Chapter 879

People are refreshed on happy occasions, this is Zhuge Zhao's current state.

After recovering his strength, he regained his self-confidence, of course he wanted to show off!

Lin Yi frowned slightly, and said: "It's just a good or bad calculation? Can you lock the exact position of the person?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Zhao showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and said: "My lord, it is indeed possible to lock the position, but with my current strength, I am afraid I cannot calculate a very accurate position. You should not know that our Tianji Gate Therefore, we can use the secret method because we have the secret method of inheritance. Using the secret method, we can calculate good and bad luck, but there are requirements for the user's cultivation and vitality. For example, now that I am in the spiritual realm, I can calculate People or things should be able to find out their direction. If my cultivation base reaches the spirit plate state, I can find an area in that direction. As the cultivation base continues to improve, the accuracy will also increase. But we generally I won’t directly calculate the exact position, because that method would be too leaky and would consume a lot of vitality. It’s really hard to make up for vitality!”

Hearing what Zhuge Zhao said, Lin Yi immediately became interested, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Since your Tianji sect obtained the power to calculate heaven's secrets by practicing Tianji Jue, then, if I practice Tianji Jue, can I also do it?" Can you do the same thing as you?"

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Zhuge Zhao's eyes widened immediately, he looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, and said, "My lord, what do you mean, you want to get the secret method of our Tianjimen?"

"Why, is it difficult? If it is difficult, then forget it. I don't like forcing others to make things difficult. If I don't want to, I won't do anything to you." Lin Yi was very casual, he just thought that the secret art was a bit fun, but he didn't like it. I'm not really interested.

Zhuge Zhao was a little embarrassed by Lin Yi's casualness, he smiled awkwardly, and said, "My lord, actually, I don't mean to be reluctant to dedicate the secret formula to you. It's just that this set of exercises is not complete. Cultivation is very difficult and extremely dangerous, your body is noble, how can you let yourself be in danger?"

Lin Yi didn't want to get entangled in this issue at first, but after hearing what Zhuge Zhao said, his temper immediately came up.

What does this guy mean by that?Do you want to say that he is not qualified enough?Are you trying to say that he doesn't have much guts?
Zhuge Zhao can practice, but he can't. This is clearly an insult to him!

"You mean, you are more courageous than me, and you are stronger than me, or you are stronger than me in the entire Tianji Sect, right? I thought it was because the Tianji Jue belongs to your Tianji Sect." It is a top-secret exercise, so I can’t practice it. I didn’t expect it to be because I didn’t have enough guts! I decided, since you are willing to give me this set of exercises, then I will accept it! Oppose?" Lin Yi stared at Zhuge Zhao with burning eyes, Zhuge Zhao was already extremely regretful at this moment, he really couldn't figure out why he was so stupid? , If you insist on talking so much, isn't this provocative?
"No, no, no, of course I don't object, I don't object..." Zhuge Zhao looked submissive, facing Lin Yi, he really couldn't hold back.

Lin Yi snorted softly and said, "It's fine if you don't object. I want to see what's so powerful about your Tianji Jue first. I hope you don't play tricks with me. If you make a mistake, I will still punish you. You Let me calculate the good and bad luck of these people..."

Lin Yi recited the birthdays of the three people, deliberately not naming their names, in order to test Zhuge Zhao's calculation ability.Zhuge Zhao listened very carefully, for fear of missing something.

He had seen Lin Yi's horror before, and after he came to the land of anodes, he heard many rumors about Lin Yi, and everything shocked him to the extreme, and he became more and more in awe of Lin Yi.

Recently, the latest news about Lin Yi spread to his ears, which shocked him so much that he almost wet his pants.

Lin Yi used his power alone to make the Poison God Sect into a turmoil, and even destroyed a mountain of the Poison God Sect. This is definitely the strength only a fairy can have!
Thinking of this, how dare he offend Lin Yi in the slightest.

He immediately ran the Tianji Jue and began to calculate the good and bad luck of those three people. After counting, there was a look of shock on his face, and he said in disbelief: "My lord, it turns out that you asked me to count those three big men! Sect master Hua Tianwen, demon doctor sect master Sun Moyan, ghost doctor sect master Yin Jiuyou, the three of them are well-known figures in the medical field, and everyone in the ancient martial arts world knows it, everyone knows it! Huh? You are actually the common apprentice of the three of them! The common inheritor of the three major medical lines, this... this is really amazing!"

Zhuge Zhao's words made Lin Yi quite satisfied. In this way, this guy does have a few brushes.

"That's right, you can figure out the names of those three people so quickly and know the relationship between me and them. It seems that you do have some skills. Then do the math, how are the three of them doing now?" Lin Yi smiled. Nodding his head, he continued to ask.

Zhuge Zhao nodded slightly, and continued to calculate. After this calculation, his face sank again, and he said: "The situation seems to be a little bit bad. I figured it out. Although they are still alive, their condition is not very good. They are showing a fierce look." , and there are signs of turning into a big murderer, it's not good, it's not good!"

Zhuge Zhao's words made Lin Yi nervous immediately. Although he usually didn't care about these three old men, how could Lin Yi calm down when he really knew that they were in danger?

"What danger are they in? Quickly calculate, where are they now!" Lin Yi asked nervously, feeling very excited.

Zhuge Zhao nodded, his face turned slightly pale. Calculations like this hurt the body the most. For him, this is not much different from a fierce battle.

At this moment, he suddenly took out a black pill, handed it to him, and said: "This is the Primordial Pill, which can improve the cultivation level without side effects. If you take it, it is enough for you to calculate their current positions." .I don’t need you to be too accurate in your calculations, as long as you can calculate the area within a radius of a hundred miles from where they are.”

Zhuge Zhao was taken aback for a moment, staring blankly at the pill in Lin Yi's hand, he didn't come back to his senses for a while.

Lin Yi's anger was immediately aroused, he snorted angrily, grabbed his chin, squeezed his mouth open, and stuffed the elixir into it.

The elixir melted in his mouth, and Zhuge Zhao, who was startled, immediately felt the inner energy in his body swell up wildly. The sudden surge of power made his whole heart tremble. Lin Yi was right, his The cultivation base is indeed increasing, and it is still growing crazily!
(End of this chapter)

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