Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 816 The situation is not simple

Chapter 816 The situation is not simple

Yue Ji looked at Lin Yi with a smile, and before Lin Yi could speak, Xie Dao suddenly yelled, "I don't want to become that thing, Boss, don't listen to that bitch!"

"What did you say? You have the guts to say it again!" Yue Ji's face suddenly turned cold, she glared at Xie Dao fiercely, and said coldly: "Believe it or not, I just made you into a toilet and added a new role to you?"

If Xie Dao is now in human form, his face is probably pale with fright, and he is turned into a toilet, then he might as well die.

Lin Yi felt the fear of Xie Dao, and sighed secretly in his heart: "Another strict wife is born... Huh? Why do I have to say again, don't I think that I am a strict wife? Don't I!"

Lin Yi's face suddenly became very ugly, surrender from the heart, that is the most terrible thing!
"Ahem, that... don't discuss this yet, I have to go to the cathode land together with Xie Dao! By the way, Xie Dao, how do you feel? Have you gained anything from this evolution?" Lin Yi stared at Xie Dao with scorching eyes. It seemed that Xie Dao hadn't changed much. To be precise, it should have become more unpretentious, which made Lin Yi feel very strange.

Xie Dao smiled, and immediately appeared in human form, saying: "I didn't expect that even the boss didn't see it. It seems that my evolution this time is really successful. Boss, this is the legendary back to basics, I am no longer a defective I am not a sword spirit, but a real soul. I can exist independently of the body, as long as I have a body, I can become a human at any time, how about it? Am I awesome?"

Xie Dao looked triumphant, and Lin Yi felt that the state of Xie Dao at this time was not much different from that of a real human soul.

Yue Ji's complexion suddenly changed, as if hesitating to speak.She could feel Xie Dao's intentions. She knew how to refine weapons, so she naturally knew how difficult it was to evolve a spirit treasure. Xie Dao worked so hard to match her, which made Yue Ji suddenly at a loss.

Lin Yi nodded with a smile, swept over Yue Ji's body meaningfully, and said: "It is indeed very awesome, very good. This is a good opportunity for us to take revenge. Whether we can get rid of the shame depends on your performance." .”

"That's needless to say? I will definitely beat that rotten wood to pieces to let him know how powerful I am! Let's start now, don't delay the time, it will be bad." Xie Dao let out a domineering look. He even deliberately put on a POSS that he thought was handsome, which made all the girls laugh out loud.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, we are about to set off. Yueji, you have the highest cultivation level here, and I will trouble you for the rest. I will give you this communication jade talisman, and you can use it to contact Tiankui Black Dragon. Control their movements at any time." Lin Yi handed the teleportation jade talisman to Yue Ji, turned around and walked towards the God-killing Pagoda.

The fastest way to go to the land of the cathode is through the Tower of God Killing, of course Lin Yi will not waste time.

Soon, he opened the entrance to the Cathode Land, and as soon as he opened it, a strong cold breath rushed towards his face, and even the exhaled gas might freeze.

He stepped into it, and Lin Yi was not used to the long-lost cold.

Lin Yi savored it carefully, and suddenly found that the aura in the Cathode Land was a little different from before. The aura was obviously full of evil forces. It seemed that the strength of the wood had improved a lot.

"Boss, what are you doing? We are so strong now, can't we go directly to the wood? In this small space, who can stop you and me? Are you right?" Xie Dao looked helpless. From the appearance of the first life, in his opinion, Lin Yi was too careful.

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "You guys are still far from being a real adult. You have to remember that the greatest danger is always hidden in the dark. And, at any time, don't have arrogant thoughts. Don't be arrogant and blindly underestimate the enemy, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. At that time when we fought against Mu Mu, we were suppressed so hard that we couldn't even breathe, do you know his cultivation level at that time?"

"This... How do I know this? But so what? No matter how strong he is, he can't be a saint! Even a strong man in the Saint Transformation Realm is no match for you and me, so what is that wood?" Xie Dao looked disapproving, Lin Yi's brows immediately frowned at what he said, and he slapped him hard on the head.

"Why are you so stupid?? I've said it's so clear, but you still don't understand! Since that guy was able to plot to seriously injure Mu Ze, how could his strength be simple? Even if he was injured back then, after so many years of healing, I'm afraid It's been done a long time ago! And, do you feel that this cathode land has been completely enveloped by his power, without extraordinary strength, can he do this step? And, I have a feeling that that guy seems to be Wait for me to come, and I have been waiting for a long time!" Lin Yi said very seriously, the evil knife beside him was rubbing his head, and the big bag on his head was very conspicuous, Lin Yi's attack is not light!
"Okay, then I understand, I'm sorry, boss, my mind is too simple, I will try my best to change it in the future. So what should we do now? Do we have to check the truth first?" Xie Dao is not as frivolous and arrogant as before , asked very seriously.

Lin Yi nodded with a smile, and said: "That's right, not to mention that the opponent may be stronger than us, even if he is weaker than us, we can't deal with it lightly. You must know that if a lion fights a rabbit, you have to use all your strength, let alone deal with a person who may be stronger than us." Who is even stronger than Mu Ze? Let's go to the Bull Demon Clan first, I don't know how that guy Niu Tongtian is doing now."

Lin Yi glanced in the direction of the Demon God Tower, and a strong murderous aura emanated from his body.He had already found that his whereabouts were noticed by Mu Mu, and those eyes were staring at him, like a surveillance camera, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"It seems that this world is very likely to be refined by that guy, and he deliberately pretended to break through the seal. It seems that the situation is not simple." Lin Yi secretly thought, and left quickly with Xie Dao .

On the top of the Demon God Tower, Mu Mu was standing there, looking at Lin Yi's direction, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Very interesting little guy, he has reached such a level in such a short period of time, he really deserves to be chosen by that old guy." The successor. The strength has improved, but he is neither arrogant nor impetuous, and is cautious. Is it my fault for such an opponent to let him grow up?"

"Master Great Demon God, everything is ready. Our soldiers have assembled and are ready to break the seal and return to the big world!" A man with a tiger's head shouted loudly, kneeling on one knee, very respectful and pious.

Mu Mu smiled slightly, and said: "No hurry, we have a guest, entertain that guest first, and then go out."

"However, Lord Great Demon God, the clansmen who are waiting outside have been waiting for a long time and are ready to make a move, isn't it..."

"Hehe, don't you have ears? How many times do you want me to say it? Let them wait! I still have to wait for my distinguished guests to come, hahahaha..." Mu Mu laughed loudly, the tiger-headed man almost scared Suffering from diabetes insipidus, he disappeared like Fei Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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