Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 213 Immortal Soul Immortal Power

Chapter 213 Immortal Soul Immortal Power
"The Immortal Soul of the Shenfu, the soul returns, and the Shenfu returns to one. I am the Heaven-Suppressing Angel, and I am the first rank of Tianju. Who dares to be rude to me, dare to mess with me."

"Death to me, the ancient Dharma, the Buddha is like a golden mountain!"

In an instant, the Immortal Soul of Shenfu rushed into Chu Tian's body again.

It only made Chu Tian tremble all over, and when he raised his hand, the continuous immortal power was poured directly into the Buddha Dharma.

With the immortal soul, there is this advantage. His immortal power is endless, and he no longer needs to use the immortal card to get a lot of immortal power.

This immortal power directly strengthened his Buddha Dharma.

The Buddha Dharma appearance has changed, and the Buddha Dharma appearance that has obtained Chutian's immortal power, at this moment, it is a direct display of divine power.

That sudden growth in strength even lowered the attacks of many of the [-] Lu families around.

Bang bang bang!
The Buddhist appearances of the 20 members of the Lu family could not defeat Chu Tian's Buddhist appearances at all.

They were all stopped directly by Chutian's Buddhist image.

The horror of Chutian's Buddha-dharma image made many people look shocked. The Lu family was stunned. They did not expect Chutian's Buddha-dharma image to be so terrifying.

They all had ugly faces, and they didn't expect that none of the 20 of them could compare to the one in front of them.

Lu Yuan also has an extremely ugly face. He specializes in ancient Dharma, and he thinks that his ancient Dharma has long been accomplished, but now, seeing the guy in front of him.

See the terror of the other party's Dharma appearance.

Unexpectedly, he Luyuan and so many Lu family members added together, could not compare with the kid in front of him.

He was really not convinced, their Lu family, how could they be so angry.

"Our Lu family is the number one holy Buddha and fairy family in the West Heaven Realm. I don't accept it. There is no way you can compare to our Lu family. I will let you die, I will put you to death!"

Under the rage, Lu Yuan couldn't bear it for a long time, and the Buddha Dharma all over his body was shining brightly, and rushed towards Chu Tian directly.

Crazy bumped into Chutian's Buddhist image, trying to destroy Chutian's Buddhist image.

It's a pity that Chutian's Buddhist image can't be broken so easily.

His immortal soul is extremely powerful, and the immortal soul of the Shenfu absorbed the immortal souls of hundreds of generals, all of which strengthened his immortal soul, which made his immortal soul possess terrifying immortal power.

Chu Tian put his immortal power into the Buddha Dharma.

The strength of the Buddha Dharma has been improved, and it has been doubled in an instant.

This kind of terrifying strength is enough for Chu Tian not to rely on the invitation card to fight against the immortal who practiced the ancient Dharma in the later stage of the immortal king.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, he punched it directly.

"court death!"

Dharma Xiang punched, it was huge, and hit Lu Yuan who was approaching.

Lu Yuan's Buddhist image was instantly shattered, and it was also directly destroyed by Chu Tian's punch.

As soon as the dharma image trembled, it turned into bits of broken light, and Lu Yuan also vomited blood, and was directly knocked out.

The whole person flew out wildly, almost unable to stop.

He fell heavily on the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Seeing all this, the faces of the Lu family members changed, and they all stepped forward at the same time, and immediately surrounded them.

"Old Yuan, Old Yuan, you, are you okay?"

"Yuan Lao's Buddhist appearance has been destroyed, and Lu Lao's cultivation has been destroyed!"

One of the Lu family members looked ugly, raised his head, and looked at Chu Tian in front of him in astonishment.

Chu Tian alone shattered their Lu Yuan's Dharma appearance, destroying their Dharma appearance in an instant.

It is impossible for Lu Yuan to recover now.

Lu Yuan suffered a crushing defeat.

Who else can stop Chu Tian now!
Chu Tian's aura remained undiminished. Now that his treasure hunting mission has not been completed, the Lu family is so arrogant that they dare to do such shameless things here.

He does not suggest helping the Tathagata of the Western Heaven Realm to get rid of these disasters.

As soon as he raised his hand, Chu Tian's Buddhist image also grew stronger again.

The emergence of ancient Buddhism is aimed at the remaining Lu family in front of them, and they suppress it without even thinking about it.

"Ancient Dharma, Five-Finger Foshan Palm!"

In an instant, the Buddha Dharma form melted into Wuzhishan with one palm, oppressing the rest of the Lu family madly.

The faces of the Lu family members changed drastically, and they all looked astonished when they saw all this.

Until the Five Fingers Mountain of the Buddhist Dharma appeared in front of him.

These people came to their senses and wanted to escape, but they had no chance to escape.

The whole ground was trembling, and at this moment, the ground was roaring continuously.

The pressure of this Wuzhi mountain completely envelops the Lu family.

There are 20 people in the Lu family, and none of them are left.

Seeing all this, the immortal of Tianming Small Temple gasped.

Only now did they feel the horror of Chu Tian. Even the members of the first Buddha cultivating the Holy Family were not Chu Tian's opponents.

It was solved so easily by Chutian.

Let them have a bit of horror on their faces.

In addition to this surprise, some people's faces changed, and their faces were complicated.

Only now did they realize an important thing. All members of the Lu family died here, and it was impossible for the Lu family to let it go so easily.

The host also looked ugly, raised his head, stared at Chu Tian in front of him, sighed deeply, and said gratefully; "Thank you benefactor, for helping our small temple again."

"However, benefactor, you should hurry up and leave this Western Heaven Realm. Our small temple has also done its best. From now on, this temple will be disbanded directly!"

Hearing the host's words, some Buddhists and immortals were really a little bit unwilling.

But what can you do if you are not reconciled, the power of the first Buddha's holy family is terrifying, and only the Tathagata Buddha can fight against it.

Their small temples are no match for the other Daxian's family.

Some people have a look of despair on their faces.

This scene fell in Chu Tian's eyes, and he was really not in the mood to see the rewards he got for completing the advanced treasure hunting mission.

Looking at the people in front of them lamenting, especially what the host said.

He just curled his lips, pulled his face, and said in a loud voice: "A mere fairy family in the fairy world, what are you afraid of, the fairy family in the fairy world, not only their family is the only one, this West Heaven Realm is not their territory alone."

"In the entire heaven, are these immortal families the most powerful, it is ridiculous to be able to dominate everything!"

Chu Tian snorted coldly, his eyes were contemptuous, and he didn't pay attention to the Xian family at all.

The words in the mouth made several people startled and looked up.

The host's face was also changing, looking at Chu Tian with a respectful expression, he couldn't help asking, "I don't know, what can the Great Immortal do to help this temple escape this crisis."

After finishing speaking, they all looked over with longing faces.

Many Buddhist cultivators also stared at Chu Tian earnestly, with expectations on their faces.

Chu Tian's expression remained undiminished. Looking around and looking at the small temple in front of him, a sense of arrogance rose in his heart.

He is not afraid of the fairy family in the fairy world, he will definitely trample the fairy family under his feet.

What's so great about these fairy families is that they took root in the fairy world before him and established a lot of power.

His power in Chutian is not bad either.

He wants his power to surpass countless fairy families!

(End of this chapter)

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