Chapter 861

Weiwei's reaction was not slow, her body immediately leaned back, becoming a standard lowering movement.

Then, she flew up and kicked the incoming person's crotch. If this move is real, the result will be absolutely tragic!
The guy's reaction speed was extremely fast, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye. When he reappeared, he had already returned to the position just now, standing with another man in black.

"Tsk tsk, nice chick, her reaction speed is very good, and her physique should be very good. It's a pity that she is not a perfect body, but a good furnace." The black-robed man who made the move just now sighed, with a look of great regret. look.

"Okay, Aguji, since you chose that chick, then the remaining one is mine." Another black-robed man said in a deep voice, exuding a very strong evil spirit from his body.

"Wangdu, what are you kidding! Do you think I'm a fool? Even if I am a fool, I know that girl is an original product, and she has a very good physique. If I supplement her, my skill can be improved by at least three times." Fourth floor, how can I let go of this good opportunity? Wangdu, I advise you not to snatch it from me, otherwise I will never be polite to you!" Aguji snorted coldly, and a wave that was not weaker than that erupted from his body. His evil spirit, the two just confronted each other like this, as if they had already regarded the second daughter as something in their pockets.

The faces of the two girls are full of anger, especially Weiwei, the insult of Hong Guoguo has already made her angry. If it wasn't because of her lack of strength and the need to protect Lin Yi, she would have already rushed out .

Hei Lan also endured a lot of hard work. She wanted to reveal her identity directly, but she was afraid of Wei Wei's words just now. If this plan really failed because of her, then her ending must be very tragic. Feeling numb all over.

Fortunately, Aguji and Wangdu quarreled over the fight for a woman. Looking at the current situation, it is not surprising that there is a big fight.

The people who absorbed the evil spirit had already fled far away. If they were involved in a battle of this level, they would definitely die!
Hei Lan blinked at Wei Wei, and said secretly: "Since there is no other way, then we will leave while they are fighting. As long as the timing is right, we should be able to escape. As long as they enter the mountain gate, they will be able to escape." You can’t touch us anymore, this is also the rule of the Poison God Sect!”

Wei Wei nodded and agreed with Hei Lan's approach. The two slowly approached Lin Yi, grabbed Lin Yi's arm, and prepared to take Lin Yi away together.

At this time, the two people who were already at war turned their heads at the same time, looked at Weiwei and the others, and shot at the same time in a very tacit understanding. A few black lights shot out, creating a black prison and locking the three of them in it.

Hei Lan's face changed suddenly, and he quickly transmitted a voice transmission: "It's broken, this is the prison of the devil god, unless we are stronger than them, we will not be able to break out of here! What should we do? If I don't reveal my identity, we will all have to Ruined!"

"Can you calm down, isn't it good to watch the show? What's the point of being excited?"

"How can I not be excited! My... big... big big, are you awake?" Hei Lan finally realized that it was Lin Yi's voice that sounded in her mind, and Lin Yi woke up. up!

Weiwei's face showed joy, and she was about to speak, when Lin Yi's voice suddenly sounded in her mind: "Don't be so excited, otherwise you will be discovered by those two guys. You can be angry, in this case, we can see a good show? Hehe, I really like to see dogs bite dogs."

Weiwei frowned, and said via voice transmission: "But how can we have the time to do this kind of thing now? My sister is still at Black Bone Cliff, and if I go one minute late, she will be in danger for one minute. I am really worried about her... "

"Hey, what's the use of worrying? Everything has to be done step by step. We have to sneak in without making a sound, without being suspected, and we can't make mistakes in every step. It's like now, if you think about it, it's the two of them biting dogs Bite each other to death, or should I kill them directly? You don’t think you don’t understand what I mean?” There was a wicked smile on the corner of Lin Yi’s mouth, and from the moment the two guys appeared, Lin Yi had announced that Their death penalty, moreover, he wanted them to die cleverly and with a sense of exhilaration.

Wei Wei and Hei Lan immediately understood Lin Yi's meaning, and they cooperated with each other in panic, hitting the prison with all their might, as if they wanted to rush out of it.

Both Aguji and Wangdu looked at them with interest, and looked at each other, as if they had reached a tacit understanding.

"Old rules, if you fight a game, whoever wins will get the original product. As for the broken shoe and that man, the loser will get it, how about it?"

"Bah! Aguji, you think I'm bisexual like you! I'm not interested in that man! But you, bisexual, are blessed this time. Once you lose, you can enjoy two kinds of joy. Hehe, it's a pity that if Lao Tzu's strength can be improved, you can only feel refreshed, hahaha..." Wangdu laughed, and before he could finish speaking, Aguji had already made a move and launched a fierce attack on him.

The so-called sparring between the two seemed dangerous, but Lin Yi could see that both of them had backhands, and they didn't fight too hard.

The strength of these two people is equivalent to that of a monk in the middle stage of soul refining, and that Aguji seems to be slightly better, almost reaching the late stage.

Lin Yi couldn't help but lament that the little people of this level in the Poison God Sect have reached the soul refining state, and the ability of these evil spirits to increase their strength is too abnormal!

However, he didn't have time to think so many useless things, the most important thing was to save Qingqing.

There was an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and he muttered to himself: "What's the point of beating like this, let me work harder for you!"

While Lin Yi was speaking, he actually used the power of killing gods to attract the evil spirits around him. With his strength, he was able to control the flow of evil spirits within a radius of ten miles.

He condensed this evil spirit into pure power, and then injected it into Wang Du's body at the right time.

Wangdu suddenly got this force, and the strength he had controlled suddenly doubled and hit Aguji hard.

How could Aguji think that Wangdu would make such a heavy hand, he was immediately sent flying, and slammed into a boulder hard, smashing the boulder to pieces.

Wangdu looked at his hand in disbelief, he couldn't figure it out, obviously he didn't use so much force, how could he beat Aguji like that, it's not scientific at all!

Before he could figure it out, Aguji, who crawled out of the gravel, began to curse: "Wangdu, I'll kill your mother! You actually hide your strength and want to kill me. I'll kill you!"

Aguji seemed to be crazy, the originally suppressed power immediately exploded, and his aura doubled in an instant, he was really angry!

"Misunderstanding! It's really a misunderstanding! Aguji, I don't know what's going on, I..."

"Don't be trash, let me die!" Aguji roared, drew out a big knife, and slashed at Wangdu.

Wang Du's expression changed suddenly, and he quickly drew out his knife, bit the bullet, and greeted him!
(End of this chapter)

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