Chapter 221
Seeing the opponent coming with a palm, Chu Tian smiled contemptuously.

He needs to hide, this is not a joke, these guys are really too overconfident, and dare to fight him with such a small Buddha way.

The moment Chu Tian shook his head and moved his hand, he didn't even think about it.

"I want you to know what is the real Buddhism, Taoism and immortality!"

"Buddha, Taoism and Immortal Law, a hundred Buddhas worship!"

What Chu Tian learned was the ancient Dharma. If he wants to practice this kind of small Buddhahood, Taoism and Immortal Dharma, it should not be too simple or easy.

Originally, he didn't want to practice this kind of minor Buddhahood, Taoism and Immortal Dharma, but if anyone wanted to use the ancient Dharma directly, he would destroy the whole building.

Therefore, he still had to be more cautious, and only let him lightly perform this little Buddha, Dao, and Immortal technique.

As soon as he raised his hand, the Buddha's radiance flourished and covered Tiemuzhi in front of him, causing Tiemuzhi's little Buddha palm to collapse instantly.

Feeling the horror of Chutian Buddha's light, his face was ugly and his whole body trembled.

They all knelt down directly and bowed to Chu Tian. Those kneeling on the ground with ugly faces were all directly shocked by Chu Tian's hand.

What a terrifying and powerful Dharma this is.

He Tiemu Zhi practiced Buddhism, and the Buddhism of Tiemu's family has also achieved great success, but now, he felt that Chu Tian's light hand, actually surpassed his family's Buddhist way, which made him look ugly .

He was directly shocked by Chutian's hand.

His face was full of shock.

"No, it's impossible, why, why do you have such a terrifying Buddhist method, I don't believe it, I don't believe you are a Buddhist practitioner!"

Seeing the stunned and unbelievable face of the other party, Chu Tian curled his lips, and said indifferently: "I am not cultivating a small way of becoming a Buddha like you. You don't understand the way of Buddhism that I practice. If you want to talk about Buddhism Dao Xiuwei, don't talk about you."

"Even in the whole world, there is only one person who can compare to me!"

Chutian originally had ancient Buddhist scriptures and obtained ancient Buddhist teachings.

I also realized the supernatural powers of the Tathagata. In this entire fairy world, except for the Tathagata, who can compare with him.

Seeing that Chutian's face didn't look like he was lying, Tie Muzhi vomited blood.

He has practiced Buddhism and Taoism for decades, and he believes that the Buddhism and Taoism of their Tiemu clan is the top of China.

The most pinnacle of existence.

But now, he realized that he was totally wrong. The Buddhist and Taoist methods of their Ironwood Clan were really inferior to the kid in front of him.

What is the origin of this kid, the method of Buddhism and Taoism he displayed is so powerful and terrifying.

Tie Muzhi vomited blood depressedly.

How could Zhang Xuelian not be surprised? She never thought that Chu Tian was also practicing Buddhism, and he was even more powerful than that thousand-year-old family who majored in Buddhism.

With just this hand of Buddha's light, he directly pressed it, making the other party Tie Muzhi kneel down and vomit blood.

It is enough to prove that Chutian's Buddhism is the one that surpasses the thousand-year-old family in front of him.

Now Zhang Xuelian can't calm down anymore.

Not majoring in Buddhism, it is better than majoring in Buddhism!
She no longer dared to speculate about how terrifying Chutian's strength was.

Chu Tian glanced over contemptuously, looked at the person kneeling and vomiting blood in front of him, turned aside, and snorted coldly; "You are such a piece of trash, what's the matter, you should stand up and resist, let me teach you the way of Buddhism, this is Don't be too ridiculous about the Buddhism and Taoism of your thousand-year-old family."

He was directly angered by Chutian's words.

Tie Muzhi clenched his fists, resisting Chutian's Dharma forcefully, stood up, his face exploded with anger, and he went crazy.

"You don't want to insult the Buddhism of our Tiemu clan. Many of our Tiemu clan have become immortals. We are the real supreme Buddha. Let me show you the true Buddhism of our Tiemu clan!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, all the golden cores were broken, and the spiritual energy gushing out gathered together.

I just want Chu Tian to learn the Buddhist and Taoist methods of their Tiemu family, so that this kid will no longer insult their Tiemu family.

Tiemu Zhi's violent aura made the floors around him tremble, and at this moment, Tiemu Zhi's whole body was covered with a layer of Buddha's light.

A little golden light shone on his body.

Falling into Zhang Xuelian's eyes, her face was filled with astonishment, and she was really astonished.

"This, this is a great achievement of Buddhism and Taoism. I have only heard that someone can do it. I have never seen it. This is the first time I have seen a self-formed golden body."

"Straight into a golden body?"

Chu Tian raised his head and looked over, only to realize that this was clearly the most elementary stage of Buddhism.

Only after becoming a golden body and getting a golden body, can one slowly comprehend the Buddha's Dharma.

Of course, there is no such great opportunity, like him, he cannot obtain the Buddha's Dharma appearance with a mortal body.

He was directly taught by the Tathagata, and only then did he comprehend the Buddha Dharma.

For a mortal cultivator who can obtain a self-contained golden body and the lowest level of Buddha Dharma, it is considered to be quite powerful.

But for others, the strength is very good.

But in Chu Tian's eyes, it was always not enough.

Seeing that the other party raised his hand, there was a dazzling Buddha's light in those hands, and he slapped him directly.

The whole body flew up into the air, and the golden body all over the body was like the sun,
Hit directly into Chu Tian.

Feeling the dazzling light of the other party's golden body, Chu Tian narrowed his eyes, and when the other party arrived, he really curled his lips and sneered in a flash.

The words he spoke were so calm and unhurried.

"Become a golden body, haha, okay, since you can become a golden body by yourself, I will let you see a little more things, so that you can die well!"

His eyes turned cold, the words in Chu Tian's mouth could only be heard by two people.

"Buddha Dharma, I am the true Buddha!"

Chu Tian trembled, and a phantom appeared behind him.

Zhang Xuelian couldn't see the strangeness of this phantom, but Tie Muzhi was stunned, and when he heard Chu Tian's soft words, his whole body was shocked.

If he heard correctly, this is the true Buddha Dharma of the heavenly Buddhas and Immortals, and it is the Dharma that can only be cultivated by the Supreme True Buddhas and Immortals.

Why would this kid?
Is there a relationship between this kid and the heavens?
This kid was actually able to learn the true Buddha and Immortal Law in the heavenly world, which made him want to vomit blood again.

How terrifying and powerful this true Buddha's immortal law is, how could it be possible for an ordinary practitioner, not a person who majors in Buddhism, to comprehend it.

Now he suspects that the kid in front of him didn't major in Buddhism before, so he lied to him.

But the other party dismissed Buddhism and Taoism, which clearly shows that they are not people who major in Buddhism and Taoism.

It's not that the majors are all so powerful, it's enough to make those old guys in the Ironwood Clan almost pissed off.

Even if Tie Muzhi became a golden body, how could he be the opponent of Chutian's True Buddha Immortal Technique? As soon as Tiemu Zhi approached, he would always bump into Chutian's True Buddha Immortal Technique.

He was slapped away by Chutian's True Buddha Immortal Technique.

Temuzhi's regular man flew upside down and crashed into the wall directly, causing the wall to collapse instantly.

Tie Muzhi, who was lying on the ground, was covered in blood and could not get up.

(End of this chapter)

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