Chapter 232

early morning.

Chutian used the Tongtian Token and entered the fairy world again.

He who appeared in Tianmen originally wanted to go to the Southern Heaven Realm.

However, when the heavenly soldier in front saw him coming back, he cupped his hands and said one thing with a smile on his face.

"Master Immortal Envoy, I don't know, have you heard about the return of the Daoist Daoist from the Eastern Heaven Realm?"

"Returning from Dao of Seizing Heaven?"

"Yes, this happened 100 years ago. The Daoist sneaked into the Dao of Heaven, seized the Dao of Heaven, and returned with a full load. I am afraid that there are many good things in the Eastern Heaven Realm this time."

Tianbing looked over with a smile on his face.

It was obvious that he had said this on purpose.

Chutian didn't want to let go of the good things. After thinking about it, he returned to Nantianmen, but he didn't have anything to do.

Instead, look at the East Heaven Realm.

In his hand, he also has the Daoist's certificate of discussion, and the exchange token for the Taoist book of the Taoist Temple of the Taoist Temple, and he can get the Taoist book.

In addition, according to the Heavenly Soldiers in front of him, it took this generation of Daoist saints 100 years to win the Dao of Heaven, and brought some treasures to the East Heaven Realm.

Maybe, when he went there, he would have a chance to get a few treasures of Taoist saints.

This made Chutian raise his hand with a little expectation, without thinking, "Send me to the East Heaven Realm."

Without further ado, the Heavenly Soldiers raised their hands and sent Chu Tian directly into the East Heaven Realm.

This trip to the Eastern Heaven Realm, he had to go.


In the Eastern Heaven Realm, fairy clouds are pervasive, and the place is colorful.

The light was shining brightly, and the surrounding brilliance shone over, as expected, it was like a real fairyland.

In other words, the Southern Heaven Realm is like a bustling small market.

But the Dharma in the Western Heaven Realm is strict, and the entire heaven realm carries an atmosphere of dignity.

Now, this Eastern Heaven Realm is different, full of lights and colors, this is the real Heaven Realm.

If you want to come to this generation of Taoist saints, you will definitely enjoy it. This Daosheng hall is suspended in the sky by colorful fairy clouds.

This is the heavenly hall in the sky, which shines on the entire eastern heaven like sunlight.

This is also a holy place for Taoism to cultivate immortals.

It is the Taoist Temple.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his head, although he was attracted by the Taoist temple in front of him, he still did not forget the destination of his visit to the East Heaven Realm this time.

It was so hard to come here once, how could he not look for it, East Heaven Realm, is there any good things that he can buy some back.

There are not a few hawkers in the East Heaven Realm, but unfortunately, the hawkers here are all small garbage.

It's not what Chutian wants at all.

"99 Royal Dao Talismans, which can control all things, control them to become small soldiers in your hands, only [-], one price."

"Look at the Taoist commemorative handbook. When you come to Dongtian Street, you must have a commemorative handbook. The price is [-] cents."

Hearing that someone was selling Daosheng's souvenirs, Chu Tian stepped forward curiously to check.

The businessman looked at Chu Tian with a smile on his face, and said with a smile, "My great immortal, it seems that this is your first visit to our Eastern Heaven Realm, and our Eastern Heaven Realm's strength is also one of the best among the four great heaven realms."

"Especially this Daoist commemorative handbook, but you understand our East Heaven Realm, the best thing!"

Looking at the salesman in front of him, Chu Tian gave [-] cents directly without any nonsense.

"Give me a copy."

"Thank you Daxian for your patronage, thank you Daxian for your care."

Chu Tian waved his hand to prevent the other party from thanking him.

When he buys things, besides knowing who the Taoist is, there is another thing.

In the East Heaven Realm, where is the venue for the Daoist Discourse on Dao Certificate?
Also, he was very concerned about the difference between the Dao Discourse Certificate and the Tathagata's Dharma teaching.

"I want to ask, I have a Daoist Discussion Certificate pass, where do I go to see the Daoist?"

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the small traders in front of them were stunned, all of them were shocked.

"I didn't expect, little brother, that you are also a person who participated in this Dao Discourse Certificate Conference."

"What do you mean?"

"Little brother doesn't know that the immortals of the four great heavenly realms are well aware of the Dao Discussion Certificate of the Hundred Year Realm. Many people from the heavenly courts will come to participate."

This event is very grand, but it is said that there is something special about it.

This is fundamentally different when the Tathagata speaks the Dharma. If the Tathagata speaks the great Dharma, anyone can listen to it as long as they have a passport.

But this generation of Taoist saints likes to play tricks.

"Every year at our Daosheng Discussion Certificate Conference, we will set up three checkpoints. These three checkpoints are set up by our Daosheng himself. Only by passing these three checkpoints and getting the top 3 can we meet with Daosheng and get his approval." Teach it yourself."

Chu Tian froze, hearing that this Taoist was different, he frowned and asked, "How many people are there for this conference?"

"Haha, this time in our conference, there are at least a thousand immortals, and among them, only Da Luo Jinxian and above can participate. There are many immortal kings, and there are also several immortal emperors."

The strength of a generation of saints and Taoist saints is not much worse than that of the past.

Opening the commemorative brochure of the Daoist, Chu Tian knew that this Daoist was the descendant of Xuanyuan Huangdi.

His name is Xuantian, and he is also a genuine Daoist in the East Heaven Realm.

When Chutian was about to arrive at the location of the three checkpoints this time, he also planned to go directly with his pass.

Before passing, the face of the businessman in front of him changed, and he couldn't help raising his hand and said, "Shangxian, actually, you don't have to rush over. The three checkpoints start, and they won't start until the afternoon."

"There is still time. I wonder if Shangxian is willing to take a look at our auction house in the East Heaven Realm?"

It's been a long time since the Heaven Realm Auction House.

Presumably, he had been to the auction house in the South Heaven Realm several times, but he couldn't find it in the West Heaven Realm.

Let's go to the auction house in the past, maybe you can buy some good things.

The small merchant in front smiled, and led Chutian towards the auction.

On the way, Xiaoshangfu couldn't help but whispered in front of Chutian; "Shangxian, this auction is not easy. It was originally managed by our Daoist, and sometimes, Daoist will also get things. Here to sell."

"To tell you the truth, this time the Daoist saint put a treasure that surpasses the heavenly dao in this auction, waiting for someone who is destined to come to bid for it."

Chu Tian's eyes lit up, and he was happy when he heard this.

Daoist stuff, this means taking everything down.

While thinking about it, a voice came from beside my ear.

"System task, get the secret treasure of Seizing Heaven, and you can get a random treasure map!"

The long-lost mission made Chu Tian feel at ease. Along the way, he soon saw this large auction in the East Heaven Realm.

This auction is being held outdoors.

Taoist is also relieved.

Whoever wants it, this place is not far from the Daosheng Hall, which is high in the sky, and many Taoist immortals are peeping at this Eastern Heaven Realm.

Still not many people dare to mess around.

But ahead, the auction had already started, and when Chu Tian came, it was in the middle of the process.

Unexpectedly, he came late, but he didn't know if the things he wanted to buy were still there?
(End of this chapter)

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