Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 212 A group of bullies

Chapter 212 A Group of Bullies

Chu Tian raised his head angrily, and looked at the twenty bullies of the Great Immortal Family.

This Buddha Cultivation Holy Family is really extremely arrogant and extremely hateful.

Destroying his statue is something Chu Tian absolutely cannot tolerate.

His merits were destroyed like this, which made Chu Tian feel unhappy.

Lu Yuan didn't expect that someone would dare to come up and challenge their Lu family.

This kid, knows where this is, and how powerful and powerful their Lu family is in the entire Western Heaven Realm, how can this kid know, how can he know.

"What did you tell me, our Lu family has been here for so many years, and we have never seen you dare to contradict our Lu family. Who are you, and what qualifications do you have to dare our Lu family to stop."

Chu Tian curled his lips and sneered, raised his head, his face was full of pride: "Of course I am qualified, what is your Lu family, I, Chu Tian, ​​am afraid that your Lu family will fail."

"If you dare to destroy my statue, you will have to pay the price!"

At this moment, as soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, the Dharma face appeared instantly, which made the Lu family's face change, looking at Chu Tian's Dharma face.

I don't know, Chutian is also a Buddhist practitioner, and he still practiced ancient Buddhism.

Especially the faint golden light on Chu Tian's body, the golden light does not shine, it is very dazzling, and it only makes many people unable to open their eyes.

Feel the power of Chutian Buddha Dharma.

Lu Yuan's face also pulled, and his face was ugly.

Knowing that Chu Tian's Dharma appearance is almost comparable to his, this made him clenched his fists, and his face was full of overwhelming anger: "Okay, I didn't expect that you also practiced ancient Dharma. It seems that I am really small. you."

"They will enshrine you, which proves that your strength is good, then I will put you to death. Then, these small temples will know that I am very lucky!"

At the end of Lu Yuan's speech, he raised his head and laughed wildly, his face was bright, and he burst out laughing directly.

With that one-handed lift, and even with a casual move, the Buddha Dharma image appeared behind him in an instant.

"The ancient Dharma, the Dharma worships the heavens!"

With a loud sound, when Lu Yuan raised his hand, the Buddha power in his palm was horrifying, and he rushed over directly, and threw it at Chu Tian.

The Buddha's light is so vast that it completely envelops the entire sky.

This is indeed offering sacrifices to the sky, causing the sky to vibrate.

Feeling the astonishing power of this palm, it is also ancient Buddhism.

The first Buddha cultivator still has some strength. Although the opponent is only a late-stage fairy, relying on ancient Buddhism, his strength has been continuously improved.

Not only does it wrap Chutian in, but it also wraps Chutian's surroundings and everything around him.

Among them, behind Chu Tian, ​​was the Buddhist cultivator of the Tianming Small Temple.

Feeling the horror of Lu Yuan, the ancient Dharma, these Buddhist immortals looked ugly, trembling all over, and they all looked terrified.

"This, this is the ancient Dharma, no way, this, this is simply too terrifying and powerful."

"How could we, our benefactor, be his opponent? The people from the Lu family are too strong."

Some people looked desperate, they really didn't think Chutian could win.

This is not true, the Lu family is also the number one Buddhist cultivating family, and the other party's ancient Dharma is comparable!
In this Western Heaven Realm, apart from Tathagata's ancient Dharma, the Lu family's ancient Dharma is the most powerful.

They didn't think that Chu Tian could really win against the first Buddha family member.

Some people looked desperate and thought they were dead.

Chu Tian curled his lips, raised his head with a sneer, and looked at the ancient Buddha in front of him. There was really a flash of contempt in his eyes.

"This is the ancient Dharma of your Lu family, and it's nothing more than that. With the help of the ancient Dharma, you really think you can beat me."

He is no longer what he used to be.

He got the priesthood, became a first-rank Heaven-Suppressing Angel, and also got the immortal soul of the Heaven-Suppressing Angel.

The Immortal Soul of Shenfu, strengthen his Immortal Soul.

He has gathered hundreds of god generals in his hands, and these hundreds of god generals all obey his orders.

He is no longer who he used to be.

The current him is the Heaven-Suppressing Emperor who shakes the world in the entire Heaven Realm!
"It's ridiculous that a small ancient Dharma dares to flaunt in front of the emperor of this town. Look at my immortal soul from the Shenfu, the soul returns to heaven, and the sky moves for me!"

As soon as he raised his hand, Chu Tian directly took out the Immortal Soul of Shenfu.

His immortal soul has long been combined with the immortal soul of Shenfu.

The Immortal Soul of the Void Shadow Divine Palace flew up into the sky in an instant, directly breaking through the dharma that filled the sky, breaking through the golden light, and flying into the sky in an instant.

The shrine expanded in an instant, and the whole shrine seemed like a black hole.

Directly absorb the entire sky completely.

Not to mention, that lot of golden light was completely absorbed by Chutian's Shenfu, and the absorption was accelerated by the Shenfu, and it couldn't stop at all.

For a time, the ancient Dharma and the Dharma of offering sacrifices to heaven were completely absorbed by Chutian's shrine.

It made people look astonished and shocked. They really didn't expect that Chu Tian could easily decipher Lu Yuan's ancient Dharma as soon as he raised his hand.

This is simply too powerful, too awesome!

The immortals in the small temple were all excited.

The 20 members of the Lu family had ugly faces. Looking at Chu Tian, ​​the 20 members of the Lu family all took a step forward.

Those who followed Lu Yuan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Yuan Lao, this kid's strength is terrifying, you can't deal with it alone, or I let us join forces."

"That's right, let's join forces and put him to death. We can't let him continue to be so arrogant. If this matter gets out, where will our Lu family's face be?"

If this matter spreads, let alone the face of the Lu family.

Those temples dedicated to the Lu family will be shaken. At that time, who will entrust them to the Lu family?
This kid completely destroyed the ten thousand year status of their Lu family.

It is impossible for Lu Yuan to forget that, even if he tried his best, he would kill the kid in front of him!

Gritting his teeth, his face pulled, his whole body moved, and he rushed over directly with the members of the Lu family.

"You dare to meddle in our Lu family's affairs, boy, even if you break my ancient Dharma, I don't believe that you can stop so many people from our Lu family."

The twenty members of the Lu family all learned the ancient Dharma.

And all of them opened the Buddha Dharma image, and when the Buddha Dharma image came out, they attacked Chu Tian madly.

It was all wrapped in Chutian, and twenty Buddhist figures came in front of Chutian, and the mad attack wanted to put Chutian to death.

Chu Tian looked at the twenty Buddhist figures, and even though these people had learned ancient Buddhism, he still didn't panic at all.

Now he really wants to try how powerful his immortal soul is.

The immortal soul of the gods and Buddhas has improved his strength.

He is a priest of the first rank, under one person in the heavenly court, and above ten thousand people.

What is he afraid of!
(End of this chapter)

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