Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 817 1 Will Die

Chapter 817 I Will Die
Among the three major races of demons and bloodthirsty, Lin Yi was the first to come into contact with the bull demon clan, and he got a lot of benefits from the bull demon clan.

Because of this, Lin Yi thinks that the bull demon clan should be a relatively easy clan to get along with, at least there is no problem in communication.

Lin Yi soon came to the territory of the bull demon clan. After entering this area, he suddenly felt depressed.

He diffused his soul power, inspected the surrounding situation, and radiated it for hundreds of miles.

To Lin Yi's surprise, the aura of living creatures nearby was very weak, but not much dead.

In other words, the people here have all left the location, which is really abnormal.

"Let's go directly to the Bull Demon City. If there is no one in the Bull Demon City, then the situation will be very clear." Lin Yi's tone suddenly became much lower. The thing he was most worried about might happen.

If it was him, he would definitely integrate all the bloodthirsty people in the entire cathode land to form a very powerful army, and use this army to help him fight in all directions.

Since it is necessary to form an army, the three major races will naturally be used, which is not a weak force!
When Lin Yi came to the sky above Niu Modu, he found that it was much more bleak than before.Lin Yi checked briefly, and found an acquaintance, Niu Dan!

To his surprise, Niu Dan's cultivation had already reached the state of Huazang.Although Huazang Realm is nothing compared to Lin Yi, but a few months ago, this guy was barely able to reach the Spiritual Qi Realm. Lin Yi couldn't help but be shocked by this terrible improvement speed.

However, except for Niu Dan, the strength of the others is not very good.From the looks of it, Niu Dan should just be left to take care of Niu Modu, the others have already come here to gather at Mu Mu.

Lin Yi changed his appearance and walked to the entrance of the Bull Demon Tower. Two tower guards were about to stop him, but after being glanced at by Lin Yi, they all retreated obediently until they reached the wall, like two sculptures Just stood there, motionless.

"Very good, not bad, let's take a good look at the gate here." Lin Yi smiled and patted their shoulders, and walked into the Bull Demon Tower.

In the Bull Demon Pagoda, Niu Dan is enjoying the one-on-one service of a girl from the Bull Demon tribe. Her voice can be heard very clearly even on the first floor.

With his eyes closed, Niu Dan was completely relaxed. He had been looking forward to this kind of enjoyment for a long time, and he didn't dare to implement it because so many people oppressed him before.

Now, the tiger is not at home, and the monkey is the king. Who else dares to disobey him in the Bull Demon City?
Lin Yi quietly went upstairs, with his cultivation level, Niu Dan certainly couldn't find him.

Just when he was about to release, a light cough suddenly sounded behind him, making him tremble in fright, the original peak feeling disappeared in an instant, and he became soft directly.

"Hehe, I'm so sorry to disturb you at such a critical moment, it's easy for you not to move. I'm really ashamed of my reckless behavior. I think you should forgive me." Lin Yi said with a smile , looking at Niu Dan playfully.

Niu Dan glanced at Lin Yi, immediately kicked the girl away, distanced himself from Lin Yi, ignored his wretched appearance, and said viciously: "Who the hell are you? Why did you sneak into the Bull Demon Tower? Could it be the Great Demon God?" sent you?"

"Master Great Demon God? Hehe, it should be the dead wood. It seems that I guessed it right. That wood has already gathered fighters from the three major races at the Demon God Tower. His ambition is not small!" Lin Yi Said with a smile, Niu Dan's heart was immediately lifted by what he said.

Could it be that the young man in front of him is the enemy of the Great Demon God?The enemy of the Great Demon God, what kind of strength will that be?Thinking of this, Niu Dan was sweating profusely, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Boss, why are you talking so much nonsense with him? Isn't it enough to just eliminate him? This guy is not a good thing at first sight, and it is a disaster to keep it!" Xie Dao said coldly, his eyes were sharp, making Niu Dan felt tingling all over.

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "Xie Dao, don't be so excited, this Niu Dan is still my old friend, how can I treat him like this? This is not my style, don't you understand?"

Lin Yi looked at Niu Dan with a smile, Niu Dan's heart skipped a beat, and his intuition told him that he should know the young man in front of him, but why didn't he remember it at all?

He can be sure that this young man definitely knows him, otherwise he wouldn't just call him Niu Dan.

"My old friend, could it be..." Niu Dan was not an idiot either, he turned his mind a little and guessed Lin Yi's identity.

He looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, and stammered: "You... you, are you... wood..."

Lin Yi wiped his face casually, revealing his true face. He looked at Niu Dan with a smile, and said, "Finally remember me? I thought you had forgotten my old friend! By the way, I don't call Mu Yi, called Lin Yi, don't forget it wrong!"

Niu Dan's mind thumped, and he was in a mess. He had already confirmed Lin Yi's real identity from Niu Tongtian, and that was an identity he had no right to offend!
The inheritor of the God-killing clan and the greatest enemy of the Great Demon God Mu Mu, these two "halo" put Niu Dan in great fear physically and mentally. He didn't even dare to look into Lin Yi's eyes, and shrank back tremblingly. .

A trace of doubt appeared on Lin Yi's face, and he said: "What's going on, my friend, why are you so scared? Don't worry so much, I won't do anything to you, I just want to ask you a few simple questions .As my friend and patient, you should not hide anything from your friend and savior, right? Put on your pants quickly, and be careful not to catch a cold. Would you like me to take your pulse for you to see if the shock just now remains? Repercussions? Don't be polite to me, just ask if you have any requests, and I will take good care of you."

Lin Yi always had a good-natured look on his face, and his smile never disappeared.What is harmless to humans and animals?This is a model!
Niu Dan's legs trembled unceasingly, and the softening of his legs made him unable to stand up.

With a plop, he knelt down on the ground, looked at Lin Yi pitifully, and said, "My lord, please forgive me, don't ask me these questions, okay? I can't say it, if I say it, I will die! Please, Let me live, I really don't want to die!"

Niu Dan cried miserably, looking like a dead mother, but Lin Yi gave him a very pitiful look, and sighed: "You stupid? Why are you so stupid? If you confess to me, you will die , maybe it's just a possibility. But, if you don't confess...hehe, then you will definitely die!"

(End of this chapter)

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