Chapter 214
Hearing Chu Tian's words, the little Buddhas in this small temple all looked at each other in blank dismay.

With a look of astonishment, feeling Chu Tian's aura, even the host was shocked.

However, the host's expression was still ugly, and he smiled wryly, looked at Chu Tian in front of him, and reluctantly said, "The Shang Immortal doesn't know something. In this West Heaven Realm, if a temple is to survive, it needs to practice Buddhism well."

"There must be someone to support, otherwise, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the Western Heaven Realm. Some big temples have found the Tathagata Buddha, and only we have no strength. The next best thing is to find the number one Buddha cultivator in the fairy world."

Chu Tian looked over with a calm face, and said calmly, "So?"

The host looked sad, sighed, and continued; "If there is no one to support our small temple, we will not be able to defeat the Nalu family at all."

Many people nodded repeatedly.

How could they have the strength, ability, and dare to compare with this first Buddhist monk.

Only obediently surrender and admit defeat, leave from this small temple.

Choose this path.

Looking at these people in front of him, his face was full of dejection.

Chutian curled his lips, and said loudly, "You want to find a backer, it's not easy, you just need to find me, Chutian. Tathagata Buddha Dharma, as long as I teach you a little bit, it will benefit you endlessly."

"Also, I am a generation of heavenly priests and immortals. I rank first rank, and his small immortal family can really compare to me!"

Chu Tian was full of arrogance, his face, and his words made many people startled.

Hearing Chutian's words, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, shocked by Chutian's words.

If what Chutian said is true, then their small temple is really saved.

This is a first-rank priesthood in heaven.

In addition, there are Buddha Dharma, the scriptures of ancient Dharma, and all of these are what their small temple needs.

This is what they desire most!
The host looked happy, facing Chu Tian, ​​without even thinking about it, put his hands together, and knelt down directly: "I beseech the great emperor to bless this Buddhist temple."

Seeing the host's approach, many Buddhist cultivators kneeled down with their knees softened.

Facing Chutian, he surrendered directly, with a serious expression on his face: "I beseech the emperor to bless you!"

Seeing all the people in the small temple in front of him bowing down to him, Chu Tian nodded in satisfaction. He really raised his hand to these people in front of him with a calm expression on his face.

"Very well, what I lack is people. If you obey me, you must regard me as the master and obey all my orders. I need your loyalty, and I want you to complete your obedience to me."

Chutian's voice was loud and reached everyone's ears.

This made some people's faces change, and even more respectful.

"Great Emperor, I am willing to dedicate my devout Buddha heart, and regard the Great Emperor as the true Buddha in my heart, which is unique."

"I would like to send the Buddha's heart, and ask the Lord to fulfill it."

The Buddha's heart is a piece of sincerity. Giving the Buddha's heart to Chutian is to enshrine Chutian.

Worshiping Chutian as the first true Buddha is a terrifying power of faith.

With this power of faith, Chutian will have a steady stream of incense offerings. The power of faith in these Buddhist cultivators is not much worse than that of the Buddha's seat in the Buddha Hall.

Facing the beliefs of the people around him, Chu Tian nodded in satisfaction, raised his hand, and took out all the Buddhist scriptures he had obtained before without even thinking about it.

He intends to teach these people in front of him, a little bit of ancient Buddhism, which can also be regarded as a reward for these people to believe in him.

"Very well, I will teach you the ancient Buddhist scriptures. I will come here every year to teach you a little Buddhist scriptures, or one of the Tathagata's great Buddhist scriptures."

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the people in front of them all looked excited, their faces were full of excitement.

It is really an incomparable luxury to teach this every year.

Compared with the Tathagata and the Buddha, they were more generous, which made them look grateful. Looking at Chutian, they were even more moved.

The host also changed his face several times, and said to Chu Tian with a full face of emotion; "Thank you for the gift of the great emperor, alas, in the small temple, there is nothing that adults can see, otherwise, the small temple will take all of them. Send it."

The Buddhist cultivators all nodded their heads again and again.

They really wanted to give everything to Chutian.

Of course, this was something that Chu Tian could look up to.

He is not interested in millions of fairy coins every year, all he wants is the faith of these people.

Looking at the Buddha cultivator in front of him, Chu Tian straightened his face and said calmly, "I don't need you to provide me with why. Every year, I don't charge a penny for the incense. I'm not short of money."

"However, there is one thing I want to explain. When you worship me, you must obey my orders and regard me as the holy Buddha who came to you, and you must be supreme!"

Chutian's words are very domineering, and they are all compared with the Tathagata Buddha seat.

Only Chu Tian dared to say that.

The strength that Chutian showed earlier really made them admire, and there was nothing unusual about what Chutian said.

With one voice, the voice was loud, and they agreed directly.

"Yes, the Great!"

"Follow the emperor's order!"

Hearing what the people around him said, Chu Tian nodded, and then he was very satisfied and began to teach these people a little bit of the ancient Buddhist scriptures.

Anyway, there are a lot of ancient Dharma in the Buddhist scriptures in his hand, so it's really not a big deal to take out a little and pass it on.

This can be said to be a gain of faith in vain.

Chu Tian's face was full of brilliance, and he was also a little interested in the establishment of his strength in the West Heaven Realm.

Teach these people a little of the ancient Dharma.

I really didn't forget, and said directly: "From today on, you are the Buddha cultivators in my Chutian's hands. While you regard me as the true Buddha, you must also develop this temple."

"Don't be afraid of those immortal families in the fairy world, and don't care about the Tathagata Buddha. I want you to develop and prosper, and find many people to join this temple."

As soon as the words came out, the host immediately lowered his head.

Immediately agreed; "Yes, Great Emperor."

After finishing these things, Chu Tian also asked people to rebuild his real body of the Buddha statue and continue to serve them with incense.

Only then did he leave the small temple.


Finally came to the West Heaven Realm.

He planned to go to the Buddha Hall of the Tathagata of the Western Paradise, but the Tathagata had promised him.

Every time 10 billion immortal coins were repaid, a great supernatural power was given to him. Until now, Chu Tian still remembers it.

He must win the great supernatural power.

It just so happened that the reward for the advanced treasure hunting task in his hand, the fairy coin, has passed one billion again.

The high-level treasure hunting mission, two rewards, directly made the fairy coins in his hand reach one billion.

Also got a nice goodie.

Looking at this thing, Chu Tian smiled.

Ancient true Buddha relic: It is passed down from the ancient true Buddha. A relic is worth one billion immortal coins. It can be exchanged for immortal coins, or you can keep it for yourself.

What is really lacking, 20 billion cents coins are so easy to get!
 I will make it up tomorrow, the gap is a bit too much, I will make it up

(End of this chapter)

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