Chapter 220

Chu Tian sat in Zhang's car and soon arrived at the head office of the Qing Group.

Behind him, Zhang Xuelian also took the elevator together, and went directly to the office of the Qing Group.

Before he went in, Chutian heard a chaotic sound coming from inside, which made him frown.

No one expected that someone would come to the Qing Group to make trouble.

As soon as he stepped forward, Chu Tian also directly raised his hand and pushed the door of the room open.

Everyone in the room was stunned when they saw Chu Tian appear.

Qing Xiaoyu's eyes lit up, and Liu Xinxin also looked happy.

Instead, when they saw someone coming in, the faces of the two men in front of them pulled and looked unhappy.

"Who are you, did not see that we are dealing with important matters, get out."

"This is a matter for our Han family and Qing family. Anyone who is not qualified to intervene, get out!"

A man from Han's family pulled his face and glared angrily.

There was also a cold snort from someone beside him, who glanced at Chu Tian with a look of contempt and a defiant attitude.

It only made Chu Tian's eyes turn cold, he didn't expect that the people from the Han family would dare to come here, it was clearly because of the incident on the boat last time.

It was only then that he came to this place, and because of his relationship, he asked the Qing family to settle the score.

Without even thinking about it, Chu Tian walked up to Qing Xiaoyu, seeing that the two women were fine, then his eyes fell on the man from the Han family and the person brought by the Han family.

"The person your Han family is looking for is me, you dare not trouble me, come to trouble the Qing family, you are really rubbish!"

Chu Tian curled his lips, his expression was somewhat cold and arrogant.

Now that he possesses the supernatural power of the Tathagata, in this mortal world, who is his opponent.

He has enough proud capital.

Hearing Chutian's words, the face of the Han family man in front of him sank.

A man on the side also laughed loudly; "Well, no wonder you dare to trouble the big families on both sides. I didn't expect that you would be so arrogant. It's interesting."

"I just don't know, who gave you such arrogant capital, do you know that the Han family is under the cover of our Tiemu family!"

As soon as he lifted his foot, the man from the iron and wood family had a gloomy expression on his face, and a cold light shot out from his eyes, which landed on Zhang Xuelian who was beside him.

Zhang Xuelian shivered all over, looking at the man in front of her, she couldn't help crying out.

"You, you are the west generation, the Tiemu family, a thousand-year-old family!"

Zhang Xuelian's face was full of surprise, she looked at the man in front of her, she gritted her teeth, her eyes fell on Chu Tian, ​​and she couldn't help but whispered; "Young Master Chu, this Tiemu family is a generation in the west, and they are well-known cultivators. Family, the strength of their Tiemu family can even be ranked among the thousand-year-old Chinese families, top 8."

This ranks No. 8, but it is a very scary thing.

It also shows that there are many hidden masters in this thousand-year-old family.

In this regard, the Zhang family cannot compare at all, even the Zou family, it is rare to compare with the Tiemu family.

Unexpectedly, the Tiemu family would be here, which made Zhang Xuelian look cautious.

Temu Zhi has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and the aura of his whole body is even more astonishing.

According to Tie Muzhi, he is also a master of Taoism in the middle stage of Jindan. In his opinion, it is easy to destroy this Qing family.

However, he was a little surprised that this kid actually knew someone from a thousand-year-old family.

Especially Zhang Xuelian's words made him curl his lips and look at him with a cold face; "Oh, so you are also a thousand-year-old Chinese family. It's a pity that we, the Tiemu clan, have never heard of your name."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that we, the Tiemu clan, practice the true way of Buddhism. We cultivate the way with Buddhas. This way of Buddhism is bestowed by the immortals and Buddhas in the heavens!"

He raised his head with arrogance on his face.

Practicing Buddhism and Dao is much more powerful than ordinary cultivation of Heavenly Dao.

Everyone knows that Buddhism is extremely vast and profound, and this is definitely one of the best ways to practice Taoism and become immortal.

Zhang Xuelian was shocked, and when she heard the other party's words, she really cried out in surprise.

"Buddhism and immortality, you, your Tiemu family, yes, it is a Buddhist and Taoist cultivating family. In this way, your Tiemu clan has a lot to do with Buddha cultivators. No, it is impossible."

"Buddhist, Daoist, this is a god-given immortal Buddha, this one can be regarded as one of the best, no wonder your Tiemu clan can be ranked in the top 8 of the millennium family!"

Zhang Xuelian was stunned, her face was extremely ugly, this face proved that the person in front of her was very powerful.

Of course, this is only for mortal families.

But in front of Chutian, this is simply a joke.

A small mortal family of Buddhism and Taoism?

He Chutian would be afraid, but he had directly angered the Tathagata, the most powerful force in the entire Buddha's cultivation of immortality, in the past.

Killed the Buddha under the seat of the Tathagata.

This is the most powerful force to provoke Buddha Immortals. What was he afraid of, Chu Tian?
Looking at the man in front of him, Chu Tian curled his lips and looked disdainful: "It's worth your pride to be such a trash, you are really a bunch of idiots."

"I advise you to hurry up and major in other Taoism. If you complete Buddhism and Taoism, you will not be able to get rid of the fact that you will become garbage!"

Hearing Chu Tian's words, Tie Muzhi's expression changed, his face was ugly, and he was directly angered; "You, what did you say to Lao Tzu, you said that the Buddhism that Lao Tzu practiced is rubbish Taoism, you, you What kind of Tao does tm cultivate, is it considered a truly good Tao?"

"Could it be that you are the Taoism of the Infinite Heavenly Dao, hahaha, even if it is the Infinite Heavenly Dao, how can it compare to our Buddha Taoism?"

As soon as Chu Tian raised his head, his face was full of arrogance, and he said without even thinking about it; "I, Chu Tian, ​​don't need to practice other people's ways. I will form my own way. It is my own way, which surpasses all other ways. I can become a fairy by myself!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Tie Muzhi was taken aback.

Even Zhang Xuelian looked complicated.

It is simply impossible to form one's own way. There are so many thousand-year-old aristocratic families, even if there are immortals in the heavens who enter the Tao, it is difficult to cultivate the righteous way.

Not to mention, actually want to create one.

Tie Muzhi just thought it was extremely ridiculous, and this was the biggest joke he had ever heard; "Haha, I have lived for so many years, but I have never heard you exaggerate. I don't want to talk nonsense with you."

"If you dare to provoke the Han family, you will provoke our Temujin, and I, Temujin, will be the first to not keep you!"

His face pulled, and he raised his hand. It was the terrifying Buddhist and Taoist Dharma, which directly bumped towards Chu Tian.

"Amitabha, eat my palm, the real palm of Buddha!"

With one movement of one hand, he slapped Chu Tian directly.

This palm of the Buddha's Taoism, with a little Buddha's light pouring down, hits directly.

Zhang Xuelian's complexion changed drastically, and she couldn't help shouting out; "Young Master Chu, be careful, people who practice Buddhism and Taoism can destroy the primordial spirit, Young Master Chu, hurry up and get out of the way."

Chu Tian who stood there did not hide.

He doesn't even bother to hide!

(End of this chapter)

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