Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 219 Killing Tathagata Buddha

Chapter 219 Killing Tathagata Buddha
In an instant, Chu Tian's Buddha Dharma appearance also changed instantly.

This is exactly the great supernatural power of Tathagata pressing the bottom of the box.

The Buddha is coming to the world!

Even among Tathagata's disciples, none of them can comprehend it, but Chu Tian can perform it, which is shocking.

More than 20 Buddhas were also in a daze, watching Chutian cast the Heavenly Buddha to come to the world.

This day, the Buddha was so terrifying that Chutian's Buddha Dharma was directly strengthened.

The crazy and powerful Buddha figure is like a giant.

When the Heavenly Buddha moved his hands, he wrapped all the Buddhas.

When the hands were brought together, all the Buddhas were held tightly in their hands.

The Buddha's face changed drastically, and he wanted to run away, but facing Chutian's Heavenly Buddha, his strength did not reach that of a fairy king, and he was completely grasped by Chutian's Heavenly Buddha directly in the palm of his hand.

puff puff!

The blood spattered out, dyeing the entire sky of the Western Heaven Realm red.

This burst of blood is really shocking.

Many Buddhist immortals never thought that the Buddha under the Tathagata seat of the Western Heaven Realm would be solved by someone in this way.

This guy is crazy enough.

Really dare to kill the Buddha under the Tathagata seat, this is obviously against the Tathagata.

An immortal Lord Buddha who escaped was so angry that he watched his own people die tragically at the hands of Chu Tian, ​​which made his expression fluctuate.

He clenched his fists, raised his head and stared at him, it was a kind of anger.

"You bastard, you, you actually killed so many people in our Tathagata Buddha Hall, I will definitely tell Tathagata about this, just wait and see!"

Chu Tian's face was calm. Hearing the other party's words, there was no trace of fear in his eyes. When he curled his lips, his eyes were extremely cold. When he raised one hand, the movement of this hand was also very direct and so sudden.

Every move of one hand is directly pressed over with one hand.


The Heavenly Buddha slapped him with a palm, and the face of the Immortal Buddha changed drastically, and he offered his Buddha Dharma, trying to resist the Heavenly Buddha of Chutian.

Unfortunately, Chutian's Heavenly Buddha was bestowed by the Tathagata.

The presence of the Heavenly Buddha can increase the strength of the Buddha Dharma several times. Chutian's Dharma Dharma was originally close to Dacheng.

With the presence of the Heavenly Buddha, even in an instant, it surpasses Dacheng.

This power is full of terror.

How could Xianjun Buddha resist.

It was feared by Chu Tian's palm, which fell directly from the sky and landed on the ground, turning into a puddle of blood.

Seeing his death, Chu Tian took back the Heavenly Buddha.

The people around looked at all this with terrified faces, especially when they noticed that Chu Tian dared to kill the people in the Tathagata Buddha Hall. These people's faces were extremely ugly, and it was also a deep taboo.

"He, he is really crazy. He even dared to kill the disciples under Tathagata. If Tathagata knew, Tathagata would definitely not forget about it."

"That's right. Originally, it was about destroying the Buddhist temple. You just need to apologize to Tathagata. Now that the trouble has come to this point, he is finished."

"Hey, even if he fights against the first Buddha's sage family, as long as he is not in the Western Heaven Realm, he will have nothing to do. But if he fights against the Tathagata, where can he go?"

Some people sighed, the change in their faces, and a sigh fell in Chu Tian's ears, causing Chu Tian to curl his lips.

That face didn't change at all.

So what about Tathagata!
He Chutian is really not afraid of being chased and killed by Tathagata, what he hates the most is being blamed.

Who is this person, he must find out and put him to death.

With a bit of arrogance on Chu Tian's face, he glanced at the Buddha Immortals in the Western Heaven Realm, and then turned around and left without stopping a step.


After leaving the West Heaven Realm, Chu Tian had no time to rush back to the South Heaven Realm.

The distance between the two heavens is too far, so hurry back.

He even has no time to return to the mortal world.

If she saw that she was not there, she didn't know what Qing Xiaoyu and Liu Xinxin would do.

Thinking of this, he left directly from the edge of the Western Heaven Realm, used the Tongtian Token, and returned to the mortal world.

This time the harvest of the heavens was good, he did not expect that he could get the three great supernatural powers of the Tathagata.

He also won the first-rank priesthood and fairy position.

Back in his villa again, Chu Tian had a smile on his face.

But taking advantage of the late afternoon, I wanted to find Liu Xinxin and Qing Xiaoyu.

Pushing open the door of the room, as soon as she walked out, she saw Zhang Xuelian waiting on the sofa outside the room.

Unexpectedly, the eldest lady of this family was waiting for him outside the door, and she probably didn't dare to knock on the door. She waited for him in this living room for a long time.

Seeing Chutian come out, Zhang Xuelian's eyes lit up and her face was happy, but she still didn't dare to go any closer, she bit her lip, and the look in her eyes was complicated.

If it was before, if the Zhang family didn't offend Chutian, maybe she would happily walk up to her and greet her warmly.

But now, the Zhang family made a big mistake and made her face Chutian with a little nervousness.

Glancing at Zhang Xuelian, Chu Tian seemed very calm, and the things agreed with Zhang's family could just be completed.

"You came."

As soon as Chu Tian stepped forward, Zhang Xuelian smiled and nodded, with a very happy expression on her face: "Well, Young Master Chu is a nobleman of our Zhang family. If Young Master Chu has any orders, our Zhang family dare not fail to complete them."

"Our Zhang family has already sent out invitation letters, inviting the northern and southern aristocratic families, as well as the big and small families from the east and west to come to bid!"

Zhang Xuelian looked over curiously, and really cared about what Chutian sold.

After a long silence, I still couldn't help asking carefully; "Young Master Chu, are you ready for what you have prepared?"

Chu Tian nodded, his face was calm, with a sense of casualness. For this kind of auction, he needs to prepare some good things, just take out a few ordinary fairy things casually, and that's enough.

Seeing Chutian nodding, Zhang Xuelian took the initiative to lead Chutian out of the room.

Zhang's car is already waiting at the door.

Chu Tian frowned, he really felt a bit displeased with the Zhang family's enthusiasm, which made him have no time to see Liu Xinxin and Qing Xiaoyu.

"What's wrong with Young Master Chu?"

"I have something to do with my two girlfriends, so don't go there now."

"oh oh."

Zhang Xuelian was taken aback, she didn't dare to refute Chutian's words, so she had no choice but to follow Chutian's instructions and take Chutian to the Qing Group.

Qing Xiaoyu must be here.

Liu Xinxin might also be with Qing Xiaoyu. Thinking of this, Chu Tian took out his mobile phone and called Qing Xiaoyu.

After a while, Qing Xiaoyu's phone call came through.

Qing Xiaoyu's voice came over with a little joy; "Young Master Chu, are you back, do you want me to send a car to pick you up?"

"No need, are you in the company? Is Xinxin with you?"

"Well, who is Young Master Chu with now?"

Unexpectedly, Qing Xiaoyu was so keen, Chu Tian glanced at Zhang Xuelian at the side, and said calmly, "People from the Zhang family have something to do with me, I'm here to see you."


(End of this chapter)

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