Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 215 Goodbye Tathagata

Chapter 215 Goodbye Tathagata
Chu Tian went all the way directly to the Tathagata Holy Buddha Hall.

Walk directly into the Buddhist hall and follow him as soon as he appears.

However, several Buddhas looked over, their eyes lit up, and there was a bright smile on their faces.I don't even want to come forward.

Facing Chu Tian with clasped hands, he said directly, "Benefactor Chu is here to meet the Tathagata Buddha?"

Chu Tian nodded directly and said, "Where is Tathagata, I have something to see him."

"Saint Buddha, Tathagata, is in the hall of spreading Buddha. Please also ask the almsgiver to follow me."

As he said that, he turned his head and led Chu Tian to a certain place.

This Buddhist hall is very large, and every time he comes, Chu Tian can feel the magnificence of the entire Buddhist hall.

As soon as he approached a large hall, he looked at the resplendent and magnificent hall in front of him.

Chu Tian couldn't help but lament the generosity of the Tathagata Buddha. The entire Western Heaven Realm is the Tathagata's territory, and it's no wonder that its Buddha Hall is so huge.

This is enshrined in upper-middle-class temples in the entire Western Heaven Realm.

While Chu Tian was sighing, the voice of the Tathagata Buddha came over.

The cultivation base of this holy Buddha is terrifying, even if you don't see him coming in, you can still feel his presence.

Chu Tian was shocked when the sound came into his ears.

Now he found that the gap between him and Tathagata was really not even a star, which made him a little depressed.

"Since you are here, please come in first. I am afraid that you have something to do with you, so you need to find this Buddha."

As soon as Chu Tian lifted his foot, he walked in without any nonsense.

Follow him into the hall.

The Tathagata Buddha and several Buddhas raised their heads to look over. The disciples of the Buddha looked curious about Chu Tian's appearance.

These disciples of the Buddha are all closed disciples of the Tathagata.

Among them, there is Tathagata sitting down as a big disciple.

Kali Buddha is here.

This Kali Buddha has already been in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor, and as the number one disciple of the Tathagata, he enjoys everything even more.

He holds a lot of power in the Western Heaven Realm in his hands, and his status in the Tathagata Buddha Hall is even more amazing.

He can freely enter and exit the Tathagata Buddha Hall.

Right now, when he saw Chu Tian approaching, he really frowned; "Master, who is this?"

Tathagata proclaimed a Buddha's name, and he was very optimistic about Chutian; "This is the person who personally taught the great Buddha Dharma, and I even handed over the three Buddha throne cards in the Buddha Hall to him."

"He is a destined person of this Buddha!"

As soon as the words came out, Kali Buddha's face changed, and he clenched his fists, watching Chu Tian's face change.

The few Buddhas all gave a cold snort, and they were really upset that Chu Tian, ​​an outsider, was looked up to by the Tathagata.

Tathagata clasped his hands together, but he didn't notice, but his eyes fell on Chu Tian alone, and he couldn't help asking: "This fairy friend, has he already raised all the money for the Buddha's throne, so he found this Buddha?"

Chu Tian nodded without talking nonsense.

The Tathagata, who saw it in his eyes, had a smile on his face, and said with a bright face: "It's so good, I will definitely pay you for what I said, and I will give you a great supernatural power for every billion cents. .”

Hearing the Tathagata's words, the faces of the Buddha's disciples under the seat changed greatly, and all of them looked ugly.

Kali Buddha trembled all over, and couldn't help saying: "Master, this, this is not acceptable, I don't agree."

"Who is he? He is not a disciple of the master, nor is he majoring in Buddhism. Why should he be chosen instead of us?"

Kali Buddha clenched his fists and his face was extremely complicated. As the great disciple of the Tathagata, although he has already learned a lot of the Tathagata's Dharma.

But Tathagata always had reservations about these great supernatural powers, and he didn't teach him much at all.

Since he has followed Tathagata for tens of thousands of years, he has only learned two great supernatural powers.

But now, Tathagata is going to hand over the great supernatural power to another person.

It was impossible for him to agree.

It's a pity, how could Tathagata's decision be changed? He clasped his hands together, and once again proclaimed the Buddha's name, with a calm face, looking directly at him, and glanced at Nagali Buddha, also with a calm expression on his face.

"I will not go back on what I have promised. He has helped me a lot, as well as the Western Heaven Realm. I cannot neglect this predestined person."

Hearing Tathagata's words, it is obvious that none of them can change Tathagata's mind.

If the Tathagata speaks, how can it be possible to say nothing?
Hearing this, Chu Tian already had a smile on his face.

Regardless of the somewhat resentful eyes of the surrounding Buddhas, Chu Tian said directly: "Saint Buddha, what you said must be counted, let me choose the great supernatural powers."

Tathagata didn't even open his mouth, Kali Buddha's complexion changed drastically, and he called out: "Bold, my master has great supernatural powers, how can you choose at will, you are not a major in Buddhism, what qualifications do you have to ask my master. "

Chu Tian curled his lips with a cold face; "I didn't ask you."

Stared at by Chutian's eyes, Kali Buddha really looked ugly, clenched his fists and trembled all over.

Unable to speak, the Tathagata Buddha on the side had already called out the Buddha's name and said to Chu Tian, ​​"Of course what the Buddha said counts. What supernatural power do you want to learn?"

It can be seen that Tathagata only thinks that he has got one billion cents.

With a little smile on the corner of Chu Tian's mouth, when he raised his hand, he took out all the immortal coins in his hand, and handed over one billion immortal coins to the Tathagata Buddha first.

After paying 10 billion immortal coins, he took out another item, placed it in front of Tathagata, and asked with a light smile, "Holy Buddha, do you know what this is?"

Seeing the relic in Chutian's hand, the Tathagata Buddha's expression changed, and he was really moved; "This, this is the relic of the ancient true Buddha. I don't know, where did you get it from?"

It is also rare to see Tathagata with a longing face, who said that Tathagata has no desires and desires.

It's just a lack of interest in general stuff.

The relic in his hand is not an ordinary thing. Chu Tian coughed dryly, and couldn't help it long ago, and said, "I have spent a lot of hard work and gone through many hardships to get this relic. Tell me, you I can't believe it, I almost died there because of this relic!"

Of course it was all made up by him.

The purpose is to raise the price of this relic. He does not believe that this relic must only be sold for one billion cents.

Could it be that it can't be worth 20 billion cents?
Looking at the thoughtful face of Tathagata in front of him, Chu Tian had a lot of smiles on his face.

Tathagata thought for a while, then nodded, clearly agreeing with Chutian's words; "That's right, the ancient true Buddha relic, this is definitely not something that ordinary people can get. If you want to get this thing, you don't have to go through a catastrophe." Impossible, Xianyou really worked hard."

"Here, the Buddha is willing to pray for you!"

He doesn't want such prayers, what he wants is immortal coins, what he wants is the great supernatural power of the Tathagata!
Chu Tian let out a dry cough, raised his head, looked at Tathagata in front of him, and said seriously, "This relic is not of much use to me, I want to give it to Tathagata, I don't know, how much fairy coins can you buy it from Tathagata? "

(End of this chapter)

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