Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 859 72 Mountains

Chapter 859 72 Mountains
If that happens, of course Lin Yi won't help her cure it, especially when entering the lair of the Poison God Sect.

Hei Lan's heart skipped a beat, Lin Yi's words didn't sound like a joke, just a glance made her tremble all over.

She gritted her teeth and shouted, "I won't lie! I want to avenge the Poison God Sect, and I must avenge this revenge!"

"Hehe, very good, what I want is your words." Lin Yi smiled, and explained some things to the girls, and then went out with the second daughter.

In order to save trouble, Lin Yi directly used the teleportation circle to come to the vicinity of Xidu City.From Xidu to India, the speed will obviously be much faster.

Due to the invasion of the Poison God Sect, the air route from Huaxia to India has been cut off, so Lin Yi and the others had to fly there by themselves.

Fortunately, they have the Void Golden Boat, which flies much faster than an airplane, and is very cool, just taking it out, it shocked Heilan all of a sudden.

Along the way, Lin Yi also eliminated the monsters and the group of Poison God Sect guys, showing off in front of Heilan.

Hei Lan's heart was shocked again, she did not expect that Lin Yi's strength was so terrifying.She even suspected that even Asura might not be Lin Yi's opponent.

Of course, Lin Yi didn't want to cause too much commotion. After all, the goal of his trip was a sneak attack. If he showed his strength too much and was noticed by the Poison God Sect, the sneak attack would lose its meaning.

After entering the territory of India, they chose to walk. Compared with China, the number of Poison God Sect followers in India is much smaller.After performing disguise, Lin Yi and the second daughter escaped their eyes and ears very easily, without encountering too many obstacles along the way.

Soon, under Heilan's guidance, they approached a mountainous area. The closer they got to those peaks, Lin Yi felt a stronger evil aura, as if those mountain peaks themselves were directly condensed from the evil aura.

Lin Yi saw it very clearly. There are 72 peaks there, each of which is erupting with evil spirits. It is because of the existence of these evil spirits that the cultivation speed of the evil cultivators here is obviously much faster than outside. Lin Yi finally knows why the poisonous The power of the divine religion will expand so quickly.

The 72 mountain peaks connected together seemed to form a natural formation. Lin Yi was amazed by the sophistication of this formation. It should be the Asura Vientiane formation that Heilan mentioned.

The closer he gets to this large formation, the more Lin Yi feels a sense of crisis, which can make him feel a sense of crisis now. This place is definitely a very dangerous place!
Weiwei frowned and said, "How could this be? I don't remember that there were so many mountains before? How did Asura do it?"

"This is the scary thing about Asura. I clearly remember the scene that day. He stood on a high platform and chanted many mantras that I couldn't understand. Then, dozens of mountains flew from afar. , the terrain here will become like this." Hei Lan said here, with a look of horror on his face, only those who have seen Asura's kung fu will know how terrible Asura is. Make it out, isn't it God or what?
Of course, Lin Yi wouldn't think this was a fake. When the cultivation base was close to or even reached the Saint Transformation Realm, even small worlds could be created, and moving dozens of mountains was indeed not a big problem.

However, this kind of method is too costly, and most people seldom do it. Therefore, if Asura spent so much effort just to set up a large array of Asura, Lin Yi finds it a bit inconceivable.

Suddenly, a flash of light came to his mind, and he seemed to think of something, and said to himself: "I understand, it seems that these 72 mountains are not for the purpose of arranging the so-called Asura Vientiane Formation, but for creating these evil formations." Evil energy, use this evil energy to cultivate more powerful people. It seems that I really underestimated the methods of the Shura clan!"

When Lin Yi said this, his brows were tightly frowned. He had to figure out this secret, otherwise it would be very difficult for him to feel at ease.

The reason why the Poison God Sect can develop to this point is because of these evil spirits. If these evil spirits can be eliminated, the situation will be completely reversed and all problems can be solved.

If it is allowed to exist, the power of the Poison God Sect will become stronger and stronger, and Mu Mu, who cooperates with the Poison God Sect, will also increase in strength because of those evil spirits. Thinking of this, Lin Yi's head hurts a little.

"Husband, don't worry, our husband and wife are of the same heart, and we will definitely wipe out all these evil spirits!" Wei Wei gently held Lin Yi's hand, her eyes were very firm.

Lin Yi nodded with a smile, and said: "That's right, if a husband and wife are of the same mind, their benefits will cut through gold! If you encounter any serious danger in a while, you must be obedient and let me take you into the Kunlun mirror. Even I feel that this place When it comes to crisis, don’t take it lightly!”

Weiwei nodded, and Lin Yi's eyes fell on Hei Lan, who looked a little nervous and was terrified in his heart.Although she wants to take revenge, she is also very afraid of death. If she is really asked to face Asura, she may be scared to death.

"In a while, you just need to bring us in, and I will put you in the Kunlun mirror, so that you won't die so easily. However, you'd better not play any tricks, or everything I said before will come true. You have to figure this out for yourself!" Lin Yi looked at her coldly, and Hei Lan immediately nodded desperately, who dared to have the slightest thought of disobedience.

They walked forward step by step, walking on a yellow dirt road with a width of about two meters. By the side of the dirt road, they could see one or two Poison God disciples, posing in strange poses, frantically absorbing the exhaustion. The evil spirit in the air.

At this time, Hei Lan secretly sent a voice transmission to Lin Yi and Wei Wei: "In the Poison God Sect, the disciples at the bottom cannot get too close to the mountain. On the one hand, their status is not enough; on the other hand, their bodies cannot bear the evil spirits." , but will be killed by the impact of evil spirits. All they can do is to absorb the evil spirits and strengthen themselves, so that they can gradually approach the mountain and absorb more intense evil spirits. However, we saintesses are different from them, we are all directly instilled by Asura The power of Shura, so these evil spirits have no effect on us. My lord, if you want to go in, there are only two ways. One is to absorb the evil spirit here and let the body be integrated by the formation; the other is to absorb my Shura Therefore, it will not be affected by the evil spirit. Other than these two methods, the only way is to forcefully rush in. If you do that, you will definitely be attacked by a large formation, and it will be really dangerous at that time."

Hei Lan looked very serious, and honestly told Lin Yi everything she knew.

Lin Yi heard her words, a smile floated on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Weiwei herself has the power of Shura, so she shouldn't be too repulsed by the power of Shura, so, Weiwei, you should absorb a little of the power of Shura from Heilan. Go ahead. As for me, hehe, I am very interested in the evil spirits here, and I would like to see what these evil spirits are and whether they will help me."

(End of this chapter)

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