you can't beat them, run away and hide in the town In the Demon Tower, after you become stronger, go fight them hard. But what about those big sects? If they are threatened by the Poison God Sect, if the lives of their disciples and family members are not guaranteed, what do you think they will do? ? If it were you, what would you do?"

Lin Yiwen was dumbfounded by Tian Lingzi's words. For a while, he really couldn't find any reason to refute Tian Lingzi's words.

"What do you mean, be kind to those people and forgive them! If so, what's the point of such a loose alliance? When the enemy comes, wouldn't they turn back immediately, which would be even more terrifying!" Lin Yi said very seriously, and his words were also agreed by Solanum nigrum and Ye Ling.

Don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs. What's more, if this teammate will stab you, then it will be really sad.

Tian Lingzi shook his head and said: "You underestimate the unity of the Chinese people. I believe they just lack a leader, so they are like a mess and have no fighting spirit. When the Japanese invaded China, they were also leaderless. Only the Japanese trotters trampled on the land of China. Believe me once, I will contact all the orthodox sects to see their reactions. I believe they will make a very famous choice after knowing that the leader is you, Brother Lin. .”

"What? I'm the leader? Are you kidding me!" Lin Yi widened his eyes and looked at Tian Lingzi in disbelief.

"Of course it's you. Besides you, who else do you think has the qualifications? You can't let me, an old man who is neither human nor ghost, be the leader. Besides, you drove away Zhou Yan this time, and severely injured the evil spirits. Mengmeng, your reputation will soon spread. As long as you raise your arms, who else would dare not listen to you? The most important thing is that you are still the Dragon God of Dragon Fury, and you are already the spokesperson of China. If you are not suitable, No one is suitable in this world." Tian Lingzi acted as if it should be taken for granted, Lin Yi was taken aback by what he said, he turned his head and glanced at Solanum nigrum, but the latter nodded.

"That's right, you are the most suitable one. No one can convince others except you. I said, why are you so shy? Are you really planning to deal with so many enemies alone? This time it's not just our ancient The competition between the martial world and the evil forces inside and outside China is very likely to become a large-scale war! Do you think that India is the only country that wants to take action against us? There are definitely many countries that want to take action against us, and there are several in the surrounding areas. Once a fight really starts, it will be the result of endless fighting. War is not a contest of individual strength, it is a collision of a country's collective combat power, I believe you should understand what this means." Of course, Solanum nigrum knew that Lin Yi didn't like those things very much. The title, the higher the hat, the heavier the pressure on the head, so Lin Yi repelled it very much.

Even when he was a dragon god in the past, he always pushed back and forth. He opened a company and formed a gang.

Solanum solanum has said so, does Lin Yi have any reason to refute?What's more, Ye Ling still looked at him with admiration, so he couldn't back down.

"Okay, okay, I will make the signboard, but you can handle other things. During this time, those so-called orthodox sects really need to be dealt with, otherwise, the Chinese ancient martial arts world will definitely be killed by these cancerous tumors." Lin Yi sighed Since it is a certainty, of course he has no reason to refute.

"However, I may retreat once in the near future. The old man Mu Ze passed me the God-killing Tower and stumbling me. I have to pass the test before I can really get the God-killing Tower. Therefore, I must start the test as soon as possible. It is also the only way for me to improve my strength." Lin Yi changed the subject and said very seriously, improving strength is a big deal.

"Don't worry, we will create the best environment for you so that you can cultivate well." Tian Lingzi smiled and nodded, as long as Lin Yi agreed, he would be relieved.

Lin Yi chuckled, and was about to hit Tian Lingzi's stick, when a feeling suddenly appeared in his mind.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself: "I didn't expect that you would really escape. Could this be fate?"

(End of this chapter)

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