Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 862 The Scary Black Bone Mountain

Chapter 862 The Scary Black Bone Mountain

Weiwei and Heilan were dumbfounded, and some congregants who were secretly watching from a distance were also dumbfounded.

Originally, this battle wasn't dangerous, and it wasn't even a big deal, because those congregants knew very well that these two people usually just fight a little, and there wouldn't be much conflict at all.

But oh, they never expected that the two of them would fight for real fire. After the fight, even their arms and legs were flying everywhere. They would never die!
Lin Yi just added a little bit of fire, adding power to their normal attacks from time to time, even a simple collision could break another person's bones.

After the fight, the two of them couldn't even move, but Lin Yi still had a way to directly invade one person's body with his soul, control one person, and launch a very violent attack on the other person. He has already used this move very well. .

Finally, Aguji couldn't bear the suppression anymore. His cultivation base was obviously stronger than Wang's, but with such a result, his anger immediately climbed to the extreme.

"I'm fighting with you!" Aguji roared, his body suddenly swelled up, and the eyes of those congregants widened. They didn't expect that Aguji would choose to explode himself.

Wangdu was still under Lin Yi's control, instead of dodging, he rushed towards Aguji, swung his knife and slashed at Aguji's head.

At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly withdrew his soul power, smiled and said to the two women: "Okay, we can go."

While speaking, Lin Yi grabbed the hands of the two women at the same time, the law of space worked, and the figures of the three of them disappeared into the prison.

Aguji watched this scene clearly, his eyes were wide open, but the explosion was inevitable, and he could only watch helplessly as Wangdu rushed towards him in a panic. Disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

Ten miles away, Lin Yi's three figures quietly appeared. The place Lin Yi chose was very good, and there were no Poison God Sect followers at all.

Not long after they appeared, many members of the Poison God Sect in various clothes rushed out of the valley. It seemed that the explosion caused quite a commotion.

Hei Lan looked at Lin Yi with adoring eyes. At this moment, she couldn't control her feeling of being shocked. It was hard to describe that feeling in words.

"Let's move on, aiming at Black Bone Cliff." Lin Yi said flatly, Hei Lan immediately nodded and led the way.

Lin Yi's primary goal is to rescue Qingqing, as long as Qingqing is rescued, he can include them in the Kunlun Mirror.

After doing this well, he can play with Asura and the others with complete peace of mind.

The Poison God Sect is very free, as long as you have the ability, you can go anywhere.

Especially those who came to the interior of the 72 peaks, generally few people will provoke them, because such people are not weak, and if they fight, there will be absolutely no good end.

They hardly encountered any obstacles along the way, and just came to a mountain with a very strong evil spirit.There are almost no members of the Poison God Sect near this mountain peak, and there is no grass growing, only some black stones and a chaotic mountain road.

"How did Black Bone Mountain become like this? Although there was an evil aura before, it wasn't so strong!" Weiwei said in a deep voice, her brows furrowed tightly.

"The Black Bone Mountains in the past were indeed not so scary. Since Asura moved these mountains, the evil spirit in the entire Poison God Sect has become very violent, and the Black Bone Mountains have also increased more evil spirits than before. It is precisely because of this The reason is that Black Bone Mountain has become the scariest place of the Poison God Sect, and almost no one dares to approach it. It is said that a few not weak congregants ran here to absorb the evil spirit, and they were actually eroded by the evil spirit. Die from madness. So, the Qingqing saint girl is locked in the black bone cliff, I'm afraid..." Hei Lan suddenly felt the murderous aura emanating from Lin Yi and Weiwei, and quickly closed her mouth, not daring to speak.

Lin Yi took a deep breath and felt the evil aura here. Sure enough, the aura here was significantly more corrosive than other places. This feeling made people feel very uncomfortable.

However, he suddenly thought of one thing, smiled and said to Weiwei who was anxious at the side: "Weiwei, Qingqing once possessed the power of Shura, maybe the power of evil spirit will not do too much harm to her. We Go up now, anyway, there's only so much we can do right now, can't we?"

Weiwei's body trembled, she nodded lightly, and said, "Okay, what you said makes sense, then let's go up the mountain now."

The three of them walked up the mountain quickly, and Lin Yi was relieved that there were no guards here.This is normal, after all, life is the most important thing, if you stay here for a long time, whether you can keep your life is a problem.

However, as they were walking, Lin Yi suddenly stopped and looked at the mountain solemnly.

He immediately grabbed the hands of the two women, hid behind the big rock next to him, and then set up an enchantment to cover their figures.

Not long after, three congregants of the Poison God Sect came down from the mountain. Judging from their attire, they seemed to be the guards of the Poison God Sect.

The three of Lin Yi held their breath and listened to the conversation between the three of them.

"It's so strange. Since the leader locked her here, why does he still want us to come and see her often? It's so strange not to let that woman die!"

"Stupid?! Needless to say? Although the leader is angry, the Qingqing saint, no, should be the former saint, she is also the daughter of the leader. There is a saying in Huaxia that the poison of a tiger does not eat its children. The leader will not kill His own daughter."

"Since she is not killed, why is she locked up in this place? Even if the people locked up in this place can save their lives, their bodies will suffer great damage. It can be said that life is worse than death! I think that the leader hates her. I hate that woman, that's why I tortured her with such vicious means, yes, it must be like this!"


The two guards were chattering away, talking more and more vigorously. At this time, the guard who hadn't spoken all this time suddenly snorted and said, "I said, are you two full and have nothing to do? My lord Are you qualified to discuss family affairs? If it gets to the ears of the leader, I will be killed by you too! Get out of here quickly, if you stay here for a long time, even if you have the token of the leader, your body will still be damaged. You don’t want to leave any sequelae!”

The guard's words made the other two's faces change at the same time, and they quickly responded and walked down the mountain. As they walked, they stopped suddenly, because they found that the surrounding scenery had changed, and they seemed to have arrived at a new place. place.

At this time, Lin Yi's chuckle sounded in their ears, with a hint of playfulness and teasing: "Welcome the three of you to my place, would you like a cup of tea, let's have a good chat?"

(End of this chapter)

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