Chapter 211 The First Buddha Family

Within the Tianshen Mansion.

As soon as everyone arrived, they saw the celestial appearance of the First Grade Divine Palace, which was really vast and vigorous, filled with that vigorous celestial power.

It made people feel very shocked, and even more stunned.

The Yipin Shenfu is extremely vast, and its grandeur is much more powerful than the Canopy Marshal's Mansion.

Especially when I think about it, this is their territory.

Hundreds of god generals also looked excited.

Ru Rong and Ru Fang, the two red and blue generals, who were also the leaders of these generals, looked happy when they arrived in the Shenfu.

Immediately arrange the manpower to take care of the Shenfu.

These divine generals will be Chu Tian's subordinates from now on.

Still relying on Chutian's driving, seeing these generals helping him manage the Shenfu, Chutian looked satisfied.

Right now, there is not much for him, which makes Chu Tian plan to complete the advanced treasure hunting task at hand.

Without even thinking about it, I directly received this advanced treasure hunting task.

The sound of the system came directly.

"Get the high-level treasure hunting mission of the official position in the Heavenly Court, ask the host to go to the West Heaven Realm, the West Heaven Small Temple, and eradicate twenty bullies!"

Twenty bullies, this task made Chu Tian startled.

From the looks of it, none of these twenty bullies can stay.

This kind of high-level treasure hunting task is very difficult, and the strength of these twenty bullies is probably no less than Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base.

It depends on how many immortals are there.

No matter what, Chu Tian couldn't stop doing the mission after he got it. This high-level treasure hunting mission has a lot of rewards.

Whatever he said, he had to get it.

If you want to understand this, you have to go directly to the West Heaven Realm.

Under the somersaulting clouds, the speed was so fast that it took less than half an hour to reach the Western Heaven Realm.

Go to the westernmost side, a small temple of Xitian.


In the West Heaven Realm, there are many small temples.

The closer you are to the Tathagata Hall in the center, the more moist you live, and the more prosperous the incense.

But the small temples on the edge generally don't have such good treatment, and the staff is scarce.

The buddhists and immortals in the temple don't have much ability, and they can only comprehend Buddhism in this small temple.

Those who major in Buddhism and Taoism and understand the Dharma must be taught by someone. The Tathagata Buddha Hall is the largest and most capable temple, and they will choose the Buddha of the Tathagata Buddha Hall.

Of course, it is even more indispensable to offer sacrifices to the Buddha in the Tathagata Buddha Hall every year.

The incense in these small temples is not enough to maintain, so I can only step back and choose the second largest Buddhist practice and preaching force.

That is the first Buddha cultivator's holy family, the Lu family!
Lujia Buddha's practice of holy law is an ancient Buddhist law, and it is the choice of many small temples.

Of course, it is impossible for the Lu family to teach the Dharma for free, and the money for offering incense and incense is also indispensable.

But now, this small temple of Tianming owes ten years of incense offerings, and together, it is worth hundreds of millions of immortal coins.

All 20 members of the Lu family have come here.

The leading person is really a Lujia Buddha who practiced holy Buddhism with the strength of the late immortal king, Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan Buddha practiced profoundly, and his Dharma is even more accomplished.

The strength is terrifying, the position in the Lu family is in the front row, and the purpose of coming here is to help the Lu family collect incense and offerings, but these people in front of them don't want to give it.

It just made him furious.

"You owe the Lu family [-] million cents in total. Let me tell you, if you don't take out the [-] million cents today, none of you will get out of here."

His face pulled, and he glared over with anger, his eyes coldly swept across the temple, hundreds of Buddhas and Immortals.

Nearly a hundred Buddhas and Immortals dare not show their atmosphere.

The host also had a wry smile on his face, lowered his head, and said with panic on his face: "I also ask the Lu family to be kind, we, we really can't get it out, and in our temple, the annual incense is less than 100 million. Immortal coins, how can I come up with [-] million immortal coins."

Many people also turned pale, and were really angry at the Lu family's actions.

"That's right, the Lu family needs 1000 million offerings a year. It's just like coming to the Holy Buddha Hall to lose 5 million immortal coins. How can we take out these immortal coins?"

"Your Lu family don't want to go too far. We have already given you a lot of fairy coins, and your Lu family only took out a small ancient Buddhist scriptures to fool us. You are really a fool."

Some people stared over with ugly faces, very unhappy with the Lu family's actions.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan curled his lips, his face was cold, and the Buddha Dharma was revealed in an instant, all of which was full of arrogance: "Don't you know the status of our Lu family in the Western Heaven Realm, and dare to shout at our Lu family. "

"Do you know the consequences, your little temple, our Lu Family wants to destroy it, it's a piece of cake!"

As soon as Lu Yuan raised his hand, the Buddha's Dharma image was instantaneous. He raised his hand and threw it at a statue not far away.

With a loud sound, the sculpture of the real Buddha statue also exploded instantly.

Watching the sculpture explode, Lu Yuan curled his lips with a look of disdain; "This statue is really ugly, it looks like a trash little Buddha fairy at first glance, you still think he is a real Buddha, like a holy Buddha, let him He is enshrined by your incense, so don't laugh at me to death."


When he laughed wildly, it was a face full of laughing expressions.

The faces of the people in the temple were ugly.

The presiding abbot also trembled with anger, glared at him angrily, and said angrily, "This lord is the benefactor of our Tianming Temple. We built a Buddha statue for him just to thank him, you, you actually destroyed it. The statue of our benefactor."

Lu Yuan curled his lips when he heard this, but still had a sneer on his face; "The bullshit benefactor, relying on him, dare to erect a Buddha statue, you people really don't know what to do."

"To make a Buddha statue is also my Lu Yuan's Buddha statue. Hurry up and throw out all these garbage Buddha statue sculptures. From today onwards, I will worship my Lu Yuan!"

The voice was loud, and as soon as Lu Yuan spoke, some Buddha immortals in front of him all looked angry.

This member of the Lu family is simply too hateful and arrogant.

How could it be possible to even want to replace the Buddha statue of their benefactor.

The presiding abbot was really angry, he glared at him, and said loudly, "The Angry Lu family bullies people too much, too much, you have to take care of whoever enshrines the Buddha statues in our small temple, what right do you Lu family have to take care of this kind of thing. "

"Your Lu family didn't make our temple miserable enough?"

Being stared at, Lu Yuan's expression turned down, what is his identity, and what is the strength of their Lu family.

And dare to bargain with him.

His face pulled, and his face turned blue: "Just because of you trash, you dare to despise my dignified Luyuan, and dare to challenge me for such a trash Buddha statue. If you want to die, I will fulfill you and destroy this one for me!" Small temple."

Many people's faces changed, and when they heard Lu Yuan, their faces changed drastically.

The Lu family took action, but they were incapable of fighting.

In this small temple, none of the Buddhist cultivators knew what to do.

A familiar voice came.

It really made the Buddha cultivators all look excited.

"You dare to try it!"

Chu Tian stepped on somersaulting clouds and arrived here in an instant. When he saw this temple, he felt a little familiar. He raised his head and glanced over.

Immediately found that it was the small temple that he had saved earlier.

This is a coincidence, but he did not expect that his sculpture of Buddha statue would be destroyed!

This is simply destroying his merit supply, how could Chutian not be angry.

(End of this chapter)

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