Chapter 878
Of course Lin Yi doesn't want to get involved in these boring things, especially now when there are so many headaches, unless he is stupid?Only then will I do everything myself.

After he has finished his work, these old men will relax. He will not do this kind of thing!
Long Baichuan could only look at Lin Yi's leaving back pitifully, wanted to speak, but could only swallow the words in his stomach.Lin Yi is right, no one wants to get involved in this kind of matter.

As Lin Yi was walking, he suddenly stopped. This action made Long Baichuan's eyes light up. Could it be that Lin Yi suddenly changed his mind and wanted to help?

Lin Yi turned his head, glanced at Long Baichuan, and said, "Don't look at me with that kind of look. If I say I won't help, then I won't help. I just want to ask you, do you know the three dead ghosts?" Where did the old man go, I haven't seen them for a long time, they won't hang up so easily, right?"

Long Baichuan was slightly taken aback, and quickly realized, "You are talking about the three heads of the three major medical lines? If you ask me this, who should I ask? You should know that their whereabouts have been secretive. They have weird personalities, I don't even bother to pay attention to them, so I won't be bored looking for them. If you really want to find them, I can let the people of Dragon Fury do it, but the hope should not be too high, the people who can be sent out now There are too few."

Long Baichuan sighed, looking helpless.

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly, and said: "Forget it, I know anyway, you can't help much. So let's do this, continue to implement the cleaning policy, and wipe out all the intruders, leaving no one behind. When encountering difficult enemies, go to Tian Kui and the others. I have already informed them, and they will spare no effort to remove all obstacles for you. No more nonsense, I will continue to practice, and there is a big boss who wants me to fight. Much more headache than yours!"

As Lin Yi talked, he took a few steps forward and disappeared from Long Baichuan's sight.Long Baichuan had seen it a lot, and got used to it, without any surprise at all.

"Oh, Lin Yi is right. You can't let him do everything. It would be too tiring for him." Long Baichuan said to himself, his eyes suddenly became much colder: "If you are ruthless, be ruthless." Just a little bit, it's better than China perishing! Since you have no other principles, then clean it up, and let me do it for the wicked!"

After Lin Yi returned to the land of anodes, he suddenly thought of a person. If he made a move, he should be able to find the three old men.

Under his summons, Zhuge Zhao was quickly pulled over. After he was sealed and cultivated, he has been doing hard work in the anode.Although I do heavy things every day, compared with the feeling of being condemned by my conscience every day, I am obviously much more at ease now.In addition, Lin Yi and the others must do what they say, and the treatment they give them is not bad, so he is still very grateful to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at Zhuge Tianji, who used to be a fairy, dressed as a carpenter, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Your appearance is much more pleasing to the eye than before. How is it? You are doing well here. Are you happy? No one should hit you, right? "

Zhuge Zhao bowed to Lin Yi, and replied very respectfully: "Thank you for your concern. These days, I live here very well. There is no dispute with the world, no external disasters, and I live very comfortably here. Thank you You take me in and forgive the entire Tianjimen, you are my greatest benefactor, I really thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

As Zhuge Zhao spoke, he knelt down on the ground and saluted very respectfully, which was a kind of true obedience from the heart.

Lin Yi's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Hasn't your cultivation been sealed? How do you know what happened to the outside world?"

Zhuge Zhao smiled lightly and said, "My lord, I don't know how to answer your question. Although my cultivation is sealed, my five senses are still there. Your wives have already told the outside world what happened. Besides us, there are many people here who came in to seek refuge from the outside world, so we are not completely isolated from the outside world."

Lin Yi nodded as if suddenly enlightened, and said: "So that's the case. I thought you had broken through the restriction and regained your strength. I didn't expect that I was thinking too much. Zhuge Zhao, I want to ask you, if I release your restriction , restore your cultivation base, and raise your cultivation base again, are you willing to submit to me sincerely and do things for me?"

As soon as Lin Yi said these words, Zhuge Zhao's eyes lit up. Although he was indifferent to martial arts, if he was really given a chance to become a martial artist again, he would of course be very eager.

"I am willing! My lord, as long as you are willing to restore my strength, I am willing to stand up for you and do my best until I die!" Zhuge Zhao shouted very seriously. Lin Yi could feel the fluctuation of his soul enough to judge that this guy Not lying.

Lin Yi smiled lightly, and said: "Very well, what I want is your words. Actually, what I like is your Tianjimen's calculation ability, which should not be difficult for you."

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Zhuge Zhao immediately showed a look of embarrassment, and said, "My lord, although our Tianji Sect has the ability to see through the secrets of heaven, but that ability really hurts the source, so..."

"Why are you so afraid? I don't want you to do too complicated calculations. At most, I just ask you to find someone, or to do fortune-telling. Don't tell me, you can't even do this?" Lin Yi's tone Suddenly he became very depressed, Zhuge Zhao quickly shook his head and looked at Lin Yi with joy.

"No, no, my lord, if it is really a relatively simple calculation, it is indeed not a problem. You know, back then, the great elder of our Tianjimen, in order to calculate the fate of China, ended up dying. Although I am not afraid of death , but I'm afraid that after I die, the inheritance of Tianjimen will be lost or cut off, and in this case, I will have no face to face our ancestor of Tianjimen again!" Zhuge Zhao looked very helpless, Lin Lin Yi glanced at him angrily, obviously he was afraid of death, and he said it so grandly, people are getting more and more treacherous, this point is applied to this guy, it is too appropriate!
"Okay, okay, I know you are upright and shoulder heavy responsibilities, so I won't let you die so unworthily. Don't talk so much nonsense, I'll restore your cultivation first." Lin Yiyi Pointing at Zhuge's eyebrows with the root finger, he lifted his restraint.

As soon as the restriction was lifted, Zhuge Zhao's strength quickly increased, and he quickly returned to the peak of the spiritual energy state, even closer to the spiritual disk state than before.

There was a gleam of joy on his face, and he could feel the rich aura in the anode land after recovering his strength. If he cultivates here, his cultivation will definitely increase several times in a short time. This is what he is thinking about in his dreams things!

"Almost excited, okay? Shall I give you half an hour to make you scream like crazy?" Lin Yi glanced at him and said impatiently.

Only then did Zhuge Zhao come to his senses, and quickly shook his head and said, "Your Excellency is too polite, my mood has calmed down, what do you want me to do? With my current strength, I can calculate the fortune of life and death, just ask. "

(End of this chapter)

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