Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 860 A Big Game of Chess

Chapter 860 A Big Game of Chess
Of course, Lin Yi wasn't worried that those evil spirits would corrode his body. You must know that when Lin Yi was fighting Mu Mu, the demon's blood poison didn't do anything to him. What is this evil spirit worth?
"Then be careful, these evil spirits seem to be more evil than Shura's power, don't be brave." Wei Wei's tone was very worried, after all, Lin Yi came to this place for her, although her heart was warm, but But full of tension and guilt.

Lin Yi smiled and nodded, and said via voice transmission: "Don't worry, your husband and I have seen too many storms and waves, this little thing is nothing at all."

When Lin Yi said this, he gave Hei Lan a look, and Hei Lan immediately understood, took Weiwei's hand, and injected Shura's power into her body.

To be honest, if it wasn't because she wanted to sneak in, Weiwei would never want to touch the power of Shura again. This kind of power reminded her of Asura, and she hated him very much when she thought of Asura.

After Shura's power entered her body, the uncomfortable feeling of entering the body completely disappeared. Not only that, Weiwei even felt a little warmth. The evil energy seemed to turn into sunlight, shining on her body, making her feel very comfortable.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, and actually sucked all the evil spirits within a radius of more than ten meters into his body, causing the evil spirits in this area to appear as a vacuum.Those members of the Poison God Sect who were absorbing evil energy opened their eyes at the same time and looked at Lin Yi in disbelief. This was the first time they encountered such a situation.

Of course, none of them dared to say anything, let alone do anything.A person who can absorb so much evil spirit is definitely not a simple person. If he dares to offend him, he will definitely die!
Lin Yi felt the abundant evil spirit in his body, and he clearly felt that the evil spirit was eroding his inner energy, and it also began to corrode his meridians, and a trace of pain came from his body.

Lin Yi quickly understood the reason. From the looks of it, the evil spirit here would do great harm to people who are not from the Poison God Sect, especially for Chinese cultivators like Lin Yi. This evil spirit is the most powerful poison. Kill directly.

Of course, this is mainly because Lin Yi has absorbed too much, this concentration of evil spirit is already close to halfway up the mountain.

Even some self-proclaimed masters in the Poison God Cult did not dare to devour it so recklessly, because this kind of evil spirit is also a great test for their bodies.

Lin Yi secretly circulated the power of killing gods to temporarily suppress this evil spirit, and then a small meeting began in his soul realm.

Both Chisongzi and Heaven's Punishment appeared in Lin Yi's soul realm, their brows were tightly wrinkled, obviously thinking about something.

Lin Yi looked at the two of them, and asked with a smile: "Seniors, have you figured out the result? What are these evil spirits? Why can they improve the cultivation of those evil cultivators? Where did they come from?"

Chi Songzi stroked his beard, nodded, and said, "I have seen this thing before with Tian Punishment. It is very similar to the evil energy of the evil spirit world, but it seems to be much more evil than that evil energy, and it also contains a monstrous resentment." And the strong undead breath, I really don't know who made it."

"The Chi old ghost is right. That's what this evil spirit is. In fact, this breath, whether it is a cultivator or a demon cultivator, will hurt, it's just that the degree of harm is different. The Poison God Sect Those people, even if they rely on this power to increase their strength, their ending should not be too good." Tian Punishment's tone was very deep, and his eyes seemed to see through everything.

Lin Yi frowned, and said angrily: "Old man Tian Punishment, can you stop playing around? Why did their ending not go well? What did you see?"

Tian Punishment glared and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? Am I analyzing? My power can almost suppress some evil forces, but this power can slowly erode my power. Think about it, even My power can be eroded, so how can I be easily absorbed by those people? Since the descendant of the Shura clan knows that this power is dangerous, he deliberately let his people absorb it and use this power to improve his cultivation level. Don't you think it's like this? Is he an idiot? Either he is a fool? Or he has some bigger intentions. Hehe, in my opinion, these people may all be victims in the end, that guy is playing a big game of chess!"

Hearing what he said, Lin Yi's face immediately darkened. If this was the case, it might not be that simple.

Chi Songzi's mouth curled into a smile, and he said, "That's right, the Old Ghost of Heaven's Punishment really sees things more thoroughly than I do, and he's really well-informed!"

"Huh, of course, I don't even look at who I am! Compared with you, an ignorant fool? Old man, I am of course superior! Lin Yi, don't worry about it, the plan of the Poison God Sect is only just now. Execution, you just need to mix in it and make troubles, isn't it? You have no other skills, if you don't have this skill, then I have misjudged you." Tian Punishment laughed and said, No matter how Lin Yi heard the words, he didn't like it.

He glared at Tian Punish angrily, and wanted to quarrel with him, but after thinking about it, he realized that it was pointless to quarrel with this old man.

Ever since, he immediately united his body and soul, and with a thought, the killing power assimilated with those evil spirits.In this way, when those evil spirits come into contact with Lin Yi again, they will not reject Lin Yi in any way, not only that, but he will also be assimilated by the power of the killing god, nourishing Lin Yi's body.

Isn't it ridiculous that Lin Yiruo, who owns the Tree of Killing God, can't even use the evil knife to perform Heaven Devouring and Star Shifting?
Weiwei looked at Lin Yi nervously, because Lin Yi had been standing there for almost 5 minutes without moving, and the evil spirit on Lin Yi's body was getting stronger and stronger, which made her worry.

Heilan is no less worried than Weiwei. Although she sees Lin Yi very upset and hates Lin Yi to the bone, she has no choice but to hang out with Lin Yi now. If Lin Yi dies because of absorbing evil spirits, then She was the first to be unlucky.

"Honey, are you okay? Give me some reaction, okay? I'm really worried!" Weiwei secretly transmitted voice, and was about to touch Lin Yi's hand, when suddenly, a frivolous voice came from behind her, full of lewd smile.

"Hey, what a juicy little girl, I didn't expect our Holy Cult to have such beauty, why didn't I notice it before?"

Weiwei frowned immediately, and when she turned around, she saw two disciples of the Poison God Sect in black robes walking towards them. Judging from the evil spirits emanating from the two people, the two were poisoning The strength of the divine religion is definitely not weak, and its status should not be too low.

Hei Lan's complexion suddenly darkened, and he quickly sent a voice transmission: "The situation is not good, the two of them are two of the seven envoys of the outer court, their strength is not weak, and they are lustful by nature, they will definitely not let us go? What should we do? Am I revealing my identity?"

"No, once you reveal your identity, we may be exposed." Wei Wei's tone was very low. When she was thinking, her eyes suddenly blurred, and a big hand touched her face very fast!

(End of this chapter)

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