Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 207 Honoring the Generalissimo

Chapter 207 Honoring the Generalissimo

Several god generals looked at it, and they laughed constantly.

The twin goddess generals also raised their hands, and said to Chu Tian: "Little brother, let sister take you to familiarize yourself with the environment here. When you become a great general, you will have the opportunity to come here."

"That's right, you have to learn more from Marshal Marshal. Other Marshal Marshals have spent ten thousand years of hard work. You are already the Marshal of the Canopy, but you are a seventh-rank!"

The goddess will flatter Marshal Canopy.

Many generals looked over, their gazes fell on Marshal Tianpeng, full of excitement.

"Marshal, you arrived in Tianhe today, what's the matter, we will prepare a banquet for Marshal right away."

"Marshal, in the past few days, Tianhe's fairy fruit wine has been brewed, just for you, Marshal."

The God General in front of him had a flattering face, with a flattering smile on his face.

Even with a bright smile on his face, when he arrived at the side of Marshal Tianpeng and surrounded him, Chu Tian fell directly.

There are many people around Marshal Canopy.

This made Marshal Tianpeng sweat a little on his forehead. If Chu Tian hadn't said anything, he really wanted to kneel down.

In the eyes of several generals, Marshal Tianpeng looked strange.

"Marshal Tianpeng, what's wrong with you?"

"My lord, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? My lord, please take care of yourself."

The general's face was full of concern, and only Marshal Tianpeng took a deep breath, looking at Chu Tian beside him, his expression fluctuating.

Chu Tian glanced at these generals in front of him, stared at Tianhe in front of him, and walked over without thinking.

As soon as Chu Tian entered, the expressions of many god generals changed, and they were really ugly.

Even Marshal Canopy didn't go in, what does this kid want to do?
Ru Rong and Ru Fang, the two goddess generals, also moved their whole bodies, and directly stopped in front of Chu Tian.

His face pulled, and he scolded: "Bold young general, don't you understand the rules? In Tianhe, Marshal Tianpeng is the first. Wait for the adults to go in first before it will be your turn."

"Hurry up and let the adults make way first."

Chu Tian turned his head, looked sideways, and glanced at Marshal Canopy.

Marshal Tianpeng had an ugly face, trembling all over, and walked in with a difficult face under Chu Tian's gaze.

Today's Marshal Tianpeng is very strange.

However, everyone didn't pay much attention to it. Fortunately, Marshal Tianpeng came here once.

But let them have to treat them well.


This is the middle section of the Tianhe River, and it is also the place where the gods of the Tianhe River are the strongest.

There are thousands of generals and tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers.

In the small courtyard temple by the Tianhe River, there is a big round table, all kinds of delicacies are prepared.

Roasted pork, roasted chicken, roasted duck and roasted goose.

All of these were prepared by the gods. In order to honor Marshal Tianpeng, even the best fairy fruit wine in Tianhe was prepared for Marshal Tianpeng early in the morning.

As usual, the heavenly soldiers guard.

As soon as Marshal Canopy stepped forward, they all sat down at the top position, and several tenth-rank generals also took their seats one by one.

On the contrary, when Chu Tian was sitting beside the stone table, quite a few people looked at him with a strange look on his face.

"Who is this guy, this position is what he can do?"

"Yes, only the tenth-rank generals can sit with Marshal Canopy in this position. This kid actually dares to do it."

Several tenth grade gods pulled their faces and said nothing.

On the contrary, Marshal Tianpeng coughed dryly. Now, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he really didn't dare to let the general in front of him say anything nonsense.

He could only change the subject and said, "In the past few days, Tianhe is still stable."

"My lord, everything is fine in Tianhe, nothing unusual."

Marshal Tianpeng nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as the breath was relaxed, the eyes of a tenth-rank god general in front of him lit up, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he raised his head, and said with a bright face; "By the way, the gods will find a few good things just now, my lord. I want to give it to you, my lord."

"Oh, what good stuff?"

"First of all, there are ten fairy dance maids. They dance so beautifully that adults will definitely like it."

"Also, this is one hundred altars of Tianhe fairy fruit brewed for a thousand years, and it is also your favorite, my lord."

"Finally, it is these 1000 million immortal coins that we honor to you, my lord!"

With a flattering face and a smile on his face, the god general raised his hand, and not far away, ten fairies flew over directly with radiant divine light.

Ten fairies danced, and the dance was very beautiful.

And the delicious food was placed on the table, and someone gave a thousand-year-old fairy wine. This is simply a paradise on earth.

In the end, the god will even take out 1000 million cents coins to honor the canopy.

In Chu Tian's eyes, I really feel that the Canopy Marshal is really nourishing.

Once the 1000 million fairy coins were sent out, the fairy continued to dance.

On the other hand, Chu Tian was stabbed in the arm, and when he turned his head, he looked at the two twin goddess generals and said seriously, "Hey, why don't you quickly take out your savings and give Marshal Tianpeng a little gift. "

Another goddess general also nodded: "That's right, Marshal Tianpeng loves money the most. He regards money as his life. As long as you send 100 million cents, you will be guaranteed a good job in Tianhe."

Hearing this, Chu Tian said oh.

His face was calm and he didn't move at all, which made the two goddesses curl their lips, really unhappy.

"You really don't understand the world at all, Marshal Canopy, how did you bring you in?"

"That's right, if Marshal Canopy is upset because of the trouble, I'll give you something to eat."

The two goddesses curled their lips and snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and couldn't help laughing; "He's not happy, so he still wants to trouble me?"

"Haha, what a joke, if he doesn't give me good fruit to eat, I want to see, does he really dare?"

The voice was not too loud, but everyone at the table could hear it.

The faces of the generals who had been fawning over Marshal Tianpeng changed, and the faces were ugly, and all the generals were angry.

"Boy, what did you say, if you have the ability, say it again."

"Master Marshal is right here, how dare you insult him like this, this god will have to repair you properly today."

The two goddesses, Ru Rong and Ru Fang, changed their expressions, looking at Chu Tian, ​​they really couldn't bear it.

How should I put it, Chu Tian is also a small general, maybe he just got the position of a general not long ago.

This is not understanding the rules.

Both women tugged at Chu Tian, ​​their expressions solemn.

"Don't you hurry up and get an apology from the marshal, you, you are really crazy."

"The Marshal is very angry, hurry up and apologize to the Marshal."

Chu Tian shook his head, looking straight at the past, looking at the Marshal Canopy in front of him, his face pulled, and there was a loud sound, which shook the entire Tianhe River.

"Your Majesty!"

"I told you to kneel down, so you can't stand up, Marshal Canopy, don't forget what you said?"

A cold light flashed in Chu Tian's eyes, and it fell into the eyes of Marshal Tian Po, his face changed, and at this moment, his legs became weak.

He was originally a weak person who bullied the weak and feared the hard.

Facing Chu Tian's evil spirit, he really knelt down on the ground in an instant from the table.

Kneeling is very straightforward.

Very straightforward, and begged Chu Tian for mercy.

"Shangxian, spare me, this has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with me, I beg Shangxian to let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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