Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 233 Daosheng Yangxin Pills

Chapter 233 Daosheng Yangxin Pills

"What is being auctioned now is the Yangxin Pills that Daosheng personally refined. Ten pills together can heal the damaged body. The starting price for one piece is 100 yuan, and the starting price for all of them is [-] million cents coins."

One thing was displayed, this is the elixir refined by Dao Sheng, and the effect of this elixir is very good.

The elixir refined by the Daoist is more powerful than the Taishang Laojun.

Don't forget, the Yellow Emperor's inner alchemy is the genuine formula of the number one elixir in the fairy world.

Even Taishang Laojun's pills can't compare.

Everyone knows the effect of this Yangxin Pill, it is a great thing to treat internal injuries.

100 million immortal coins is not too high.

Every bid was made by someone who directly bid 110 million.

Soon, it was all quarreled to 1 million cents.

Other people's Yangxin Pills cost less than 1 cents a piece, but Dao Sheng's was directly multiplied by a hundred times.

It also made Chu Tian sigh, but at the same time, he didn't have any intention of fighting.

It's not that he is short of money, but that buying this thing is of no use to him.

He has a few immortal lives in his body, so he is not afraid of getting hurt at all.

I watched helplessly that the price was approaching 2 million.

A voice sounded, it was directly raising the price.

"Two hundred, 250 million!"

This is a man with a scholarly temperament. This man's face is pale, his lips are dry, and his face is very ugly.

The voice was trembling, and the words he yelled did not have much confidence.

It made Chu Tian frown, it was not the man's appearance that attracted him, but the man's identity.

People around were talking about it, and it was obvious that the identity of this man was not simple.

"He is the successor of Dao Zun, Zhang Ren, hey, once Dao Zun died, a heavy responsibility fell on him. He has a stubborn illness, how could he take on such a heavy responsibility."

"That's right, Daoist was killed, and now he is alone. In my opinion, it is impossible for him to become Daoist again."

"The next Daoist, isn't someone already chosen? The Zhang family has fallen, and the Xuan family has risen. Besides that Xuanming, who else can be the Daoist?"

The words of some people spread to Chu Tian's ears.

Only then did he realize that this man was actually the successor of Dao Zun.

But Dao Zun had died a few days ago.

For the position of Dao Zun, the two families fought, but the Zhang family had long since declined, and there were not many people in the Zhang family.

Not this rising opponent of the Xuan family.

There are many capable people in the Xuan family, and they also injured Zhang Ren, so they came here to buy medicine to heal the wound.

But ordinary wound medicines are useless to him, and only the elixir refined by this Taoist can heal his internal injuries as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, the money he brought was not enough.

The 3 million celestial coins in his hand are the last savings of the Zhang family. He has to buy these ten Yangxin Pills, and there is one person waiting for him.

Clenching his fists and looking ahead, Zhang Ren looked solemn.

The 250 million immortal coins are considered high, and this is already his entire savings.

Who knows, there is always one person, and the voice is very loud when he opens his mouth to argue for the price.

It was also the voice that he was so familiar with, coming directly.

"3 million cents!"

This voice really came from the eldest young master of the Xuan family, Xuan Ming, and at the same time as he finished calling, he swept across Zhang Ren who was not far away with a provocative face.

Zhang Ren clenched his fists, trembling with anger.

He didn't expect that the Xuan family was so hard on him that they wanted to rob him of everything they bought.

Looking at the Yangxin Pill in front of him, and it reached 3 million cents, Zhang Ren sighed deeply, with a sad expression on his face: "Sister, I'm sorry, brother is useless."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head, his face was dead silent.

As soon as the price of 300 million fell.

The members of the Xuan family got the elixir, and Xuan Ming held ten Yangxin Pills in front of Qi, and raised his hand: "Hey, let me ask you, do you want it?"

Looking at the ten Yangxin Pills, Zhang Ren's face changed unsteadily, he gritted his teeth, raised his head and said, "Xuan Ming, you clearly know that both my sister and I were seriously injured, and we are waiting for Daosheng's Yangxin Pills to recuperate. "

"But now, you are robbing me. You are clearly trying to wipe out our Zhang family!"

Xuanming laughed loudly, with a smug expression on his face: "That's right, what qualifications does your Zhang family have, dare to stop in front of our Xuan family, let me tell you, the position of this Daoist belongs to our Xuan family."

Zhang Ren's face was extremely ugly, he gritted his teeth, his expression fluctuated, and looked at Xuan Ming in front of him.

Sighing deeply, they all looked over seriously; "Xuan Ming, I can die, but I want you to save my sister's life, with only 5 Yangxin Pills, I, I am willing to give you 300 million cents Coins, only 5 coins are enough, my death doesn’t matter.”

Xuan Ming grinned ferociously, looked at the man in front of him with eyes above his head: "Okay, I can give it, but I want you to kneel down and beg me."

Zhang Ren's complexion changed, and his face became ugly.

He is the successor of Dao Zun, the eldest disciple of Dao Zun, how could he kneel.

Xuanming snorted coldly, with an unhappy expression on his face: "I'll count to three, whether you kneel or not, I will destroy this thing directly, anyway, this thing is of no use to me. "

As soon as he raised his hand, he held the pill bottle in that hand, and clenched it tightly in his hand.

With just one pinch, ten Yangxin Pills will be destroyed.

Zhang Ren didn't want to see this kind of thing happen. His sister was still waiting for help, so he had to get 5 Yangxin Pills.

Zhang Ren trembled all over, and couldn't help but knelt down directly.

Then there was a voice, which was a little cold.

"A man has gold under his knees. You really want to kneel down to this kind of person. It's boring. It's extremely boring. This Eastern Heaven Realm, the successor of Daoist, actually looks like this. I'm so disappointed."

Chu Tian stepped forward, couldn't help but interrupted, really couldn't stand it anymore.

This Xuan family will indeed bully people.

And the successor of this Taoist priest really planned to kneel down, so spineless.

It really made Chutian unable to continue watching. He walked forward, fixed his eyes, and snorted coldly; "Stand up, why do you kneel? It's just a Yangxin pill. Is it only he has it? If you can't buy it from him, why don't you buy it?" You can buy what other people have.”

Hearing Chutian's words, Zhang Ren's expression changed, and there was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the person who came, he was not angry at Chu Tian for interrupting.

Instead, he sighed helplessly; "Brother, you don't know, this Yangxin Pill is Daosheng's signature, and only 10 pills are supplied every year, and each pill is worth hundreds of thousands."

"Originally, the inventory was small. Who would be willing to sell this kind of treasure now? Even if you want to sell it, since I only have 300 million cents in my hand, it is impossible to buy ten of them!"

Yes, this kind of rare item is definitely more than 3 million 10 in the hands of other people.

Chu Tian curled his lips, his face indifferent: "You really don't have any ambition at all. For such a trivial matter, you have to sigh like this, and look like your whole family is dead. Are you all such useless people in the Eastern Heaven Realm?"

Chu Tian couldn't bear it anymore.

The atmosphere in the Eastern Heaven Realm is really worse than expected.

Outside of the brilliance on the outside, but in this heaven, the internal fighting is too fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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