Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 208 Level 1 Priesthood

Chapter 208

Marshal Canopy knelt down, kneeling on the ground, trembling.

This is something that some god generals have never seen before, this is the majestic seventh-rank Generalissimo.

It's impossible to kneel down to someone.

This is absolutely impossible!
Some gods changed their expressions, looking at Chu Tian, ​​their expressions changed.

"Marshal, why do you kneel to him? What is this kid? If you want Marshal Canopy, you kneel down and beg him. Boy, do you know what you are doing?"

"How dare you make the Generalissimo kneel down, I will teach you what I say today."

Several gods pulled their faces and glared angrily.

I really want to make a move.

Marshal Tianpeng looked at the generals with extremely ugly expressions. He gritted his teeth and yelled, "Bold, are you tired of working? Don't you know who is in front of you?"

"He is a dignified first-rank priest. You are tired of working, and you dare to contradict a first-rank god. You really want to be thrown into the prison!"

As soon as Marshal Tianpeng spoke, the very loud voice made everyone tremble.

Hearing the Canopy Generalissimo, one by one, looked over with astonishment and horror, all doubting the authenticity of the words of the Canopy Generalissimo.

This guy is actually a first-rank priest.

Immortal of the first rank!
How is it possible, there are only a few first-rank gods and immortals in the heavenly court, and it is impossible for them not to know these people, yet another one pops up now.

It only made them look abnormal, looked at Marshal Canopy, and asked with a pale face,
"My lord, you, you are not joking, he, he is a first-rank priest, a first-rank immortal?"

"Master Marshal, first-rank priesthood, but apart from the Jade Emperor, among the tens of thousands of priesthoods, the first-rank priesthood is not just those few, when will there be another one?"

Marshal Canopy did not speak.

On the other hand, Chu Tian curled his lips, and when he heard and saw a few people, his expression was disbelief, which only made the corners of his mouth rise, and he really raised his hand directly, and a ray of light in his hand was projected high into the sky.

"I am the new first-rank priesthood, the heaven-suppressing angel, the first-rank heavenly residence, and the immortal soul of the Shenfu!"

In an instant, Chu Tian revealed all the Immortal Souls of the Divine Palace, and the Immortal Souls of the Divine Palace of the first-grade god profession directly floated in the air.

The momentary rise is full of momentum, directly pressing against the god in front of him.

Looking at Chutian's Immortal Soul of the Divine Palace, some people's faces changed drastically, and their whole bodies trembled, their legs went limp because they couldn't help it.

He knelt down directly, and the little generals around him couldn't resist the aura of the Immortal Soul of the Shenfu, the pressure of this level of priesthood.

How could they resist, the kneeling was very direct and straightforward.

The expressions of those great generals in front of Chu Tian also changed drastically, and they raised their heads in astonishment. They couldn't believe what they saw.

The guy in front of him is really a god.

A new first-rank priesthood, a heaven-suppressing angel, a first-rank heavenly residence.

Imperial Jade Emperor of Heaven!

Some people's faces were filled with astonishment, and the originally angry expression turned into a kind of fear. When they raised their heads and looked at Chutian's Shenfu Immortal Soul, their faces changed drastically.

Chu Tian pursed his lips, glanced at the crowd coldly, his face darkened, and he said loudly, "Why don't you kneel down when you see me, the first-rank angel-suppressing angel, don't think that I didn't hear what I said just now."

Some people's faces are extremely ugly, mocking the first-rank priesthood, this crime is aggravated.

They are only tenth-rank divine generals, and even Tianpengyuan is afraid of them, let alone this rank of priesthood, which is like looking up to the gods.

It made their faces change drastically, and in an instant, they all immediately knelt down on the ground.

"My lord, forgive my life, my lord to atone, we didn't mean it, we didn't mean it."

"I beg your lord to be merciful."

The god generals were so scared that they would die, they all cried out in fear.

The two goddess generals in front of Chutian, the twin goddess generals, looked at Chutian in horror, feeling Chutian's aura.

The faces of the two women changed, and they immediately knelt on the ground, lowered their heads, and their faces were full of astonishment.

They looked at each other with indescribable shock in their eyes.

First-rank priesthood, this is a genuine first-rank priesthood, a priesthood with an incomparably lofty status in the heavens, it is several times more powerful than Marshal Naipeng!

They didn't find out until now.

There were bitter smiles on the corners of the two girls' mouths.

The faces of several god generals also changed. Looking at Chu Tian, ​​they dare not show their anger now.

Marshal Tianpeng couldn't help but stood up for a moment, pointed at the generals in front of him, and yelled and cursed: "You young generals, how can you understand the supernatural power of adults, adults are dignified, what are you capable of? Talk to grown-ups like that."

"Come on, arrest these guys and put them directly into the dungeon!"

As soon as he waved his hand, the generals on the side stepped forward and really arrested the several generals who had insulted Chu Tian before.

This made several god generals look ugly, their faces turned pale, and they all yelled directly.

"My lord, no, my lord, I was really wrong, give us a chance to make up for it, my lord."

"No, no, I don't want to go to the prison, I don't want to be a fairy slave, please let us go."

Marshal Tianpeng's face pulled, that would give him a little sympathy, he is a seventh-rank marshal, and he is qualified enough to send the person in his hands to the sky prison.

The current him does not dare to offend Chu Tian.

That is, as soon as he raised his hand, he wanted to be taken away.

Unexpectedly, when Chutian spoke suddenly, he said directly, "Wait a minute."

As soon as Chu Tian spoke, several god generals stopped immediately.

Now everyone knows that here, it is not the rank [-] Marshal who is the biggest, but the Angel of the Heavenly Suppressing Rank in front of him is the biggest.

He let go of several generals in his hands.

Those god generals knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Chu Tian incessantly, expressing their gratitude.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord, we will never forget your kindness, and we will repay you, my lord."

"Whatever your lord orders, we will definitely do it, and we will do your best for your lord."

Looking at the god generals in front of him, Chu Tian curled his lips, his expression was calm, he looked around, and said without thinking, "I'm here, I have something to do."

"I don't know, what's the matter?"

Some people raised their heads and looked over with puzzled expressions.

All the gods around didn't understand why this new level of priesthood came here. There is nothing good in Tianhe that allows this level of priesthood to come and get it.

The status of the first-rank priesthood is enough for many priests above the fifth-rank to try their best to please.

How can you fancy what they have here!
Sensing the doubts of the generals around him, Chu Tian twitched a smile, and said calmly: "I was a first-rank priest at the beginning, and I only had one shrine in my hand, and I still have this rank of god. Pawn, this is not good."

(End of this chapter)

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